The car needs cleaned.
Ahem... wrong but not wrong (which is it?) and ignorant about what? That's a clumsy accusation to make but to be expected, coming from someone arrogant. I made no comment (except for those little snickers) on the weird structure that is non-existent in my dialect. I was just taking the piss and it worked!
Common sense? You'll find opinions will vary too much on the issue to find commonality.
For what it's worth, I just accept that rules regarding spoken language aren't set in stone and that exceptions are a part of its ruleless evolution. There's no such thing as "true" English; there are lots of guidelines but you can't make rules for everything and everyone. Your "conclusive agreement" reeks of undeserved haughtiness.
PS. You hate spam but are full of "it".
PPS. What's Chief Cochise done to you Yanks this time... roll over or something?
Just where do you think the phrase "common sense" came from? Do you think that is improperly constructed due to the fact that in todays world it seems impossible? I see now. You wish to divide us all! To make between the American people no commonality whatsoever! I jest.
I know this is not your motivation. Your continuous and relentlessly beligerent attacks against what you can't accept will not draw my attention nor change the direction of this conversation. The subject we are speaking of is "Are helping verbs necassary or not?". Obviously, being they are an integral part of the English language, they are necassary.
But, being there is only a general guideline, I suppose I could just go around saying, "Hi. How was you in day?" or, "Here get over. I just did to find to your people a grape sour." Because that is proper phraseology in other languages, so it could be in ours too! Yay! Spanglish exists!
So, idiot, which is what you have lowered yourself to in my mind, acting as an adolescent female. I see you are one who believes in the ever preached yet non-existent relative truth, while the ever present absolute truth in this life includes: Law, Morals, Justice, Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Perseverence, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit and my most treasured value, Freedom.
If you wish to argue my patriotism, which I can see would have been your next attack, tell me, "I not think you a patriot", because in your world I see that "exceptions are a part of *its ruleless evolution". The way this language is evolving, we will continue to lose our heritage, which is all I have been fighting against throughout the entirety of this discussion. Perhaps you are only fighting to prove a point. If so, then what is the point of continuing to disprove me?
There are many different spoken languages, all of which have a set of rules. English is one of those. Just because we have varrying rules throughout the world doesn't mean we can use another country's construction, which is what you are suggesting that we do.
Consistently, my friend, have you proven your self wrong through your own words and consistently you shall do so. You are wrong and desire to divide America, not conchisely, but sub-conchisely. However, now brought to conchise, you are no longer excused from ignorance, for proof of your mistake has been shown clearly to you. You must now choose either to continue in your pride and not admit your human mistake, or step down from your pedestal and take humbly some correction. Are you man enough to do that? (To borrow the colloquialism. Again.)
By your own ignorance you were wrong and are wrong. As I said above, it is not because you intentionally desired to be wrong, it is because of your ignorance. You were not conchisely aware of your mistake. Now you are. Change yourself.
Haha, you're so neurotic. But I don't know what you're still going on about. I honestly don't care about about your petty patriotism or "The car needs cleaned.". I've just happened to hear a couple of Scots use a similar construction in their dialect but using the word "clean-uht", e.g. "the car needs clean-uht". I won't jeer at it anymore if it upsets you, I swear....................................... naht!!!
I couldn't be bothered reading the rest of your blah that perverses the course of justi... truth. As I skim it, I notice a lot of your usual, common blunders. By the way, what's a "conchise" (brought to conchise?), my insolent little man? A demonstration of your ignorance and "wrong and wrong" English? Change your English.
*perverses => perverts
(well, I did have you in mind)
Ok. Enough. I am Andrew! I know I had you all guessing! So, that's the truth. Will, Chan Li and Alyssa are also collaborative hoax's!
I know you think there are a couple of squabbling idiots on here, but actually, the entire argument between Enrico and Andrew was completely orchestrated by none other than me!
My real name is Andy Peterson and I live in Goodtown, USA, but you have no way of proving that do you?
Sorry to ruffle some feathers my friends. I did enjoy looking at this subject. Thankyou for your time.
Now some words from Enrico...
Insolent twerp. I do exsist! Idiot!!!
As you can see, a forum with no memberships and no true identification system is really faulty to no end. I can be anyone I want! That was the point behind the discussion that has transpired over the past two weeks.
God Bless all,
Who is that guy? He is trying to steal identity. I guess there isn't a identity on this site. Sorry.
And then chan li would say, "you is dumb! you think there no identity!"
And Allysa says, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! lol! Hi ya, every1!!! Stop ur fightin!
Enrico says, "Haha, you're so neurotic."
Andrew says, "Undoubtedly so, you have become ruthless to no end, impeding upon anothers identity. I was at odds with Enrico, now I am forced to collaborate with him, my sworn foe. Though I still think he's completely and illegitemately wrong."
Brandy replies, "The world is so mean! How could you trick me like that? I can't believe you! You are an ugly person inside!"
With regards, all,
Whoa! This has been interesting to read the last few pages! Now it all makes sense. Ha ha! Good joke!
Dick Van Dyke
Ha. I don't need to prove that I exist. I have nothing to prove to you. What you have done borders on fraud and will not be dealt with lightly. You have been warned.
I'm sorry you had to resort to such a method to escape this conversation, andy-pansy. You are a freak.
Sincerely, Enrrrrico
what? the car needs cleandes is stupied. why are you so dum andey poop and enricocopastaderfun
You are so ridiculous and little minded, I have no words for your stupidity! Insolence comes to mind, but I fear that is too soft a jab. You are a fool. You are going to pay for your idiocrocy. And all your common blunders and idioms will not go unmentioned in my stupidest idiots hall of fame record.
You are far beyond help, or even the thought of this.
You have gone beyond and will not return.
Good luck all!
The Dark Man, Mysterio
Hidden behind a cloud of poisonous fog...
Having fun talking to yourself?
lmlll,,,,...m k, m,........................