What's your opinion on Francisco Franco?
Interesting progression here at Antomoon:
1) Years ago, we had the Germanics/Latins skirmishes. These seem to have ended, as far as I can tell.
2) After that, and still continuing today but perhaps diminishing, we have the French/Spanish rivalry.
3) Now, tussles between the Spanish, either in Spain or between Spain and the Americas, seem to be breaking out.
I wonder what this all means, if anything.
As a French I enjoy having sex with men, specially blacks and muslims. Their cocks are more tasty.
This thread is about me? Wow, I feel flattered. Keep discussing while I masturbate in front of a mirror.
Can I join you, Franco? We can take turns blowing each other!
* to dismiss a Prime Minister;
There was the case of Gough Whitlam
To the cum-thirsty man who used my pseudo : tonight, while you were posting your phantasm, i was ending to fill your mother by all the holes. And she confirmed me : after having tested trains of black dicks, she prefers now WHITE big cocks like mine.
PS : she said me that you were born in a gangbang. Would you be metis ?
He wiped out many communists. He was necessary for Spain of that era, just like the Inquisition was in a more distant past.
To the cum-thirsty man who used my pseudo : tonight, while you were posting your phantasm, i was ending to fill my mother by all the holes. And she confirmed me : after having tested trains of black dicks, she prefers now BLACK big cocks like mine.
PS : she said me that I was born in a gangbang. Would I be metis?
Stop it now !
Black cocks are for me and my mother !
Franco, c'mon, baby, suck mine. It's nice and juicy.
Franco, c'mon, baby, suck mine. It's nice and juicy.
No, Franco, you are my ladyboy-friend. Stay here under my skirt.