Vive Le Quebec libre

Steve K   Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:45 am GMT
Paul said

"As for extremists in Canada, who would like to cut off their foot to spite their face (i.e. Expel Quebec from Canada), they can piss off to the United States, if they haven't already done so.
I know who the real Canadians are.
The only thing distinctive about this place is that we know how to get along. Thank Goodness, we have some room for different opinions up here."

Tell me, Paul, were you being sarcastic or are you one of those Canadians who think that Canada is some paragon of tolerance and yet themselves exhibit no tolerance for people who think differently from them.This is known as hypocrisy, a very Canadian trait I believe, and that is why, unbelievable as it may seem, it is possible that you were serious.

I do not know what you mean by "deliberate ignorance". However, there is widespread ignorance of French culture,and Quebec culture throughout English Canada, and vice versa in Quebec. There is also intolerance, but mixed with genuine interest and tolerance. I cannot compare to Belgium but I imagine it is not that different.

I wish that Quebec would leave Canada, but not out of intolerance. I just feel it would be better for Canada, just like 50% of Quebeckers, (at least on a soft question) would prefer to be independent. I am entitled to my opinion and do not need to "piss off to the United States" as you put it.

It should be done with good will and an effort to make it work as well as possible for both sides.
Paul   Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:13 am GMT
Goodness Gracious, Steve.
Did you think I was talking about you?
Someone earlier was saying that they thought Canada would be better off without Quebec, so send them on their way.
Those are the extremists in Canada, who would cut off their foot
to spite their face, by expelling Quebec from Canada!
I want Quebec to stay in Canada.
What would we call ourselves if Quebec leaves.
They have premier rights on the name Canadien.
I don't want to be some little fragmented no-name country,
that will be Puerto Rico of the North. Under the control
of the United States, without any of the privileges of Citizenship.

So anyway, the Canadiens have a claim.
The First Nations has a claim
The Inuit have a claim.
Even I have a claim.

And while there is some intolerance in Canada, I think it is small in
comparison with genuine interest and tolerance of most of the population.
Read the paper. Look outside Canada.
I guess you don't know about Belgium But look at the headlines.
People in Northern Ireland, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria,
Indonesia, Thailand, Togo, India are killing each other over much smaller cutural differences than you find in Canada.

I think you are missing the point.
The French Canadians got a raw deal, and it is not really getting any better,
but the situation is not a English conspiracy. It just so happens in North
America, English is the language of business and commerce.
English for whatever reason is now becoming a Global Language,
and there are ignorant people who exploit that fact.

Perhaps, we can close this thread now?
Regards, Paul V.
Trunks   Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:31 pm GMT
Perhaps, we can close this thread now?

No WAY, we will be free from Canadian rule, we have the right to live as the different nation that we are, and we will achieve our freedom, we will not be oppressed again only to not hurt. the "Anglo-Canadian" pride.

The days of Quebec in Canada are counted.
Too bad for you national pride Anglo Canadians.
De Nîmes is Denim   Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:44 pm GMT

Maybe the thread can be closed but not your feelings. Sooner or later...don't worry.
bernard   Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:58 pm GMT
I think that Canada without "french Canadians" doesn't exist. The "french Canadians" are the ones who have created this country long time before the english took control of it. The spirit and the soul of Canada resides in the presence of "french Candians". If Canada expell the Quebec, this country would disapear, and "English Canadian" provinces would have no other choice than joining the USA and becoming definitively be just another united-statians. On the other hand Quebec could join the European union, being situated in America is not a problem, french Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon; and some Dutch islands of Caribean are already European régions in America.
I don't take part for keep Canada unify or divide it, let's the choce to Canadian citizens.
Trunks   Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:15 pm GMT
Canada resides in the presence of "french Candians".

Yes Canada was our original name, a name given by France, even our identity was stolen at the hands of the British and their descendants the Anglo Canadians.
French   Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:16 pm GMT
Yes Canada was our original name, a name given by France, even our identity was stolen at the hands of the British and their descendants the Anglo Canadians. /

Those fucking Anglo-Saxons, they always are stealing, race of thieves.
Sander   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:03 pm GMT
=>race of thieves. <=

nico   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:16 pm GMT

Take a break. I imagine like the Capitaine Haddok!
Sander   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:18 pm GMT

Piss off.
nico   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:20 pm GMT
Well i noticed you were able to be very polite. Good for you, you don't know how to explain yourself without insulting people?
Sander   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:37 pm GMT
Are you blind?
nico   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:42 pm GMT
No, but i did not insult you. I just said you reminded me Capitaine Haddok, it is not an insult, just fun but nothing unrespectfull.
Sander   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:47 pm GMT
Who defines the insult? You are the one talked to?!
Sander   Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:50 pm GMT
are = or