German vs Dutch
I want to learn a Germanic language. Right now I'm deciding between German and Dutch. I'm leaning towards Dutch for a few reasons.
1) I like the pronunciation/sound slightly more
2) I'm more likely to travel to Dutch areas than German ones
Another factor is that Dutch is closer to English and easier to learn.
Do you think it'd be more wise to learn Dutch or German in my case?
*Also, do you have any tips for learning Germanic languages? I know the pronuncation can be a challenge.
(P.S. I have a background of French & Spanish)
Learn German because they are less spineless than the Dutch. The Dutch are so spineless it's distasteful. When you start speaking in Dutch to them they will become embarrassed and sad and might even attempt suicide. They hate themselves and their culture that much! Having said that, Germans, too, are not exactly vertebrate, but they are a little better...
Are you crazy? Learn German better, it is a no brain.
If you're more likely to visit Holland then by all means learn Dutch. But be aware of the fact that the Dutch are not impressed by foreigners stuttering through their language (which you will do as a beginner) and will immediately switch to English. Germans are far more welcoming in this respect.
Yeaa if you learn German they will actually speak German with you. If you learn Dutch they will probably end up speaking English to you as the Dutch are facinated with all things American or English.
The Netherlands of today is no longer the Netherlands of the "Golden Age" 17th Century. The true Dutch left long time ago to settle other colonies while the spineless ones stayed behind and turned the Netherlands into a liberal spineless society. That's why since the 17th Century their has been no more golden age because the true Dutchmen left, leaving behind the weak ones that can't stand up for themselves or care about their culture or language.
The Dutch, as others have said, or totally spineless society to the extent they hate their own language and can't understand why anyone would want to learn in - they aspire to be either British or American and their whole live is built on the shame and sadness of not being born in the UK or US.
They won't speak to you in Dutch unless you have perfect Dutch and speak with a Dutch accent, Ie, they won't speak to you in Dutch unless they think you ARE Dutch. They find their language a source of embarresment, and if a foreign speaks it they blush, go red and almost try to hide the fact that their native language is Dutch. They will switch to their American accented English and then they we suddently feel much more at ease.
The truth is the Dutch are very sad, spineless people. They're a "tolerant" society because they don't have the back-bone to stand up to anything. Possibly some of the most pathetic people on earth.
If you want to learn Dutch with a bit of spine, go for Afrikaans.
Matematik, do you like the Dutch? I'm just curious...
And the Dutch are exporting the liberal view the rest of the world.
The leader of the Liberal Democrats in Britian, Nick Clegg is half Dutch.
If the liberals come to power in the UK, they said they would give asylum to anyone who is illegal in the UK. Go figure, the liberals will actually allow people to break the Uk immigration law and in return give them Uk citizenship (porbably millions) of illegals. Before you know it the Uk will become a haven for illegal immigrants all hoping of being given amnesty.
What a joke these liberals are... and once Europe is completely muslim it will be too late to change it. And then you would here the liberals screaming and complaining about no freedom of choice under islam.
What a joke!
<<Matematik, do you like the Dutch? I'm just curious... >>
I feel a bit sorry for them really.
<<The leader of the Liberal Democrats in Britian, Nick Clegg is half Dutch. >>
Haha, that spineless wimp just HAD to be Dutch.
Nick Clegg has a Dutch mother and a Spanish wife. He is fluent in both these languages and he also speaks German. Maybe other UK politicians could take a lead from this.
<<Maybe other UK politicians could take a lead from this. >>
Lol, take a lead from Nick Clegg? Please, no...
And to be honest, what has speaking a foreign language got to do with running a country other than kissing foreigners asses?
I don't think the LIBERALS Will EVER come to power in the United Kingdom. You can keep your liberal ideas for HOLLAND!
Have you seen the Prime Minister of the Netherlands?
He is such a liberal Wimp.
Looks like Harry Potter.... lol
The other day he tried
Pretty much somes up the Dutch liberal wimps.... i wouldn't want to be stuck with their Prime minister in the middle of nowhere. (useless)
Haha, that spineless wimp just HAD to be Dutch.
You should feel sorry for yourselves instead . Britain is in no better situation than Netherlands. In fact I heard than in some places of old Britain Sharia has replaced the civil law. Shame.