Hello, I'm new to this forum.
Hello everybody, I just recently discovered this forum on the internet when I was searching for linguistic information. It seemed like a very good place and so I went to it. I have an interest in language. I'm originally from Wales, lived for a while in Northern Ireland and currently live in Scotland. My accent is thus a mixture of Welsh, Irish and Scottish accents. I have recently edited an article about the Cockney accent.
Here's my questions:
Have I come to the right place? Is this a good place for talking about language? This seems like a very good place and so I'm very curious.
Also, what is the meaning of the name ''Antimoon''? Does it have something to do with being against the Moon?
<<Have I come to the right place? Is this a good place for talking about language? This seems like a very good place and so I'm very curious. >>
Why yes, yes you have! Be warned, there IS the occasional bloodshed on the subject ...
<<Also, what is the meaning of the name ''Antimoon''? Does it have something to do with being against the Moon? >>
I've been wondering the exact same thing FOREVER! (Or, well, a couple months.)
Antimoon......a nice name I think.......it's origin for this Forum will forever remain a mystery to most of us in here I reckon. Anything with "moon" in it is nice I think. That shining orb (when it's full) in a starry sky has been the source of wonder since time began. The moon has so many links to so many things...even insanity. When you study the reasons for this it becomes quite clear really....the moon has always had a strange influence on some people. Hence "lunatic"..."moonstruck". But we don't know anything about lunacy in here......or do we? :-) Hey..maybe I'm on to something as to just why it's called Antimoon.......
I wondered about the name when I got here too. The first thing I did was search the net to see if I could find out what it meant. (I didn't want to be associated with some kind of wacky cult that hated the moon :-). I discovered that 'antimoon' can refer to the element 'antimony'.
It's hard to connect that meaning with a site about language and learning English, but one derivation -- described as "phantasy" -- may fit. The element is usually found with other elements, so some persons have interpreted 'anti-monos' to mean 'against being alone' or an 'enemy of solitude'. This would fit with the idea that a language -- or a forum -- serves to diminish isolation.
[This, of course, is mere speculation on my part. The name may have been chosen for a completely different reason.]
I can remember there being a topic on this forum that was entitled "Who or what is antimoon?" or something like this. At that time, I looked at the messages provided for this topic and thought that the explanation (a composition of a number of messages) provided was good. Now, I am not able to render that explanation to you here.
Sent by a contributor named Simon on Monday the 27 October 2003:
"Antimoon is an anagram of Antonio M. or Antonio Manitoba, a Swiss-Canadian who pioneered English language learning in the 1950's. His career went into rapid decline after an incident in the early 1960's but this website lives on as a testament to his great work.:
Even when Antimoon's forum moderators and administrators were active in the forum, they always kept quiet on the issue of the origin of the name. I think they liked to maintain some degree of mystery around it, leaving people to endlessly guess and create myths to describe it. Anyway, welcome to the forum, Mannix :)
Bah? There were moderators once?
<<Bah? There were moderators once?>>
They still theoretically exist but they're almost never around, at least as far as we can tell.
Hmm, they *theoretically* exist, yet strangely cannot be detected... What are they, the "dark matter" of the internet????
Mannix, you say your accent is a mixture due to all your moving around -- did you adopt any of these changes to your original accent consciously, or did they just happen without you noticing?
<<I'm originally from Wales, lived for a while in Northern Ireland and currently live in Scotland. My accent is thus a mixture of Welsh, Irish and Scottish accents.>>
That's interesting. We used to have a *very* similar poster on Antimoon named Don...
You're in a very skeptical mood this evening, Lazar...
Yeah, you're right.
I'm cunning as a fox. ;-)
<<Hmm, they *theoretically* exist, yet strangely cannot be detected... What are they, the "dark matter" of the internet????>>
Hehe. Most likely :)
<<That's interesting. We used to have a *very* similar poster on Antimoon named Don...>>
We DID didn't we? SpaceFlight, I sincerely hope you're not up to any more of your shenanigans.