Will English die out?

Uriel   Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:10 am GMT
Well, honestly, we probably don't care about it as much -- or at least aren't as PRECIOUS with it as Adam thinks we should be, since most of our ancestors didn't speak it, and we just use it as a lingua franca.
Travis   Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:29 am GMT
One can basically say that the reason why the US is English-speaking is that a whole lot of people today here spoke all kinds of different things, and English was a suitable already-established lingua franca which ended up becoming dominant in the end specifically due to already having a general lingua franca status, even though there were points where it seemed that English might not become dominant in some areas, especially the Upper Midwest, at the time. Within the context of the US, I see little reason to have much emotional attachment to English, as at least here, if things had gone slightly differently historically (say, the US never got involved in WW1), I could have German rather than English as a native language right now, even though I might still know English nonetheless; however, things went a different way, and now English is practically the only language here, first generation immigrants aside. The only exception to such a lack of emotional attachment to English is attachment to dialects and dialectal groups *within* English, which is a whole different matter unto itself, especially when some sorts are busy declaring the superiority and or universality of their favorite sort of English.
Damian in Alba   Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:26 am GMT
**many bretons use more and more US vocabulary today**

I wonder how well or otherwise that goes down with the French authorities.

CANDY: cool! :-)
Stefaniel P also in Embra   Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:31 pm GMT
While I agree that we shouldn't consider one variety of English to be superior to another I think I should be honest and say that I for one find some features of other accents and dalects annoying, and would never dream of incorporating them into my own speech.

I could start listing lots of examples now. So I will. I don't like the long /a:/ used when southerners say 'grass' and 'bath.' OK? And when Australians do that rising question intonation in satements that also gets my goat. Also some Irish accents don't differentiate between some vowels, so "Danny" is pronounced "Denny." That makes me want to punch the wall and shout STOP.

But that is just me.

What am I saying? I'm right dammit! I'm always right!

Sorry, I have controlled myself now...
Adam   Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:41 pm GMT
"Please stop calling it English English! It's doing my head in! It's American English and BRITISH English! Thank you. "

No. English English is spoken in England.

Scottish English is spoken in Scotland, so how can English English not be spoken in England? It's like saying there's no such thing as French French.
Adam   Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:45 pm GMT
"I apolgise for my outburst. I meant to say: Please don't call our Brit language English English. Some of us do call ourselves English when also our language English but that's not the way it should be put. It makes Brits look more superior over the one language that used through different languages all over the world and that's not fair to them. So that's why we call it British English and why you should use it too. Besides think of the other English speaking countries. Hindi English, American english. "

The English spoken in England is English English. The language spoken in Scotland ISN'T English English - it's Scottish English. In Wales, Welsh English is spoken. In America, it's American English. So in England, it's English English.

If us in England can't call it English English because it somehow makes us "superior" then that'll be the very same reason why the Americans can't call it American English.
Adam   Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:48 pm GMT

"That's the typical American's response, and proves once again that the British, and not the Americans, care about the English language."

I don't think, many bretons use more and more US vocabulary today, i think US English will the language for everyone sooner or later. "

Well, British English IS doomed now because the mighty Bretons aren't speaking it! I'll have to get the guardians of British English together for crisis talks.

But at least the Bretons are learning English and WANT to learn English - that's more than can be said for their French neighbours (Britanny isn't a part of France).
Uriel   Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:53 pm GMT
Brittany isn't a part of France? You're going to have to write to a LOT of mapmakers, Adam....I'd get started.
Katy   Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:39 pm GMT
Woah! I'm still young okay and still learning. All my resources came from online forums with teen members chatting about this too. So stop picking on me and my knowledge! I swear this is last time I'm visiting this place!
Sander   Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:45 pm GMT

Who picked on you?! Adam? Ignore that worthless piece of shit please :-)
l   Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:01 pm GMT


So why do we hear young bretons to say i wanna, i 'm gonna...

English used for buziness is more american, that's a fact. USA got the power, not UK.

Sorry, but it's like that...
l to Adam   Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:04 pm GMT
Bretons (french ones) aren't from France. That's the news! Well done, BBC is less and less interesting nowaday...
Hythloday   Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:37 pm GMT
Inevitably, as will the human race, the Earth and the solar system when the sun goes supernova in a couple of million years.
WARNING!!!   Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:03 pm GMT
Uriel   Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:10 am GMT
Well, if he has multiple personalities, maybe this one will be an improvement over the original.