Languages Europeans find useful to know
Spanish got a decent position IMO. It can't compete against French or German which are more populated countries and geographically more central in Europe. But Spanish on the other hand gives a good run for Italian's and Russian's money. Spanish can't aspire to more in Europe. Anyways distance between English and French (68% vs 25%) is much bigger than between French and Spanish ( 25% vs 16%). 20% would be a realistc goal for Spanish but not much more. What do you think?
A language gets importance outside its natural borders in two ways:
A. by the force of weapons till it became a necessity (as it happened with Spanish, French, Portuguese, English, and Dutch in the Middle Age and Russian in modern times;
B. by circumstances like a country's economical power, sciences, arts etc situations and conditions which attract the interest of other peoples forms other countries. Here we have the ancient Greek and Latin in the ancient time; we have again English and French but also German, Chinese, Japanese in the actual time.
By having said that, I don't see why Spanish for example, (I take it as example because of these so many efforts put in here by all kind of Spaniards in trying to convince the forumists, how special this language is) would always remain a language of interest only for the Spanish speaking people and maybe for a few more dreamers and snobs but other than that I don't see why should anybody with a bit of brain in his box, be preoccupied to learn this language? It is a dead language and only the high rate of procreation among its speakers made it so wide spoken today, nothing else.
Certainly, all the Spanish trolls will jump on my comment and desiccate it but that won't change anything because this is the reality. I don't want to offence anybody but let's face it, why should a German, British, American, Australian, Italian, Polish, Russian etc learn this language? What would be the reason for that?
you answer the question, Enzo. The answer is B.
B. by circumstances like a country's economical power.
The economic power of all Hispanic countries and the GDP of Hispanics in USA and Puerto Rico, all together is bigger than the GDP of China or Japan.
It is the second World economy. That's easy, even for you. That's the reason to be the second most studied language Worldwide.
It is also very important the tendency.
Only in United States and Puerto Rico there will be 135 millon of Hispanics in 2050. I think that USA is a good example of economic power, sciencies, arts or whatever...
Penetra, the evolution of Spanish in Europe is also very good.
For example, Spanish is second in Germany, after English. The same in France or UK. In these countries is also second.
So, the distance between Spanish and German or French is smaller every year in European Union.
In short, Spanish is second in United States, 4th in European Uhion, and first in Latin America.
<<or UK. In these countries is also second. >>
In the UK, French is the main foreign language studied at most levels, and the most encouraged. Spanish, while gaining ground, and most schools do teach it, it remains considered a relatively exotic languages.
Yep, Matematik.
In UK, French is first and Spanish is second. Not so bad. It was third two years ago. And the distance between French and Spanish is smaller every year...
The original one here. I'd like to ask the ersatz Penetra (who didn't do a poor job this time): what's up with the impersonation thing, dude?
@El Zorro & Co
"The economic power of all Hispanic countries and the GDP of Hispanics in USA and Puerto Rico, all together is bigger than the GDP of China or Japan."
Are you serious? How did you calculate the GDP of Hispanics in USA? You speak about the one produced by the Yankees? You must be kidding! If you want to feed your selves with false images about you and your future, it is up to you but the truth and the matter is that USA GDP would be higher if they wouldn't have to deal (beside others) with the losses generated by "Hispanics consumers and producing nothing" as with the Hispanic aliens who illegally cross the border of USA, smuggle drugs and created millions of underground affairs, strongly sublimating the American Economy.
On the other hand, the market of China and Japan is huge and it is absorbing almost the entire manufacture of the world; then if I had to add to those two also India, then you guys won't have anything to develop but just as you do now, the biggest underground economy of the world. At such things you are the best, I admit that! Look at the products you have around you from the spoons to the TVs; are they made in Spain, are they made in South America or there is one and the same stamp on it: "Made in China"?
Tell me Zorro, honestly: What are you producing by yourself; by you own, concrete?
Mexico, although is part of the NAFTA treaty it is just screwing up the quality of any product what the North Americans, Japanese and Europeans (Germany) are making there. When a car in North America is having problems, more likely it has been built in Mexico. That's a fact!
In conclusion, wake up guys! You dream in nice colors but you better solve the problems of poverty, education, corruption, moral and social issues in all your countries before you dream of your language conquest of the world.
Take care!
LOL, the obsessed Frenchman with TV sets strikes again! fool, TVs are made all in China for 1 dollar each. No western country produces masses marketed electronic goods like TV sets. China is the country for that. As for defective cars being made in Mexico are you sure? Those defective Toyotas were made in Japan.
There is no need to count the GDP of Hispanics in USA. GDP of all Spanish speaking countries combined is bigger than GDP of France and French speaking Africa.
@ Penetra
"Those defective Toyotas were made in Japan."
The typically superficially judgment often seen at the Spanish self lovers.... You are dead wrong about Toyotas. They were made all over the world. And, as speaking about 'defective Toyotas" I am telling you that even so, they remain the best and most reliable cars in the world. Just wait to see the other car makers how many recalls will make soon. Do you know that Ford, Mercedes, GM, WV have already made recalls years before but this big scandal with Toyota is made because it is Toyota, the biggest car maker in the world! It is just a business war what we assist at now and I am glad that Toyota takes now all these measures…I ma confident that they will come back again as the most reliable cars in the world. You have to know more about Toyota in order to make comments. TPS (Toyota Production System) is the foundation for Lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kaizan manufacturing procedures and JIT
supplying principles. In other words, Toyota thought everybody in the world how to become efficient. Each 57 sec, at Corolla plants, a car is exiting the production line. A seat need 30 minutes for that. Think about it.
Then, if you want to compare Spain with France, it is unfair to include the former colonies; the actual economical conditions of the formers colonies, since they have gotten their independence, shouldn't be taken in consideration because they are on their own for quit a long time and they have developed as such by themselves….
I would appreciate if you were honest enough to compare only Spain with France or England, Nederland and then to make comments. What unit of measure do you want to use in a comparison between Spain and France: GDP, arts, culture, industry, agriculture, standard of living? I am listening!
blablabla toyota cars = fail blablabla
<< I would appreciate if you were honest enough to compare only Spain with France
We are not comparing countries, we are comparing languages. GDP of Spanish speaking countries combined is bigger than that of French speaking countries.
Since when are you comparing languages? Who brought up these stupid discussions about GDP and so? Can you be more consistent in what you are doing and saying?
I don't intend to insult you guys but jumping from one idea to another, from one subject to another like the children it is showing a lot about your way of being; about your nature and education. In the same time, it is explaining somehow why your country is, where it is now... say thank you to EU, otherwise you would have been the poorest country in Europe despite the American conquests from the pasts.
I am done with you! Today I have gotten the confirmation of my perceptions about you. And believe me, my perceptions accros Spaniards are shared also by a huge number of people. Check it out!