Languages with devoiced vowels/
oh well about the question
in japanese, the vowels u and i disappear before unvoiced consonant (s,t,k,f,h,p,ch,sh) .. for example, "desu ka" sounds like "deska" and "chikai" like "chkai"
Si la combinaison Ja <desu> [desu] + Ja <ka> [ka] donne Ja <desu ka> [deska], alors le <u> n'est pas dévoisé : il n'est plus prononcé du tout car il n'y a pas de [u].
Errr, could we get back to the topic, perhaps.
Romanian has unvoiced vowels at the end of many words, particualrly plurals ending in 'uri'
Unfortunately my mind has gone blank and I can't think of any examples.
Was that the kind of devoiced vowels we are on about here? Or am I about to be both corrected and enlightened at the same time?
What about words like "krk" in Czech? Is that an 'unwritten semi-vowel' or what?
Stefunnnel Per Spongemast : c'est pas parce que tu ne comprends pas que les autres sont forcément hors-sujet...
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