Grammatically, Spanish is definitely harder than French.
Phonetically, French ties Spanish to a tree, rapes it, and then spits on its bruised body.
Phonetically, French ties Spanish to a tree, rapes it, and then spits on its bruised body.
Why does Spanish provoke so many passions and hatred?
Grammatically, Spanish is definitely harder than French.
Phonetically, French ties Spanish to a tree, rapes it, and then spits on its bruised body.
this is a thread about Spanish, if you want to speak about Frunch (that's who it is called right?), go and open another thread.
Why does Spanish provoke so many passions ?
¿Porque es muy bonito? Why is Spanish so hatred? ¿Porque es muy lindo?
An example of the power (and the consequent envy) of the Spanish language. It is official in the next Continental Organizations:
World: United Nations North America: NAFTA Central America: Central American Integration System Caribbean: CARICOM South America: UNASUR Europe: European Union Africa: African Union Asia-Pacific: in APEC is not official, but promoted Antarctica: Antarctic Treaty Spanish is official in 8 of them and promoted in 1. English is official in 8 of them. French is official in 5 of them Portuguese is official in 3 of them. Russian is official in 2 of them. Arabic is official in 2 of them. Chinese is official in 1 of them
An example of the power (and the consequent envy) of the French language. It is official in the next Continental Organizations:
French, along with English, is the official working language of while Spanish is not: United Nations UNESCO NATO Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) the International Labor Bureau the International Olympic Committee the 31-member Council of Europe the European Community the Universal Postal Union the International Red Cross Union of International Associations (UIA) French is the dominant working language at while Spanish is not: the European Court of Justice the European Tribunal of First Instance the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg. the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs (4/30/02) distributed by the U.S. State Department: 111 required or preferred French, 45 Spanish, 44 a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 10 Arabic, 9 Russian, 3 German, 2 Chinese. Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000. Source: French is also an official language of the ff: North America: NAFTA Caribbean: CARICOM South America: UNASUR Europe: European Union Africa: African Union Antarctica: Antarctic Treaty PS: Spanish is not official in African Union but just a working language. Only French, English, Arabic, Portuguese and Swahili are. The Hispanics are lying.
El movimiento y la fortaleza del español desgraciadamente para tí y con todo el respeto es abrumador: En cualquier ciudad de cualquier país (incluida Francia) no tienes mas que buscar el Nº de estudiantes de español hace diez años y compararlo con Nº de estudiantes de español actuales. Es preferible para tí que no los compares con la evolución de los estudiantes de francés. "je le sens mais il est vrai,mon ami"
Athleteman or simply Assholeman, you are wrong in a lot of things, but the first one is clear:
The official and working languages of the United Nations are English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and French. By the way, French is the less spoken of them, considering mother tongue speakers (hardly 75 million) and total speakers (hardly 200 million). French language is in free fall. But that is not only my idea. All the experts in language confirm this matter. A language with such a number of speakers (out of the top ten languages) shouldn't be considered a World language.
By the way, Spanish (along with French and English) is official or working language or translated language (the status you prefer) in ALL the World organizations).
On the other hand, French is NEITHER official NOR working language in CARICOM and UNASUR. The Fanatic French Fans are attacking, lying and copying like always
Desgraciadamente no se escribir ingles, pero gracias por la importancia que me das y por leerme con interés.
The Spanish-French war is an important prove. It shows that to be the second World language is very decissive economically.
UK receives a lot of people from Europe and Japan to improve English. The linguistic tourists are a lot of people that waste a lot of money in UK every year. At the same time, Spain and France (Germany and China too) are fighting to have the second World language and that is a lot of linguistic tourists. It seems that Spanish wins thanks to Latin America and USA, and that is a lot of money to Madrid, Miami, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Santiago and even Los Angeles. Los Angeles and Miami, if they are clever, can give a lot of courses of English and Spanish at the same time. If they offer both, it can be very interesting for Europeans, Japanese and Chinese people.
"Spanish wins thanks to Latin America and USA"
-- Spanish owes its low class status to the presence of too many immigrants in USA.
To +
That's your point of view. I see the opposite. For example, Miami es the bridge between Latin America and North America and it is an important business center. Besides, Los Angeles (and all California), San Antonio (and all Texas), Chicago and New York are becoming bilingual and at the same time, they are the most powerful cities of the country. California and Florida can play an important role in the linguistic market selling books, novels, guides, etc in Spanish and English to all the World, and promoving linguistic tourism. On the other hand, the less powerful States like Montana or Dakota have not Hispanics.
I have read an article about the Frenchification of the Brussels periphery. In Halle there seems to be a big Spanish (Andalusian) community who lives there for three full generations. Even that the young ones of the generation still actively speak Spanish as their main language, but they also speak fluent Dutch and use it. The previous generation, however, only spoke broken Dutch or no Dutch at all.
No taking a pick at Spaniards here, in fact, Spain itself is getting overrun by people who cannot speak Spanish or the local language like Catalan, Galician or Basque. Benidorm is such a terrible place I'd always avoid anyway. If I had to live abbroad it was for professional reasons only and I would certainly do bother learning the local lingua franca, because that common decency in my book. ;-) Anyway, Hispanophones are very patriotic about their language and culture and thus have strong spines and need to be imitated in that specific regard.
I have contradicted myself, as I would bother learning the local language because of common decency. Still, I'd also still use Dutch with other Dutch-speaking of course. I think ll those areas overflooded by common European foreigners, even tourists who visit temporarely, need to at least do effort!
(Pido a algún hispano que por cortesia hacia los que "todavía" no entienden el español que traduzca esto, gracias).
Hay algunos que confunden "cultura con poder" con "cultura superior". Hay algunos que confunden "mi cultura" con "la mejor cultura". hay algunos que confunden "cultura masiva" con "cultura inferior". "aperitivo" de Cultura latina latina: Música: Placido Domingo Literatura : Cervantes, Garcia Marquez Pintura: Goya, Picasso, Botero ...... Insignificantes ¿no? En el momento actual "lo wasp" es incapaz de asimilar que a ellos en este siglo lo estan superando "lo chino" y "lo latino". La cultura protestante/ anglo esta basada en el beneficio /dinero y mientras de beneficios funciona, pero cuando deja de darlos ¿que queda? Y es incapaz de entender que una cultura latina basada en el sentimiento la este absorviendo dado que al final lo único que queda es el sentimiento. ¿Por que gana lo latino? porque "solo es" un sentimiento y se basa : - El mestizaje con lo cual es eternamente viejo con las raices y sabiduría que eso da y "eternamente joven" con la vitalidad y energía que eso da. - no pertenece a nadie pero "si acaso al mestizo" que en el fondo somos todos. - tiene un arma poderosisima el español que nació para ser una Koiné desde el principio y permite infinidad de acentos sabrosones "unidad en la diversidad". - tiene un centro enorme y aislado America. - No exige nada, ni renunciar a nada el pertenecer al club porque en el fondo cada latino de donde realmente es "es de su pueblo". pero sin embargo todo el que no es latino "aún" identifica a un latino rapidamente. - Da una cantidad de beneficios tangibles e intangibles incleibles pertenecer a él. - Los demas idiomas tienen una capital ingles/ USA, Chino/ China Hindi /India, arabe/Egipto.... etc. Lo latino en cambio ¿de quien es?: Estados unidos, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brasil, Argentina, Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial, La península ..... ¿? de todos y de ninguno por lo tanto no caerá caiga quien caiga. - esta siempre como cultura joven y mestiza que es constantemente en expansión , en este momento la nueva frontera esta en Vancouver, Rabat, Toulosuse y Manila. - Cae simpática porque no tiene poder y es un sentimiento alegre y poderoso. La reaccion en este momento del mundo protestante es de: Asombro en Oslo Incredulidad en Londres Miedo en Dakota (1º linea de combate y completamente rodeados) |