Hi all, first of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ariel, I'm 28 years old and I live in Buenos Aires. If you're interested in learning/practicing Spanish in private on-line classes take a look at my website
or send me an e-mail
cya all!
por favor, alguien podria decirme cómo se dice en francés: la direccion del hotel les desea una feliz estancia.. gracias
salut a tous !
Comment dites vous en espagnol ;
" Si tu savais ce que je pense ? "
si tu " saber " lo que pienso......
Je ne sais pas quel temps utiliser....
Merci bcp......
Susana ,
" la direccion del hotel les desea una feliz estancia "
" La direction de l' hôtel vous souhaite un agréable séjour "
salut a tous !
Comment dites vous en espagnol ;
" Si tu savais ce que je pense ? "
si tu " saber " lo que pienso......
Je ne sais pas quel temps utiliser....
Merci bcp......
C'est l'imparfait n'est-ce pas? Alors:
Si tu sabias lo que pienso
vive ce forum! j'aime bien en plus les langues latines surtout l'espagnol, le francais et l'italien. bravo pour ce topic bernard! a+
Larissa pourquoi as tu un putain?
I've been reading this thread from post #1, and must say that the character of Sander does not surprise me one bit. A most typical Anglo-Saxon..
Sander, obviously Bernard does not speak a flawless English, but it only takes a little good willing to understand what he tries to say in his first posts. Good willing which is not expected to be found in an Anglo-Saxon.
For a start, it is no secret that French, Spanish, Italians and a few others have brought cuisine to a state of art. Unlike the English.. or other mammals and non-mammals.
Sander says: "And the Romans werren't known for their great characters! Traitors,murderers and dictators with a constant desire for power!"
Now that's rich! The English are guilty of attempting to exterminate the Irish through famine, trying to ethnic cleansing the Highlands Scotts through the Clearances, forced the children and wives of the Boer South Africans into the first concentration camps ever in history, and let them to die from starvation, have bombed the entire civilian population of Dresden ... and a long etcetera. Their brethren, the Anglo-Americans, have dropped two atomic bombs over civilian populations in Japan, have killed and raped Vietnamese, have ethnic-cleansed most North American Indian tribes, have brought misery and war to the Middle East, to Central and South America, ...
May History judge you like you deserve.
For all: there is nothing wrong with Nationalism if it is healthy, and much right. There is a forum for discussion of European Nationalism and many other subjects, which includes ethnic language sections too. You are welcome to join it here:
Best Regards.
Vive les langues latines!!! :)
"si tu savais ce que je pense"
"si tu supieras lo que pienso"
Perdón, el mensaje era para Sigma.
Est-ce que nos amis hispanophones ou lusophones (et les autres) auraient des infos sur l'ancien castillan & l'ancien portugais ? D'avance merci.