For the love of Kernow
"If we were independent we would be BETTER OFF. We contribute more to the Anglo entity's imperial coffers than we receive Business Age Magazine Oct 2001. "
That's strange. According to that Wikipedia article that I posted, Cornwall contributes the LEAST to the Treasury, even less than subsidy-dependent Scotland.
The county of Avon consists makes HALF of all the West Country's GDP (and Bristol accounts for a quarter of Avon's GDP).
The country of Cornwall contributes the LEAST. Only 7.3% of the West Country's GDP is generated by Cornwall.
Compared to other English regions, the South West has few large businesses. It hosts only seven of the top 100 companies in the UK.
"So the real Bretagne is not french but Bretagne, the people who are on actually are the anglo-saxons. Anglo-saxons are as usual thieves. But we all know that of course. The island is not yours but belongs to the Wales, Cornwall, Scotland and Bretagne. "
The Scots came from Ireland (Scot is Latin for "Irish) so, in your view, the Scots should go back to Ireland.
And all those English Americans and English Australians should come back to England.
"When the Celts will have their independance (Cornwall included), you will be a small country"
We'll be a lot bigger that Cornwall, Wales and Scotland.
Jeez, we'll have COUNTIES bigger than Cornwall.
"And all those English Americans and English Australians should come back to England."
no, because they had their independance, don't remember? it was when US kicked your ass outside.
England is a small country.
"The Scots came from Ireland (Scot is Latin for "Irish) so, in your view, the Scots should go back to Ireland."
The problem is that they did come back, several centuries ago and now they claim to be British. Idiots!! They need a history book so they can find their real roots and give us all a break.
"The Scots came from Ireland (Scot is Latin for "Irish) so, in your view, the Scots should go back to Ireland."
As far as I know, not all Scots came from Ireland. That is true of the Highland Scots but the Lowland Scots are also descended from Anglo-Saxons. Why do you think the Highlanders refer to the Lowlanders as "Sassenachs" just as they do the English.
But if we want to continue splitting hairs, I don't think the celts were the first people to inhabit the British Isles.
<<<Large contingents of the Cornish militia are massing on the western banks of the River Tamar, and a huge military blockade has sealed off the western end of the Tamar Bridge. Weapons have been lined up on the river's edge and a short while ago the first order to fire was given by the military commandants. As we speak a massive fusillade of stale Cornish pasties has darkened the skies as they are being aimed with deadly effect at the English enemy on the eastern side of the Tamar !! >>>
Damian, don't laugh - it's already happened !
Cornish Solidarity close Tamar Bridge to England
"Over 1,000 Cornish demonstrators held a mass rally against unemployment on July 26 1998 organised by Cornish Solidarity to highlight Cornwall's plight of having one of the highest levels of unemployment in the UK. They symbolically closed the Tamar Bridge, linking Devon and Kernow, as well as other main routes into Cornwall, leading to a four-mile tailback on the Devon side of the bridge. A fleet of 20 fishing vessels sailed under the bridge at the same time, sounding their hooters in support. A central plank of the Cornish Solidarity organisation's philosophy was the call for a Cornish Assembly and the recognition of the ethnic Cornish as a UK national minority under Strasbourg's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. A Western Morning News phone-in campaign recently carried out showed that over 70% of participants wanted power devolved to Cornwall."
<no, because they had their independance, don't remember? it was when US kicked your ass outside.
England is a small country. >
For Australia this would be wrong. In 2000 the Australian public had voted to have the Queen remain head of state.
Other countries such as Canada and New Zealand has not voted yet on the question of independance.
But you must remember even when these countries are under the 'Crown' they are already partly independance controlling all governmental affairs expect the head of state.
In Australia white people are always TOLD how their ancestors invaded and stole the land from Aborigines etc. Not just by Aborigines but by recent (post-war) migrants. They don't realise that Australia was a hellish place in the 19th century and that the people that went there were FORCED.
Chartists, Irish nationalists, highland clearances, enclosure acts, English induced famine, church of England tithes. That is why you had a large number of Scottish, Welsh, cornish and Irish and relatively few English in Australia until the 1950s. You also had German refugees and a high number of European Jews.
People from NZ Australia South Africa etc are only granted a 2 year holiday maker visa unless their grandparents were born in the UK ( most of the post war english migrants) - So they are not allowed back into the UK - ie the descndants of the 19th century ethnically cleansed Celts.
It doesn't matter what GDP Cornwall has got - it is a Colony - it contributes more to England than what it gets back. it has ALWAYS done this. Without our tin you would be an offshore Island of France or Spain.
yes English people the Bretons are the refugees you kicked out in the 5th century. That is why there are things like the Mildenhall treasure in the British Museum - someone buried it near their villa in the hope of digging it up later -sadly they never did. That is why there are only 11 celtic words in English. Most towns were abandoned to you including London for 50 years. The combinatin of your invasion (read the Anglo saxon chronicles) and disease .I would propose that if England and France collapse that Cornwall Wales and Brittany unite.
this topic is very important for to learn english.
<<this topic is very important for to learn english. >>
Exactly. Things that happened 1500 years ago (NOT in the year 1500, as someone posted) are soooo relevant to today's world.
If people are going to get so worked up about that, can I pretend to be indignant about the Romans, 2000 years ago? Those thieving Italians, eh?
<<I would propose that if England and France collapse that Cornwall Wales and Brittany unite. >>
Um, are England and France on the verge of collapse any time soon?
"Um, are England and France on the verge of collapse any time soon?"
We in the Cornish National Liberation Army (CNLA) have a plan.
Membership of the CNLA is illegal and you can be sentenced up to ten years in prison for having beliefs contrary to what the government want you to have. Damn terrorist!!!!! You'll have the CIA after you and holding you in prison camps across Europe(which of course don't exist wink, wink).