What's your opinion on Francisco Franco?
Good reasoning Franco, See? when you try you almost sound like a normal person.
Don't forget about the Irish Brigade and the Portuguese Viriatos either, all right-wing fascist bodies fighting to overthrow the legitimate government elected democratically by the majority of people of Spain.
But don't forget either that on the (legitimate) other side was the International Brigades, more than 30,000 foreign nationals from up to 53 nations like France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, USSR, USA, UK, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Ireland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Canada and Scandinavian countries. All individual volunteers fighting against fascism, the same fascism that was going to destroy half of Europe a few years later and that could have been stopped right there and then if the governments of countries like France or the UK had shown some decency and lifted the arms embargo against the legitimate government of Spain.
But even so, that doesn't mean that that all European countries supported pro-Nazi Franco, neither that Franco was pro Nazi.
Those were volunteers , not armies sent by governments of sovereign nations . You are so desperate to find support to the socialist government among foreign countries that now you count the international brigades. Definitely you don't sound as a normal person because your reasoning abilities are below a chimp's ones.
Also the national rebels where supported by volunteers from Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Italy, etc.
You lost it again, it was a brief spell,
are you on drugs Paquito?
Allow me to remind you again,
it doesn't mean that that all European countries supported pro-Nazi Franco,
neither that Franco was pro Nazi.
Stay focused Paquito, common, you can do it
I never said Franco was beloved by France or UK, if that is what you mean. But still both countries helped Franco to win the war. If UK and France were against Franco, once Hitler was defeated in WW2, Franco would have been removed by these countries. Spain was a very weak country at those times and events were manipulated by foreign powers, if Franco was manipulated by western nations, it's not less true that the leftist Spanish government was the puppet of Stalin. All Western European countries prefered a fascist ruler like Franco, with more than subtle relationship with Hitler, rather than the commies which would make of Spain a satellite of USSR. Even you know what I say is true, so what's the point in arguing?
<< it's not less true that the leftist Spanish government was the puppet of Stalin>>
I honestly don't know what you're talking about.
How? When?
Please cite some references to back up that statement and by that I mean FACTS, historical events when the democratically elected government of Spain betrayed its voters and became a "puppet".
The actual government Paquito, don't wander off, keep focused, please.
I'll give you an example, when Aznar decided on his own to get Spain into the invasion of Irak, he was doing so against the will of more than 90% of the population, against even the majority within his own party.
That's a true historical fact when the government of Spain betrayed its voters and became a "puppet".
Please provide us with another example of puppetry, it shouldn't be that difficult since you seem to be so sure, right?
Please cite some references to back up that statement and by that I mean FACTS, historical events when the democratically elected government of Spain betrayed its voters and became a "puppet". >>
There are a lot of facts: Praise of Stalin by Spanish prime minister Largo Caballero, who was called "the Spanish Lenin". For him the USSR was a model to be followed. Also the Spanish Government gave the Spanish gold reserve to Stalin for almost free . The condition of the Spanish Government as a puppet of USSR resulted into many millions lost for Spain since Spain had fourth biggest gold reserve in the world. Imagine what the Spanish leftists would say had Aznar ceded the Spanish money to USA. In comparison to Spanish leftists and their master-slave relationship with Stalin, Franco and Hitler had a quite equal-to-equal one. Franco had the guts to say to Hitler that Spain would not take part in the world war 2 on the German side, but had the commies won the Civil War, later on they would join the Red Army and thus provoking the invasion of Spain by Hitler.
<<I'll give you an example, when Aznar decided on his own to get Spain into the invasion of Irak, he was doing so against the will of more than 90% of the population, against even the majority within his own party. >>
Aznar was voted by a majority of Spaniards, so most of Spaniards supported the invasion of Irak, period. Only elections determine if a politican is supported by the people, and not surveys carried by the left wing.
Submission of Spanish leftists to Stalin was quite evident and expressed itself in everyday life in Spain. You could walk around Spanish streets and find pro-soviet propaganda covering famous Spanish monuments in a disgusting way like Puerta de Alcalá in Madrid. This is an example:
Quite strange considering the Spanish leftists had no relationship at all with Stalin. Now give us some pictures with Swastikas in Spanish cities controlled by Franco during the Civil War, you communist lowlife.
No hace falta que lo jures, Carlitos tocapitos.
See, again the drugs or the Alzheimer taking the best judgment out of you
Those are not examples of puppetry Paquito, the gold was sent to the USSR to buy armament to defend the legitimate, democratically elected government of Spain. If France and the UK had lifted the arms embargo against the legitimate government, that would have never happened.
But what I find ironical is that you find ok to overthrow a legitimate government using Nazi weaponry but then you find legitimate to betray the will of over 90% of the population (as reported by surveys from every major media, right and left) and throw Spain into a War as a puppet of a foreign power.
What a miserable low-life you are.
Here is the definition of a puppet, Twits love him, BTW:
LOL, with the gold of the Spanish reserve , the fourth biggest in the world, the socialists could have bought the complete Red Army, half of Siberia and still they would have gold left. It was an act of supreme robbery and puppetry and the Soviets took advantage of that. Period. Compare that to Franco which being poor and a rebel with a lot of chances of being defeated at the begining of the Civil War,convinced Hitler to send him massive amounts of Nazi weapons and yet Franco betrayed Hitler and didn't take part in the WW2 on the side of the Axis. He limited himself to send a few Spanish volunteers. That is what i call being astute like a fox, no wonder why you lost the war against him.