Is it just me or is the EU pathetic?
Since I began learning German , English is losing a lost of interest to me. If I did care English so much I would not have started learning another language but I would keep improving my English. To be honest English bores me, I don't feel motivated to improve my English anymore. Instead, now I'm learning German. It happens to me with foreign languages the same than with women, I like to change it from time to time, otherwise it gets sooo boring.
Yeah, whatever you say Franco. I can tell your fuming and foaming at the mouth with anger, because your written English has gone to fuck..!! haha..
Just admit defeat Franco..!!!
Just admit defeat Franco..!!!
I admit I speak very bad English like 99% of Spaniards who claim they speak English. I never denied that. Believe me, people who are motivated to achieve good level of spoken English eventually attain it. I'm just not motivated, English is not that necessary as you may think, in Spain at least. Maybe are you angry because you expect the whole world to be as desperate as the Dutch to speak like natives due to their low national self steem?. You should be grateful that the Spanish dare to speak English at all, even with their thick accent . Take it as a compliment.
Well, if Dutch-speaking (as Flemish are also suck ups by times, I'm atypical) HAVE to suck up, I'd rather suck up to German than to English. Of course by preference I DON'T suck up. If neologisms need to be formed and there aren't Germanic roots to form them, I prefer Greek words.
<<what would be the point in just learning a language to read and write..? It has got to be so tempting to speak it as well no.>>
Not at all -- in fact I could easily see someone learning a language in input mode only (no writing, no speaking, just listening and reading).
It's a whole heck of a lot easier that way.
Not at all -- in fact I could easily see someone learning a language in input mode only (no writing, no speaking, just listening and reading).
It's a whole heck of a lot easier that way.
<<It's interesting how this thread has survived the recent thread "purges" (so far). >>
The moderators are Polish. The Polish usually have their spines a lot thicker than you can even imagine.
Why exactly would this thread be erased anyway? Because it's unrelated to languages? Well, that's the norm lately. Or because it calls the EU "pathetic"? What, is that an illegitimate opinion or something? Why would that be reason to delete it?
I know you PC multiculturalists love to "purge" opinions you don't agree with, but really, you need to stop, it's quite distasteful.
The moderators are Polish. The Polish usually have their spines a lot thicker than you can even imagine.
Why exactly would this thread be erased anyway? Because it's unrelated to languages? Well, that's the norm lately. Or because it calls the EU "pathetic"? What, is that an illegitimate opinion or something? Why would that be reason to delete it?
I know you PC multiculturalists love to "purge" opinions you don't agree with, but really, you need to stop, it's quite distasteful.
The Polish mafia running antimoon deleted threads coz PARISIEN got all French and emotional and called a 'crafty troll' a 'dirty hairy wog'
I heard that the Polish despite they benefit from the EU and receive funds are not big fans of the EU. This contrasts to some Spaniards, specially the left wing, who think just because Spain receives money from EU we should sell our should to the Germans and French. In the end, if Spain , or Poland for the matter, receives funds it's just because that money is used mostly to buy German products. Nobody gives anything for free, specially in egoistic Europe.
Maybe this is due to their bad past experiences with supranational political structures (i.e. USSR).
It's too bad the moderators no longer get directly involved in the topics anymore. It's true also that the overall quality of posts and topics on this board has definitely declined since a year ago or so, now most being off topic, concerning political or racial issues. I wonder what happened to Brennus and them, who used to have interesting input for most discussions.
<<concerning political or racial issues. >>
This is valuable because it's one of the few sites where you can say what you think without being banned. Europe needs more free discussion of this kind.
This is valuable because it's one of the few sites where you can say what you think without being banned. Europe needs more free discussion of this kind.
<< I heard that the Polish despite they benefit from the EU and receive funds are not big fans of the EU. This contrasts to some Spaniards, specially the left wing, who think just because Spain receives money from EU we should sell our should to the Germans and French. In the end, if Spain , or Poland for the matter, receives funds it's just because that money is used mostly to buy German products. Nobody gives anything for free, specially in egoistic Europe.
<< I wonder what happened to Brennus and them, who used to have interesting input for most discussions.
Brennus went to Germany and is not concerned about moderating this forum anymore.
Brennus went to Germany and is not concerned about moderating this forum anymore.