The car needs cleaned.
No, the expression is "sour grapes". But hey, when you're angry, there's nothing like a little buttermilk in the mix to clean the brain, I guess.
But good for you and your emotions, Andy... like... you go, girl!
This thread needs cleaned.
Last time I checked, I was a male. I think I still am. I am not a homo-sexual male. I am not a metro-sexual. And I am not a cross-dresser. And I don't take estrogen pills.
I know the expression is sour grapes. Everyone on here is reading my comments and taking them the wrong way. I was just trying to lighten up the conversation a little while proving a point.
So, guest, tell us your name, coward! En Guarde!
And one more time, just for the encouragement of conversation, I will say that I still believe "the car needs cleaned" is uneducated, illegitimate and furthermore, illogical use of English.
P.S. Meet me in real life and I won't be a sour grape.
Don't be gay, Andy. Lighten up.
My name is Enrico Fernando de la Puta.
>>P.S. Meet me in real life and I won't be a sour grape.<<
Okay, a pansy then. But are you sure? You won't like the what you hear; colloquialisms, idioms and all. If you were a Queen and spoke like one, I would prune you.
Andrew, I know you're not an idiot. You need to accept anothers' view on life. Open up your mind a little.
Needs cleaned is used consistently in my family and I hear it all the time from my friends.
When I think about the structure of a sentance, I think about the way we look at anothers' face and the beauty that flows from our hearts. You should look for that beauty in your own heart and think about the words you said.
With all honesty and kindness,
Brandy Lelan
I'm a King and speak like one. Prune me.
Lighten up and learn to take a joke, a pun, an unintended provocation.
I thought I was the sour grape. Looks like one bad apple in the barrel spoils e'm all, to borrow the colloquialism.
And Brandy, it's very nice to meet you. I'm glad at least one person on here knows I'm not an idiot. Just wish it were someone who knows proper English. Oh, Brandy, don't take it personally as has another.
With utmost sincerity,
Andrew Robert Michael Hanson
Andreas Roberto Miguel Hanson
P.S. I don't believe that was your name...
It is under this site that I rite my coments.
Ue pepole shued not argue over spilled milk.
I think that ue should say "the car neads a cleening".
That is all
O what dos P.S. mene?
enrico you is rong. andrew trid help you. not thro pearl befor swine. enrico you is the swine. you is pregnant with the monky.
What joke? We're still waiting for one.
I never said you weren't an idiot. I speak propuh just like you.
If life hands you a sour grape, make yourself whine.
Yours personably,
Henry Fernand.
Dearest Enrico,
I regret to inform you that you misspelled wine in your sentence. Oh, I see now! When you don't get your way (a sour grape), you whine (make wine)!
And I'd rather you not get personal with me. I've gotten quite over all that hullabaloo, Henry Fernand of the Whore/Annoying/Homosexual.
Which one is it? I'd like to know...
P.S. To those of you who don't know: In Spanish, Puta or Puto, depending on the gender of the subject in reference, translates to one of the three terms listed above. I wasn't trying to offend him, just inquiring of him the meaning he intended when calling himself, Enrico Fernando de la Puta!
It also means astute and smart Andrew. I guess you thought you knew Espanol.
I thought you werent an idiot.
I did take it personally. And so would any other self respecting person! You are mean-spirited! I don't like the way you try to push yourself above everyone else!
Ok. Talk to you later.
Brandy Lelan
>>I regret to inform you that you misspelled wine in your sentence. Oh, I see now! When you don't get your way (a sour grape), you whine (make wine)!
Mensa material !!! But you you never get anything your way so keep regretting.
Which one is it? I'd like to know...<<
I'm sure you would, you bitter old tart. It means highly intelligent, unlike Hanson: the son of a han'jobber?
Smell ya later.
Errico! Andrewsen! Quit your arguing! Ok, now to my point(s)...
1)All of my 19 years on this Earth, I've heard both "needs cleaned", and "needs to be cleaned", but I would have to personally have to agree with Andrew Robert Michael Hanson (ever thought of going by "arm"?), sorry 'rico.
2)It sounds like 'drew is just trying to be a nice guy while Mr. Enrico is being somewhat mean...
That's all I got!
Alyssa Loves Ya!
Andrew, send me an email at, maybe we could meet or something... Love ya forever, "Arm"! (Eh?)
I decided to read all your comments and they make much more sense than Enrico's after all. Now that I look at it I'm sorry for calling you mean-spirited. I know that you are a patriot and you care about the heritage of America, and sometimes you have to be tough. You're pretty tough. It seems you took everything pretty good and didn't get offended. And you offended the bad people on here. Like me. Sorry.
I don't think it's apropriate or nice to call someone a han'jobber or a bitter old tart. Or should I call you a guest you coward. Sorry, that's what it boils down to when you can't stick to one side. English or someone else's interpretation of English. I think I found out that you were the mean-spirited one Enricpo. Sorry.
Guess that's all for now. thanks for making me see the truth Andrew. I will correct al my friends who say it wrongly too.
P.S. I got all your jokes. lol!
Ok. see you later.
Ok, Alyssa. I do not think it wise that you give out your email address over a public forum open to anyone who might pretend to be me. While I am not a perverted stalker, there are those out there that may have less than desirable motives for contacting you. Out of shear conchise, I shall make no effort to communicate with you further than this website.
Thankyou, Brandy. You have revived in me a passion for keeping proper English current in the minds of all for the heritage of my country. I had lost hope in thinking that true English becomes more scarce each day and that none have the common sense that once was actually common amongst men.
I no longer wonder if my efforts are in vain, for I see that a spark of truth can ignite the smallest flame that, if fanned consistently, can make such a difference as reversing the thought process of one decided individual. I know it has, me.
I only hope now for Enrico that he would come to the same realization and not be so sour when proven completely ignorant of a common knowledge and understanding of structure. Mind you, I did not say he is wrong, only ignorant. And ignorance is the cause of wrong decisions, is it not? Through this theory, we come to the conclusive agreement that Enrico was indeed, dead wrong.
I thank you all for standing along side me in this debate, whether for or against my beliefs, you caused in me a stronger standing regarding what I know.
Andrew Hanson
P.S. I hate spam.