21st Panzer Division, i suggest that people like you speak Spanish as it was English: I mean, SAY:
"homme" and "hommes"
As clear as Latin/Russian, isn't it?
"homme" and "hommes"
As clear as Latin/Russian, isn't it?
Spanish in Europe
21st Panzer Division, i suggest that people like you speak Spanish as it was English: I mean, SAY:
"homme" and "hommes" As clear as Latin/Russian, isn't it?
Habla frances!
Hable frances! Spanish is indeed a very difficult language. Sexually difficult people like drag queens and who practice sodomy prefer Spanish.
No traten de dar lecciones de gramática, porque la gramática más perfecta en toda la humanidad OjO EN TODA LA HUMANIDAD es el español así de sencillo, tal como escribes español lo pronuncias al terminar sus palabras en vocales le dan una entonación dulce y agradable al oído................ EN TODA LA HUMANIDAD :) La lengua para hablar con Dios...
<<Spanish is indeed a very difficult language.>>
Truer words were never spoken. At least, it's tough compared to English -- about the same as French, I'd say.
The Castilian accent is pretty difficult to capture, they talk like they all have a lisp, always saying the letter S in a stranger way, that's why it's easier to understand any other Romance language.
<<The Castilian accent is pretty difficult to capture, they talk like they all have a lisp, always saying the letter S in a stranger way
>> I never understood what some people call the Spanish lisp. S in Spanish does not have any lisp, indeed it is quite palatal in Northern Spain. It's Z that sounds with a lisp, like English TH. That the [θ] sound is more frequent in Spanish that in English I don't know.
<<I never understood what some people call the Spanish lisp>>
Because it sounds like a lisp: When you compare certain cognates (usually with soft 'c', not 's'), between Spanish, English, French, etc, that 'th' sound jumps right out. This lisping "problem" seems to affect mainly Spain, and not Latin America (maybe just a few places?). If you want to get away from the annoying lisp, come on over to Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, etc. (Of course 's' sometimes disappears in certain places, but that sounds a lot more normal than the "lisp".)
Why should I get rid of the lisp? What you call a lisp is just distinction pronunciation wise of letters S an d Z. Latin Americans don't make that distinction and thus their Spanish is less accurate. Imagine that you tell your wife "me voy de caza" but she wrongly understands "me voy de casa".
How come? The Spanish language originated in Spain. That is the real Spanish. Latin American Spanish is the tropical version spoken by illiterate mulattos.
<<Latin American Spanish is the tropical version spoken by illiterate mulattos.>>
Isn't this the future of Spanish? The reason why it will sweep over the entire Western Hemisphere, displacing English as it goes? The reason why Spanish is an important language today, compared to Italian, for example, or even German? (LISP always baffled me (BTW) (never did bother to learn it (back in the day.)))
"""Franco Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:36 pm GMT
How come? The Spanish language originated in Spain. That is the real Spanish. Latin American Spanish is the tropical version spoken by illiterate mulattos. """" No, not anymore. Because spanish from Spain is degenerated; when you some spaniards, you easily think they look like retarded people. So, their use of spanish is also retarded. Spanish is a language for "paesanos", it does not have the gesture and the class of the italian and the french. So why don't you go back in your farm asshole? |