Can’t find the right word.
I do. Thank you, Deborah! "Mein" generally has "chow" in front of it....
Glik, sorry, but I pretty much try to avoid looking at pics of the ol' commander-in-chief. In fact, I try to ignore him altogether. Denial -- it ain't just a river in Egypt, you know.
I saw that one, Uriel and was miening to mention it to you, perhaps....a mere reversal of letters, a mere typo. Do you ever suffer from word blindness? I do. A wee while back I even got union and onion confused in my mind.....I put it down to the stress of a fast moving high pressure workplace environment. Still have time for proper lunch breaks though even if they are a couple of hours late...... :-)
I won a spelling bee in eight grade....and it's been downhill ever since, I'm afraid!
If you occasionally screw up "onion" and "union", you'll love the nearby town of La Union -- except that it's pronounced La oon-YONE! Say La YOON-yun and everyone will giggle at you....
<<"Mein" generally has "chow" in front of it....>>
Or "Herr" after it.