How much spanish sounds like brazilian portuguese?
What matters?
White world is decreasing in free fall.
In little time the whole world will not see the alpins like something strong anymore. I really really think north european-european culture is all chit, is more propaganda propaganda and lack of intelligence of Brazilians.
But this will change,in little time the brazilians eyes will open and see that scumbag like they really deserves.
The hottest girls are of mixed tanned race like beyonce, jessica alba,claudia vieira,bárbara borges,eva mendes,megan fox.Big bodies-great fertility.
White people is all skinny and have ugly white asses. White beauty is propaganda propaganda but in little time national pride will be in charge following the increase of brazil's education quality,naturally.
Why russian population is decreasing?Answer:russian mens fells pity of their women.Their pride is a paper tiger that roars and scares the most naives uncultured mixed people.
Espanhóis desgraçados.
O governo dá esse incentivo inútil ao idioma espanhol,e esses palhaços ainda olham para nós com esse sentimento de superioridade.
Quando um estrangeiro vem aqui e pergunta:ráblas espanhol? Eu digo: no, i only speak english and portuguese.
Que língua brega.Los Pica Piedra(os Flinstones),Las Piedras Rolantes(Rolling Stones), El Juanito Andante (Johnny Walker), ...Quem mais faria isso?
<<ráblas espanhol?>>
Man, what the hell is this??
The "H" in Spanish is never aspirated like for you to "replace" it with the "R" sound that you use in your Brazilian accent.
If you don't like Spanish do what everyone does with obligatory languages all over the world, don't learn it. Just study to pass exams and that's it.
Stop complaining like children, guys.
<<What matters?
White world is decreasing in free fall.
In little time the whole world will not see the alpins like something strong anymore. I really really think north european-european culture is all chit, is more propaganda propaganda and lack of intelligence of Brazilians.
But this will change,in little time the brazilians eyes will open and see that scumbag like they really deserves. >>
The human genome has been mapped. Designer babies are a step away. Given their inferiority complex, Brazil will be one of the first formerly dark nations to become 100% white in a few generations.
<<The human genome has been mapped. Designer babies are a step away. Given their inferiority complex, Brazil will be one of the first formerly dark nations to become 100% white in a few generations.>>
not sure about the inferiority complex but thats surely funny lol
"not sure about the inferiority complex but thats surely funny lol "
Sim,Ren,o Brasileiro tem complexo de inferioridade.
Quando algo é produzido dentro de nosssas fronteiras,mesmo que seja superior ao equivalente estrangeiro,é naturalmente posto em posição inferior.Pensam que o estrangeiro é o que eles vêem nos filmes e na televisão.
É uma coisa notável,eu sinto que os própios brasileiros se dão conta disto,basta ver nos fóruns pelo google, os própios brasileiros se rebaixam e facilmente caem na propaganda e auto-promoção barata estrageira.
Claro, eu sou um grande admirador da diversidade e admiro as culturas estrangeiras.Mas meu compatriotas passam dos limites, eles dão espaço à submissão e falta de respeito.
Tudo que o Brasil precisa é de uma bomba atômica e um presidente progressista e inteligente igual ao do Irã ou Rússia.
La bomba atómica solamente la quieren países con complejo de inferioridad.
Spanish an Brazilian Gramáticas are similar at 89%. Spanish and Italian at 82%; and Spanish-French at 75%. That is all.
Spanish an Brazilian Gramáticas are similar at 89%. Spanish and Italian at 82%; and Spanish-French at 75%. That is all.
That is lexical similarity.
No, para ser exáctos es la sintáxis. La Gramática estudia la sintáxis(estructura de las frases y de los morfemas)y el léxico(significado de las palabras,o diccionario). Lo que pasa es que si pongo directamente sintáxis no lo entiende ni su padre.
What are your sources about syntactical similarity?
Lo leí en un informe bastante serio hecho por expertos lingüístas. También decía que la similitud entre Español y Catalán es de un 86%, es decir, mayor que la del italiano(que es del 82%)pero menor que la del Portugués(89%). Hasta luego lucas.