Spanish and Italian are much closer than Italian and French
« Ferme donc ton clapet pour une fois, de toute façon les français sont bien supérieurs à tous les autres! »
Cette phrase n'est pas de moi. Elle contient d'ailleurs une faute d'orthographe et une faute de ponctuation que tous les gens qui connaissent le français ne manqueront pas d'identifier.
Maria, thanks for your story. I hear you on that. The Mexican culture & Italian culture is rather similar. And when it comes to language both of them could pretty much hold an conversation and aswell benefit from it and joke around about words.
De nuevo, gracias por su cuento de vida. (spanish)
Di nuovo, grazie per la sua racconto di vita. (italian)
Italian Correction for Luis Zalot and Maria:
Di nuovo, grazie per il racconto della sua vita.
Sono andata in Messico un anno fa con i miei suoceri, i miei genitori e mio marito. Non penso che la cultura messicana sia simile alla cultura italiana, ma siamo stati in Messico per solo tre giorni. A mio babbo, Messico assomiglia molto alla Giamaica - molto bella, tropicale e qualcuno può negozziare prezzi con chiunque! Comunque, siamo stati turisti ;) Forse non abbiamo visto abbastanza di Messico.
I went to Mexico a year ago with my in-laws, parents and husband. I didn't that Mexican culture was similar to Italian culture, but we were in Mexico for only three days. To my father, Mexico resembles Jamaica - very beautiful, tropical and anyone can haggle with anyone! However, we were tourists ;) Maybe we just didn't see enough of Mexico.
Greg I don´t think that one language is better than other!! all of them are wonderful!!! your language is amazing I just think that italian and spanish are more similar than french.. its all!!
Luis you are welcome!! is a pleasure share this moment with other people.. About your phrase, I think is better to say: De nuevo gracias por su recuento de vida!! mmmmm o just: Gracias por su historia (comentario) is simpe and easy!!
Tiffany of course I don´t think that Mexico and Italy are similar geographically!! in this case Italy and France are similar, both are in the same continent, even they are neighbor countries.. But I don`t think that Mexico and Jamaica are similar, maybe you just visited caribbean places, but Mexico has other regions like, jungle, city, forest, desert etc..
We are very different coutries even the language!! I live with italians for six months so I think I learn something more about their culture...
Maria : la phrase que tu as lue n'est pas de moi (je ne pense pas non plus qu'une langue A soit 'meilleure' qu'une langue B). La phrase en question est l'œuvre d'un troll usurpateur.
You probably do, though I consider myself knowledgeable about Italian culture too. I forgot to mention it since it seems to be common knowledge on this board but my in-laws and my husband are all Italian (from Italy). However, none of us know Mexican culture very well, so we can't compare much. From what we saw, we didn't get the impression that the cultures were the same though. Just sharing my experience.
Maria, your welcome.
Mexico does resemble southern Italy in the "rural" places, especially "Sicilia" where mostly are arabic & greek/roman decent. And the houses and locations/streets are very 19th century style like Mexico. Mexico also has pockets of Italian blood {of venetian decent} in states of "Puebla (chipiloc),Veracruz,Nuevo-leon,san luis potosi,Michoacan (nueva italia), etc. Also, Mexico has an large population of "German-mennonite,Lebanese,turkish,persian,Irish,italian,french,greek,basque,american,english,russian-jews,jews,scandanivian etc DECENT. All thru-out Mexico (and well, the Majority of Mexicans are of "Spanish Decent.") The white Population of Mexico consist's of 9% and while 1% consists of "Asian,persian/arab & african." and 30% Indigenous. And 60% Mestizo (Mixed european and Indigenous or one of the above, depicted.)
Also, Germans in Mexico speak their "old german" in places in Chihuahua along side with Scandinavians and baja california and they also speak their archaic form of language. Jalisco is where the majority of the 9% spaniards and french are located at with minorities of greek & italian decent etc, also with Mestizos and very* few Indigenous ESPECIALLY in the "Rural" places. ETC. ETC. ETC.
Websites to the "Venetian-Italians" founded in Puebla, Mexico. That still speak their archaic form of Italian, considered old in Italy.) Take a look
"One of the Richest man in the world is Mexican (of Lebanese decent.)"
This may be the reason then. Thank you for that Luis Zalot. I should correct myself and say I am familiar with the culture of Northern Italy - as this is where my husband's family is from. I do not know much of the culture of Southern Italy, but know there is somewhat of a divide between the North and South of Italy.
Luis thank u for your commentary and links....
I be misunderstood when I said that Mexico is more similar to the south of Italy, I was trying to say about the character of the people, no about the place.. I think that Italian in the north are more influencied for the european people.. but they never lose this "something" special that make the difference....
In effect I know about this groups in Mexico, I live in Chihuahua, just 1 hour form this german community, they are mennonites, the government make a deal with they giving land and some benefits.. we respect their language and customs... Usually they get married just between themselves this is one of the most principal reason because they keep all the traditions, custom, etc..
there is no common point between Mexico and South Italy, i am italian who has been to Mexico and there is not.
It really depends which part of Mexico you saw, because parts of Mexico are spitting images of Italy, especially the colonial towns.
If you saw the northern cities, or Mexico City, these are more "American", and have almost no similarities to the towns of the old world, such as Italian towns. But, like many posters before me have said, cities in Guanajuato (My favorite), Jalisco, and surrounding states are very similar to those in Italy.
Mexico is a rather large country, especially when compared to European countries, and its culture can be as diverse as its land.
I agree with you Gian Mateo. Mexico is Mexico, and Italy is Italy. Yes, the people and culture may share some similarities (the similar flag doesn't counter here), and even the architecture may be similar in some respects. But people are speaking of these two countries like they are next door neighbours, with a similar history. This is a fallacy. How quickly people seem to get off topic in this forum, save for a few who know how to differentiate between fact and fiction. When I was in Mexico, it was common to see Italians thinking that they could communicate flawlessly with the Mexicans. How wrong they were. I often had to step in to explain to each what the other was trying to say. The Portuguese tourists, on the other hand, were able to communicate effortlessly. Aldo posted a poem in Spanish the other day. I am going to provide the Portuguese version of the poem beside the Spanish one. Then, hopefully, it will be clear, which two Romance languages are the closest, once and for all. Jorge.
As promised, here is the poem in Spanish and Portuguese. When it comes to the closeness of Romance languages, it does not get any more similar than this folks.
Que seas feliz, feliz, feliz
es todo lo que pido
en nuestra despedida
no pudo ser despues
de haberte amado tanto
por todas esas cosas tan absurdas
de la vida.
Siempre podras contar conmigo
no importa donde estes
al fin que ya lo ves
quedamos como amigos.
En vez de despedirnos
con reproche y con llantos
yo que te quise tanto
quiero que seas feliz, feliz, feliz
Que sejas feliz, feliz, feliz,
é tudo o que peço
na nossa despedida
não pude ser depois
de ter-te amado tanto
por todas essas coisas tão absurdas
da vida
Sempre podrais contar comigo
não importa donde estejas
ao fin que já o ves
ficamos como amigos
Em vez de despedirmos
com repreensão e com prantos
eu que te quiz tanto
quero que sejas feliz, feliz, feliz
It might be written with accordinance, but phonology of Spanish is of that of "classical latin & italian."
essas? Isn't it -issas-?