Hello, I'm new to this forum.
<<Even when Antimoon's forum moderators and administrators were active in the forum, they always kept quiet on the issue of the origin of the name. I think they liked to maintain some degree of mystery around it, leaving people to endlessly guess and create myths to describe it.>>
I assume most of the myths to describe it had to do with being against the Moon, right? That's what it seems like to me.
One could be against the Moon only being called a moon.
One school of thought in astronomical circles is that its status
should be upgraded to Planet. This school of thought thinks
that the Earth Moon system should be considered as a
double planet and as a consequence the Moon is not a Moon.
Thus by being anti Moon your are actually pro Moon.
<<That's interesting. We used to have a *very* similar poster on Antimoon named Don...>>
Was Don a Welshman?
<<The moon has so many links to so many things...even insanity. When you study the reasons for this it becomes quite clear really....the moon has always had a strange influence on some people. Hence "lunatic"..."moonstruck". But we don't know anything about lunacy in here......or do we? :-) Hey..maybe I'm on to something as to just why it's called Antimoon.......>>
Damian, do you think the creator of this forum was an actual lunatic, because of the name ''Antimoon''? I doubt it.
<<Was Don a Welshman?>>
No. Don was a troll.
<<Mannix, you say your accent is a mixture due to all your moving around -- did you adopt any of these changes to your original accent consciously, or did they just happen without you noticing?>>
Some of them I did consciously adopt and some came without me noticing. I only lived in Ireland for one year, so I don't know how much influence that actually had on my original accent.
I was very young when I did the moving around, so that probably explains a lot about how the changes happened in my accent. I graduated in Scotland.