Vive Le Quebec libre

Sigma   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:11 pm GMT
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:12 pm GMT
=>When the heck I said that?????? ,=


=>French Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:06 pm GMT
Is a Cuban Anglo Saxon just because he speaks English?
Of course not THE RACE IS NOT THE SAME. <=
El C   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:16 pm GMT

Good or bad is not the question. It is not because they are afraid to loose their culture. It is just, the bristish gov is afraid to loose many of theur comaptriots and France (and as i said Italy and Spain) cannot assume a so huge amount of people.
French   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:17 pm GMT

I ask this guy When the heck I said I didnt belive in races???:

Guest Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:07 pm GMT
=>Is a Cuban Anglo Saxon just because he speaks English?
Of course not the race is not the same. <=

Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:19 pm GMT
=>I ask this guy When the heck I said I didnt belive in races???<=

NO! You didn't you damn loser.
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:19 pm GMT
It is just, the bristish gov is afraid to loose many of theur comaptriots and France (and as i said Italy and Spain) cannot assume a so huge amount of people. >>>
Read the link I posted, El C. It's nonsense to think that huge numbers of British people are leaving their country - they're just not. Why do you think they are?? Give me some figures and maybe I'll believe it.
And even if they were, they're mostly retired and therefore not economically active, so the British government wouldn't give a damn. I think the French government has a much bigger problem in that so many YOUNG French people are going to work in Britain, because the economy is so much more vibrant at the moment.
Uriel   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:34 pm GMT
Okay, so let me get this straight. I'm of Portuguese descent, but because I'm American and speak English I get to be Anglo-Saxon. Okay, good. I don't speak Portuguese anyway.

But my boyfriend is Mexican-American, has a Spanish name (first and last), brown skin, black hair, is fluent in both English and Spanish -- is he Anglo-Saxon, too? Or can I start oppressing him at least once a day?
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:51 pm GMT
Uriel, start oppressing him IMMEDIATELY. You don't have a moment to lose. You've obviously wasted enough time as it is. What have you been doing??! How can we Anglo-Saxons achieve Total World Domination if we don't oppress the Latins???
At least once a day won't cut it. Every hour would be better, even when you're at work - oppress him by phone, email, fax....
Sigma   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:58 pm GMT
But my boyfriend is Mexican-American, has a Spanish name (first and last), brown skin, black hair, is fluent in both English and Spanish -- is he Anglo-Saxon, too? Or can I start oppressing him at least once a day? >

So I'm white skinned, black hair, a bit tall for the avarage here 6.2 ft, I speak 2 germanic tongues English and German so I am Anglo Saxon according to u Uriel? even that I'm from Spanish descendent, I'm Mexican and I have Spanish as my mother tongue?
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:00 pm GMT
=>So I'm white skinned, black hair, a bit tall for the avarage here 6.2 ft, I speak 2 germanic tongues English and German so I am Anglo Saxon according to u Uriel? even that I'm from Spanish descendent, I'm Mexican and I have Spanish as my mother tongue? <=

He! Uriel isn't saying that your assmate French is.
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:04 pm GMT
Oh, for God's sake, Sigma. Uriel was JOKING. She's taking the piss out of the idiots posting their crap here.
Paul   Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:43 pm GMT
Sorry if I was being a little ironic about Belgium.

I was just trying to say that the passivity in Canada towards Bi-lingualism outside Quebec
and New Brunswick is still miles better than than deliberate ignorance of
each others culture which prevails today in Belgium.
Hopefully, it is getting better. There hasn't been any bombings or
riots lately in Belgium over this issue.
As for extremists in Canada, who would like to cut off their foot to spite their face (i.e. Expel Quebec from Canada), they can piss off to the United States, if they haven't already done so.
I know who the real Canadians are.
The only thing distinctive about this place is that we know how to get along. Thank Goodness, we have some room for different opinions up here.

Regards, Paul V.
Uriel   Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:15 pm GMT
<<But my boyfriend is Mexican-American, has a Spanish name (first and last), brown skin, black hair, is fluent in both English and Spanish -- is he Anglo-Saxon, too? Or can I start oppressing him at least once a day? >

So I'm white skinned, black hair, a bit tall for the avarage here 6.2 ft, I speak 2 germanic tongues English and German so I am Anglo Saxon according to u Uriel? even that I'm from Spanish descendent, I'm Mexican and I have Spanish as my mother tongue? >>

Why, no, Sigma. You have already told us you're Latin. But what is my boyfriend, by your narrow definition? And what am I, with my Portuguese last name?
French   Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:55 pm GMT
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:08 pm GMT

=>Zzzzzzzzzzzz <=
Getting bored with yourself again?!