Romanian a MADE up language

someone   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:03 pm GMT
>>In 1859 the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia formed a unified state, that assumed the name of Rumania<<

(TARA ROMANESCA) is the real name not Walachia, Walachia is a Slavic name for the Romanic people.

Polish people call Italians Wlochy, and they call Romanians Vlachy.

Romanians called themselves “RUMAN” and they named their country
"TARA ROMANESCA" from (Terra Romanica) in Latin or “Roman country” in English.

There were three Latin principates

1. TARA ROMANESCA (named Walachia only by the Slavs) Italy is named WLOCHY even to this day in Polish
3. TRANSILVANIA ( formerly part of Austro-Hungarian empire)

TARA ROMANESCA united with MOLDOVA = resulting ROMANIA
Lately Transilvania joined ROMANIA.

Romanians called themselves RUMAN from the day one after the Roman conquest till these days. That is why the country is named today ROMANIA
Guest   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:09 pm GMT
English uses both forms, Rumanian and Romanian, to denote the Romance-speaking population in the South-Eastern Europe north of the Danube, which was traditionally referred as Vlachs (or Wallachians). Both forms were adopted by the mid 19th century when the principalities of Wallachia and Moldova were unified to form a new state, Rumania or Romania. The forms Rumania and Rumanian were prevailing till the second half of the 20th century, when the forms with "o" gradually became more popular.

See also Wallachians, Walloons, Welschen etc.

It seems that the forms with "u" are etymologically justified, as Rumanian normally changes the unstressed (Vulgar) Latin "o" to "u", cf.:

cognatus => cumnat
cogitare => cugeta
The form Rumân was the natural form used in Rumanian itself till the second half of the 19th century. The neighbouring languages (like Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian, Polish etc.) use the form with "u", and French for its part established the spelling Roumain, Roumanie. Spanish adopted the forms Rumania and Rumano and such was initially the practice in Italian. German has Rumänien, Rumäne and rumänisch.
The form with "o" was introduced in Rumania to stress the descendency of the Rumanians from the ancient Romans; this orthographic change happened by the time of the unification of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in the unitary kingdom of Rumania. In this period Cyrillic script was replaced by Latin and the language was heavily re-latinized.

The Rumanian state since then always promote the spelling with "o", even in the foreign languages, and finally English also accepted it as official. Italian also changed the orthography, from "Rumania" to "Romenia"; modern Portuguese also uses the forms Romenia and Romeno.

On Orbis Latinus the forms with "u" are preferred in order to distinguish Rumania, the modern state, from Romania, the historical name of the Roman empire, which is used now by the linguists to denote all the countries where Romance languages are spoken. These preferences are only technical and are based on the established practices of English. The usage of the forms Rumania and Rumanian are in no way attended to offend the modern state and nation which have preserved through centuries the Roman name.


A European people constituting the major element in the populations of Romania and Moldova, as well as smaller groups located throughout the Balkan Peninsula, south and west of the Danube River. Although their Slav neighbours gave them the name Vlachi (or Vlasi, in East Slavic Volokhi), from which the term Vlachs is derived, the Vlachs call themselves Romani, Romeni, Rumeni, or Aromani.

See Wallachians, Walloons, Welschen etc.

The Vlachs emerged into history in the European Middle Ages, primarily in the region south of the Danube. Since the 19th century the Rumanian historians traditionally claim the Vlachs to be descendants of the ancient Romans who in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD occupied Dacia, a Roman province located in the regions of Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains of modern Romania. Another theory suggests that their ancestors were a Thracian tribe, native to the Roman province of Dacia, which intermarried with the Roman colonists and assimilated their language and culture. After the Romans evacuated Dacia (AD 271), the area was subjected to a series of barbarian invasions. According to some scholars, the Romanized Dacians remained in the area, probably taking refuge in the Carpathian Mountains. They remained there for several centuries as shepherds and primitive farmers, until conditions settled and they returned to the plains.

The Romanized Dacian population may have moved south of the Danube when the Romans left Dacia. After the barbarian invasions subsided, the Vlachs, seen in this theory as a later group of immigrants, moved into the area from their Romanized homelands south of the Danube or elsewhere in the Balkans. This theory cites the major role the Vlachs played in the formation and development of the Second Bulgarian Empire (also known as the Empire of Vlachs and Bulgars; founded 1185) as evidence that the centre of the Vlach population had shifted south of the Danube.

By the 13th century the Vlachs were reestablished in the lands north of the Danube, including Transylvania, where they constituted the bulk of the peasant population. From Transylvania they migrated to Walachia ("Land of the Vlachs") and Moldavia, which became independent principalities in the 13th and 14th centuries and combined to form Romania at the end of the 19th century.

Other Vlachs migrated to other regions of the Balkan Peninsula. The Macedo-Vlachs, or Tzintzars, settled on the mountains of Thessaly. According to the 12th-century Byzantine historian Anna Comnena, they founded the independent state of Great Walachia, which covered the southern and central Pindus Mountain ranges and part of Macedonia. (After the establishment of the Latin Empire at Constantinople in 1204, Great Wallachia was absorbed by the Greek Despotate of Epirus; later it was annexed by the Serbs, and in 1393 it fell to the Turks.) Another Vlach settlement, called Little Wallachia, was located in Aetolia and Acarnania. In addition, Vlachs known as Morlachs or Mavrovlachi ("Black Wallachians"), inhabited areas in the mountains of Montenegro, Herzegovina, and northern Albania as well as on the southern coast of Dalmatia, where they founded Ragusa (modern Dubrovnik). In the 14th century some Morlachs moved northward into Croatia. In the 15th century others, later called Çiçi, settled in the Istrian Peninsula.
Aldo   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:10 pm GMT
"however, the idea of Romance identity became popular amongst the Vlachs. In 1859 the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia formed a unified state, that assumed the name of Rumania. The Roman (Latin) alphabet was introduced and there were applied remarkable efforts to Latinize the language, while purging it of Slavisms. The emerging nation turned toward other Romance countries, especially France, for cultural inspiration."

Why can't you guys accept this?
JGreco   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:20 pm GMT
Intro---------Intru-------J'entre--------Entro ----Entro-------I enter
Intras--------Intri------Tu entres-------Entri-----Entras-----You enter
Intrat--------Intra-------Il entre--------Entra-----Entra------He enters
Intramus----Intram---Nous entrons---Entriamo--Entramos---We enter
Intratis------Intrati----Vous entrez-----Entrate---Entrais----You enter
Intrant ------Intra -----Ils entrent-----Entranno --Entrano--They enter

From this point of. The view of verb conjuctioning....Spanish seems the most conservative. and Italian is second...romanian third and french fourth.

Though Sardinian would be first, then spanish,portuguese,italian etc.


though spanish and portuguese PERSERVED the 'o' in "Entro" (c.l intro) sardinian and romanian (intru)

by the way you spelled "entrano" wrong for's 'ENTRAN' not entrano!
Piotr   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:34 pm GMT
>>Romanian maintains from CLASSICAL LATIN the synthetic Genitive and Dative (with the help of endings) pattern, while Italian, French and Spanish preferred the construction as it were in the VULGAR LATIN

Note ! These are only two examples out of hundreds of similar Classical Latin-Romanian

CLASSIC LATIN-----------ROMANIAN----------VULGAR LATIN--------
Casa matris meae------Casa mamei mele-----casa de matre meae-----
Scribo matri meae------Scriu mamei mele----Scribo ad matre mea-----

la casa de mi madre------la casa della mia madre-----my mother's house
Escribo a mi madre.------Scrivo a mia madre-------I write to my mother. <<

Even my Russian grandmother can tell there is something “VULGAR “ with Spanish, French, Italian when compared with Classical Latin. There is something “VULGAR” there.

Not the case of Romanian. Romanian is the closest by far.
In French   Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:37 pm GMT
la maison de ma mere
J'ecris a ma mere

still far away from Classical Latin
Luis Zalot   Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:09 pm GMT

Sardinian is by FAR the closest to CLASSICAL Latin and the other Romance languages recognize it's AUTHENTICITY.

While Romania(n) is only a follower and was* embarrassed of it's Slavic and Baltic roots (that were in the language for hundreds of years, until recently 19th century.) That's why countries around them don't really consider them an country or a ROMANCE language derivative. Romania is like Taiwan; and so, Romanian is not REALLY a language. It's just a cleaner-upper of it's slavisms to bring back 200 years or less of REAL ROMAN OCCUPATIONISM in that region. You guys *romanians* are a joke. Period.
Sorin   Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:28 am GMT
Envy is a sin Luis Zalot.

You are fighting for a lost cause and you have Pro-Stalinist views go back to school and re-educate yourself, You don’t have the slightest idea about any romance languages.

meanwhile try these free classes :

"Despite this foreign influence, it is the closest to Latin, in a grammatical sense, of all the Romance languages"

And don't forget this:

CLASSIC LATIN-----------ROMANIAN----------VULGAR LATIN--------
Casa matris meae------Casa mamei mele-----casa de matre meae-----
Scribo matri meae------Scriu mamei mele----Scribo ad matre mea-----

la casa de mi madre------la casa della mia madre-----my mother's house
Escribo a mi madre.------Scrivo a mia madre-------I write to my mother.

Intro---------Intru-------J'entre--------Entro ----Entro-------I enter
Intras--------Intri------Tu entres-------Entri-----Entras-----You enter
Intrat--------Intra-------Il entre--------Entra-----Entra------He enters
Intramus----Intram---Nous entrons---Entriamo--Entramos---We enter
Intratis------Intrati----Vous entrez-----Entrate---Entrais----You enter
Intrant ------Intra -----Ils entrent-----Entranno --Entrano--They enter

REMEMBER - Romanian maintains from CLASSICAL LATIN the synthetic Genitive and Dative (with the help of endings) pattern. While Italian, French and Spanish preferred the construction as it were in the VULGAR LATIN.

Have a good evening !

Buna Seara !
S.P.Q.R   Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:43 am GMT
Can someone explain me why all you support that , because romanain has got declension is the closest to classical latin?
I Stated ,scientifically, facts of the abyssal difference of Rumenian Syntax, from classical, and for that matter ,vulgar latin.
Now let's state more things of the verbal system:
1) Subjunctive= lost all the connection to classical latin of mood of subordinate lcuases now express only wish or dubious.
2)Participle= is no more a ver, rathe an adjective
3)Gerund= simply isn't a gerund, it is like a participle..........
4)Infinite= normal
5)Supine= used as a participle
6) Avoidance of the nominal for of the verb for subordinate clauses,where latin or romance languages uses a participle or a gerund, the romanain uses ,as other slavic tongues, the infinite
7)lost of the subordination property of the relative pronouns
8)Total shift of meanng of the adjectival form of the verb, and more accurately , there isn't anymore in modern romenian a verbal adjective, gerundive for who doesn't knows.
9)Paratactic structures of the period
10) Lost all the from double subordination by a single subordinating particle, so, no more consecutio modorum
11) No more consecutio temporum( the laws that dictates the tense of the subordinate subjunctive verb in order to express ideas of timing,contemporarity ,posteriority ecc ecc.)
Sorin   Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:51 am GMT
listen S.P.Q.R you are a troll !

You don’t even know how to spell Romanian. (you spell rumenian)

Not just declensions, the NEUTER GENDER from Clasical Latin and the “U” endings .

Re-digest this you troll :


Romanian conservative features denote its isolation from the Western Romance world, despite the Slavic influence.There are many Latin traces found in phonetics, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary, which have long disappeared from the other Romance languages:

DECLENSIONS 3 (three) surviving declension categories for the NOUN,
just as in the case of Classical Latin.

100 LATIN words preserved exclusively in the ROMANIAN vocabulary:
Some examples”
Latin “caecia” > Romanian “ceata” (fog),
Latin "lingula" > Romanian "lingura" (spoon),
Latin "placenta" > Romanian "placinta" (pie),

ROMANIAN VERBS maintain and continues the CLASSICAL LATIN forms:

-4 conjugation types, having the same thematic vowels:
Latin "-are", "-ere", "-ere", "-ire"
Romanian "-a", "-ea", "-e", "-i"

-3 personal moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative) and three non-personal moods (infinitive, gerund, participle).

NEUTER GENDER of nouns kept from CLASSICAL LATIN non-existent in the other Romance languages, marked only in Romanian by the ending "-URI".These words have male-gender forms in the singular and female-gender form in the plural: pod-podURI (bridge-bridges).

PHONETICALY, Romanian kept Latin diphthongs from CLASSICAL LATIN UNLIKE other Romance languages: Classical Latin "au" remained "au" in Romanian:

Endings in “U”. Only Romanian, Sicilian, and Sardinian kept its endings in “U” from Classical Latin, versus “O” in Vulgar Latin and western Romance.<<
Sorin   Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:54 am GMT
some more homework for you:

>Romanian maintains from CLASSICAL LATIN the synthetic Genitive and Dative (with the help of endings) pattern. While Italian, French and Spanish preferred the construction as it were in the VULGAR LATIN.<

CLASSIC LATIN-----------ROMANIAN----------VULGAR LATIN--------
Casa matris meae------Casa mamei mele-----casa de matre meae-----
Scribo matri meae------Scriu mamei mele----Scribo ad matre mea-----

la casa de mi madre------la casa della mia madre-----my mother's house
Escribo a mi madre.------Scrivo a mia madre-------I write to my mother.
S.P.Q.R   Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:01 am GMT
I don't care of morphology. I care about syntax. Rumenian has got a syntax very close to slavic languages, if the syntax changes, the language shapes, i provided facts, you have to reply on this.Stop.
Sigma   Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:06 am GMT
El Rumano es UNA LENGUA LATINA.................

Les guste o no, el Rumano es Latino:

Rumania y Moldavia son dos países miembros de la Unión Latina, debido a que hablan "Rumano" UNA LENGUA LATINA, hermana del Francés, Español, Italiano y Portugués.
Sorin   Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:06 am GMT
Dear S.P.Q.R, while most people here disagree with you...

I suggest you to improve your English, is a chaotic mess, you still spell Romania (rumenia) and your postings are just a terminological nonsense. Stop spamming!

You like it or not, you have to live with it, 89 % of all internet resources point at Romanian being the closest to Classical Latin, maybe except Sardinian. You can’t fight the internet or shut down the internet resources just because you disagree with them. There are other specialised places for treating your problem. They are called Hospitium in Latin and Hospitals in English.
Sigma   Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:11 am GMT

Popoarele de limbi romanice, desi de origini foarte diferite, au in comun patrimoniul lingvistic si sistemul de referinte istorice si culturale. Este deci firesc ca aceasta familie, desi dispersata si foarte intinsa, sa-si fi creat o institutie dedicata promovarii si difuzarii mostenirii comune si identitatilor lumii latine.

In momentul in care se strang legaturile dintre tarile ibero-americane si se dezvolta relatiile institutionale dintre statele lusofone si cele hispanofone, precum si dintre statele francofone, in momentul in care a luat nastere Mercosur si s-a constituit o comunitate a tarilor de limba portugheza, in momentul in care se edifica o Europa a culturilor, care trebuie in mod necesar sa completeze Europa economica si monetara, Uniunii Latine ii revine misiunea de a asuma un rol tot mai semnificativ in perceptia acestei solidaritati culturale dintre latini, pe care o simbolizeaza.

Intemeiata in 1954 prin Conventia de la Madrid, Uniunea Latina exista ca institutie incepand din 1983. In cei 17 ani de existenta activa, numarul statelor care au devenit membre prin ratificarea Conventiei de la Madrid sau prin aderare a crescut de la 12 la 35, reunind astazi aproape toate statele susceptibile de a face parte din Uniunea Latina. Acestea sunt, conform recomandarilor stabilite in 1992, acele tari care raspund la unul sau mai multe din urmatoarele criterii: criterii lingvistice (limba oficiala neolatina - limba invatamantului neolatina - limba neolatina utilizata ca mijloc de comunicare in viata cotidiana si in mijloacele de informare); criterii lingvistico-culturale (existenta unei literaturi semnificative intr-o limba neolatina - presa scrisa in cea mai mare parte intr-o limba neolatina, atat in ce priveste tirajul cat si numarul de titluri - televiziune si emisiuni radiofonice in mare proportie intr-o limba neolatina); criterii culturale (mostenire directa sau indirecta a unui patrimoniu provenit din Roma antica, fata de care statele respective isi manifesta fidelitatea si pe care o perpetueaza, prin intermediul latinei si al limbilor straine neolatine, prin schimburi culturale cu alte tari latine si prin organizarea sociala, in special in plan juridic, in respectul libertatilor fundamentale si al principiilor generale privitoare la drepturile omului si al democratiei, tolerantei si libertatii cultelor).

Uniunea Latina este prezenta pe patru continente, reunind actualmente urmatoarele tari: Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazilia, Capul-Verde, Chile, Columbia, Coasta de Fildes Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Filipine, Franca, Guatemala, Guineea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Italia, Mexic, Monaco, Mozambic, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugalia, Republica Dominicana, Republica Moldova, Romania, San Marino, Sao-Tomé si Príncipe, Senegal, Spania, Uruguay, Vatican (cu statut special) si Venezuela.

Limbile oficiale ale Uniunii Latine sunt franceza, italiana, portugheza, spaniola si romana. Primele patru sunt utilizate ca limbi de lucru.Toate textele cu difuzare generala sunt traduse in aceste patru limbi, iar unele si in romana. Astfel, organizatia traieste si isi demonstreaza in permanenta idealul sau cultural panlatin.