Yes, I have noticed UK is ridiculously small.
Is it just me or is the EU pathetic?
Is it a rethoric question or you want to know what it has to do with languages in reality?
It's rhetorical..... I know why people start lame, political topics like this. It's because they are too lazy / ignorant to discuss stuff in IPA.
<<Yes, I have noticed UK is ridiculously small. >>
Your penis is probably rediculously small.
Your penis is probably rediculously small.
because they are too lazy / ignorant to discuss stuff in IPA.
I always found phonetics the most boring part of languages. Grammar and morphology seem much more interesting.
I always found phonetics the most boring part of languages. Grammar and morphology seem much more interesting.
Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and so on will inevitably default.
The European Empire is about to set a record for the shortest lived Empire ever.
The Pax Post Sovietika is nearing its end.
Amazing the pace of it. Just a few years ago they were playing games dismembering nations and... just like that, now their own members are falling off by themselves.
Oh, the irony.
The European Empire is about to set a record for the shortest lived Empire ever.
The Pax Post Sovietika is nearing its end.
Amazing the pace of it. Just a few years ago they were playing games dismembering nations and... just like that, now their own members are falling off by themselves.
Oh, the irony.
It's interesting how this thread has survived the recent thread "purges" (so far).
Franco, you spanish pricks can't even pronounce English properly..!!!
You sound like spastics when you talk..!!!
You sound like spastics when you talk..!!!
I'm afraid it goes a lot further than just 'sounding' like spastics......
I couldn't care less not being able to speak English properly. For practical purposes English is just a writen language as I only use it to read books in English but rarely have to speak it, almost never now that I think.
Let it be that way I would add, because when I hear English being spoken by natives it loses all its charming. I don't know which variety is more horrible, if the American version with those potato-in-your-mouth sounding R's or Estuary English with its terrible glottal stops. If English was spoken with Spanish accent it would be a much more elegant language.
I would also like to add that I have a bizarrely distorted perception of national pride which when combined with my anxious/avoidant personality disorder often makes me type out complete shit on internet forums in an attempt to bolster my low self-esteem.
Due to my utter failure to adapt to any social environment I only have an ethnicity-based identity which often causes me to view everything as solely related to which country people are from.
Due to my aforementioned problems I am unable to find employment which means I cannot afford the therapy I so desperately need.
Yours, whilst drooling and twitching maniacally,
Due to my utter failure to adapt to any social environment I only have an ethnicity-based identity which often causes me to view everything as solely related to which country people are from.
Due to my aforementioned problems I am unable to find employment which means I cannot afford the therapy I so desperately need.
Yours, whilst drooling and twitching maniacally,
The thing is you do care Franco..!! what would be the point in just learning a language to read and write..? It has got to be so tempting to speak it as well no..?
Your talking Shiiiit and you know it Franco..!!! The spanish don't like to admit fucking nothing do they..? they are shit scared of looking stupid..!! why ..? I don't know but it's very pathetic..!!!!!
Your talking Shiiiit and you know it Franco..!!! The spanish don't like to admit fucking nothing do they..? they are shit scared of looking stupid..!! why ..? I don't know but it's very pathetic..!!!!!