Vive Le Quebec libre
. By the way, I've been to Québec, as I have family who lives there. I'm pretty sure they feel as Canadian as I do, but we don't usually bring nationality up when I go. I'll make sure to ask next time I see them
That explains all, you are an Anglo Canadian that's why you don't share my opinions. Then your family are belong to the Anglo minorities in Québec, that's the problem everyones feels persecuted, the Anglos because they are a minority in Québec and the Québecois because they are a minority in Canada.
Those are lies and I'm a person who hates lies
It's also a lie to deny the fact that the Québecois are not the same that Anglo Canadians, there's a huge cultural and idiological distance between us, is like making a comparison between day and night isn't it?
Or do you think that the Dutch people and the French people are the same because both are in the European Union?
The Anglo Canandians always are claiming that they are different from their cousins of the US, even that both are Anglos, and they share a lot of things (culture, language, origin, costumes) and if you call an Anglo Canadian "American" they wil get offended, but if you say that a Québecois is different than a Anglo Canadian, they will get offended too.
The people of Northern US States feel closer to the Southern areas of the Anglo Canada because they share a lot without a doubt.
Sure, ignore my post.
(I advise you to read it though, you might learn something)
Look like for those answers, Québec should expect support only from Latins Countries in Europa and America,and expect hatred from the Anglo Countries (and maybe some Germanics countries like Netherlands) I thought this "Anglo-Saxon / Latin war" that goes in this forum was stupid but now I'm starting to understand, is impossible to try to argue with the Anglos and the Germanics.
We tried for all the ways possibles to explain our arguments supported by facts but all that we got in exchange was insults and hostility
On the contrary, I'm pretty sure that most of the Dutch are, as I , indifferent about Quebecs suggested desire for independance.
As for "we tried for all the ways possibles to explain our arguments supported by facts but all that we got in exchange was insults and hostility " no, you (the people who call themselves 'Latins') were and are the hostile ones and the ones that constantly insult people (just look at , the real, El c's posts on the 'sander/contradiction thread') .
And I don't mind listening to your arguments but I want to see facts as well instead of just your thoughts and your personal opinion.
And I don't mind listening to your arguments but I want to see facts as well instead of just your thoughts and your personal opinion
I gave you links from offcial site such as the Govement of Québec what can I do if you consider that site "my personal opinion"?, but if you want more proves I don't mind I can give you as much as you want.
I cannot wait for the next referendum
B.T.W You said: "the people who call themselves 'Latins'"
We don't call ourselves "Latins" we are Latins.
=>We don't call ourselves "Latins" we are Latins. <=
Like I said, not just your personal opinion, but facts.
Like I said, not just your personal opinion, but facts.
Could you explain yourself why you resist in consider ourselves Latins?
And please don't tell me the "US definition" of Latin the one that is very famous in the US media (brown skinned person who speaks Spanish and it's from South America).
I don't recognise the US definition either.
A Latin, a person who spoke Latin during the Roman era and lived within the roman empire and was a roman citizen.
We know, Sander, you don't even believe the DICTIONARIES who say it also refers to people of Romance languages. You are narrow-minded.
Tu es la personne la plus incapable de te mettre à la place des autres au point que tu en est insultant. Et le pire, c'est que tu ne t'en rends même pas compte. J'ai une suggestion pour toi : sors de chez toi, vas voyager et comprendre le monde.
The "Anglo-Saxon/Latin" war is stupid and very immature. You obviously assumed my opinion on Québec is that it should not be independent, but my view is completely opposite. I actually think Canada and Québec should have parted ways long ago.
As for me and my family considering ourselves "Anglo", that's simply not true. We don't speak politics to each other. My cousin who lives in Québec is now going to McGill where she met a very nice boy whose family has lived many generations in Québec. They later became engaged. This battle does not rage everywhere, everyday in Québec. My cousin and her fiance do not argue about separation and accuse each other of being Anglo or Latin. People are people. I don't know why some are so eager to divide them.
Silly boy -- that's you, Trunks -- you can't see anything past your own inflammatory rhetoric, can you?
We've been over at least half of this before. Let us review:
1. In the US, "Latin" does not refer only to South Americans who are brown-skinned. It includes all of the Romance-language-speaking peoples of Europe and North and South America, regardless of skin, hair, or eye-color. (How many more times will I have to say this?)
2. There is no "hatred" toward Quebec or Quebec separatism in the English-speaking world at large. Maybe in Canada itself, but not in the rest of the world. The vast majority of the US, for example, couldn't give two shits what you all do up there; we have no opinion; we don't much care. That's entirely your business, and not ours. (How many more times will I have to say this?)
3. Your passport is indeed indicative of your citizenship, no matter what your sentiments might be. (I really don't even need to explain this.)
<<1. In the US, "Latin" does not refer only to South Americans who are brown-skinned. It includes all of the Romance-language-speaking peoples of Europe and North and South America, regardless of skin, hair, or eye-color. (How many more times will I have to say this?)>>
Vu que Sander n'arrête pas de le nier, il faut s'attendre à en entendre parler encore très souvent.
<<3. Your passport is indeed indicative of your citizenship, no matter what your sentiments might be. (I really don't even need to explain this.)>>
Et ouais. Mais d'après Sander, il a même pas le droit de dire qu'il se sent citoyen du Québec en raison de ce qui est écrit sur son passeport, ce qui est vraiment très con de sa part.
By the way Sander, I feel I am a citizen of the world first myself. But I would imagine that I do not have the right to feel so because it is not written on my passport, right?
I personally believe anybody can feel any way they want. How can you suppress the spirit and mind? However, reality and what one feels can be very far from each other.