Can’t find the right word.
What do you call that kind of vague smile Bush usually has ? It’s often inappropriate . I still remember him standing on the ruins of the Trade Center with this smile.
Looked up thesaurus – neither grin, nor smirk seem to be correct. I wish smb told about different sorts of smiles.
Tnx, Javk. Actually what I want is nouns synonymous to "smile", not attributes.
Yes, I know you were looking for a single word, but unafortunately I don't have any suggestion. Besides, I don't think there's a word that describes Bushy's smile.
Single word is hard to pop up from my mind. Why not try this one: smug look, or simper
"Sneer" is contemptuous, which it is not. "Simper" looks more appropriate.
Try a "faint smile" -- faint as in slight, barely there; not as in toppling over unconscious, of course.
While there are other words for "smile", like grin, smirk, etc, often different variations of the facial expression itself are denoted by qualifying adjectives rather than whole new words. An "evil grin" would be worlds apart from a "big ol' cheesy shit-eating grin", just as a "shy smile" would be utterly different from a "sunny smile".
Yes, Uriel, it certainly is a faint smile, but this one doesn't give enough info. What do `you make of "simper"?
I just invented one: Any comments from linguists are more than welcome.
"monkey smile".
"Half-smile" is what I would say.
I guess I associate simpering more with a general attitude or mein, not as a type of smile. But then, I don't know exactly what smile you're referring to in the first a link to a picture?
Sorry, Uriel, no link.
Funny you ask that - there isn't much variety there. I presume everybody has seen it hundreds of times unless they avoid seeing news.
BTW, I haven't found "mein" in any of my dictionaries.