<<it is you who do that>> = it is you who does that / is doing that
You see? I´m inferior to men. Even my grammar is worse than theirs...
You see? I´m inferior to men. Even my grammar is worse than theirs...
<<it is you who do that>> = it is you who does that / is doing that
You see? I´m inferior to men. Even my grammar is worse than theirs...
Well, let me say that the last two posts in my name were by an imposter... But also let me say I AGREE WITH HIM WHOLEHEARTEDLY!
<<I stress the phrase "that time", so by no means now. Time has passed, Franco. It´s time to move on. You can´t bring back the Middle Ages. >> Exactly, so why are there still feminists? Women have reached equalness in western countries so there should be no feminist movement anymore.
<<Well, let me say that the last two posts in my name were by an imposter... But also let me say I AGREE WITH HIM WHOLEHEARTEDLY!>>
Oh, yes. Of course. <<Exactly, so why are there still feminists? Women have reached equalness in western countries so there should be no feminist movement anymore.>> Because there are still many male chauvinists around. Well, if they didn´t undermine women´s rights, there would be no "feminists", either, as you put it. Bear in mind that feminism is not synonymous with chauvinism. Which post is yours and which isn´t? You need to clarify that. To be perfectly honest, I don´t see much of a difference as far as the content is concerned.
I think Franco is deliberately winding you up Liz. I have never heard of female chauvinism and IMO equality has not been reached in the western countries I've visited.
<<<<<Sarcastic California, what a funny name you have got there. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and it does not suit to intelligent people. You are one of those women who wakes up late in the afternoon, and husbands cook food for you and then you turn on your computer and waste time on internet for blasting other people. And then go back to sleep with your earphones plucked for listening to music .... you have no purpose in your life.>>>>>
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have NO idea what you're talking about...oh, jesus f*cking christ! This is hilarious! #1:My taint of sarcasm, or "the lowest form of wit" as you call it, is only there because I've been surrounded by idiots all my life, and I've had to find some way to communicate through their thick skulls. Isn't it sad that I have to speak to you with sarcasm, Franco? #2: In everything you're saying, you make it seem like I actually CARE about competing with your "wit". Or therefore, lack-of. #3: I DON'T have a husband, I DON'T get up in the afternoon, and I only get on the computer when I have nothing better to do. <<<<<If we are male chauvinists then God is--->>>>> Woah, woah, woah! Just stop right there! Here's a bit of sourness for ya--Anything you say to me about "god" I won't give a shit about. So stop wasting your breath while your ahead. <<<<All great scientists, politicians, and literary figures have been males.>>>>> XD!XD!XD! That just proves how ignorant you really are, Franco. Do us all a favor, and watch/read the news for once. <<<<<Go back to your hole and never bother to defend your superiorty over men.>>>>> Oh, come on. That's just pathetic. If you're going to try to use my words against me, will you quote what I've actually SAID? Show at least a little decency. And so, in conclusion....*ahem* YOU--MAKE--ME--LAUGH!!XD!!! Oh, and PS: I'm too young to have/be any of the things you listed in your first attepts at insulting me. Really, don't assume.
Exactly, so why are there still feminists? Women have reached equalness in western countries so there should be no feminist movement anymore.>>>>>
If women have reached complete equality, then why is there still barbarious men with your opinions ranting around?
Why has not been a woman president there in the history of America? American males talk so much about equality and human rights in other third world countries. Dont throw stones when yourself live in glass houses. It just shows that America like any other country is a male-dominated society.
<<I think Franco is deliberately winding you up Liz. I have never heard of female chauvinism and IMO equality has not been reached in the western countries I've visited.>>
Equality has been reached. A woman will become president when a suitable candidate is found. People are not predigioused against female politicians, they vote for the one who will be of most benefit for them, regardless of sex. Many countries have female presidents, the US doesn't but it's only a matter of time.
The opportunities are there for women, it's not mens fault they don't want to take them. That's like saying, WHY are there more female kindergarten teachers than male kindergarten teachers???? Where is the equality? This is discrimination... umm, maybe because males aren't as attracted to said professions as women, end of story?
I really look forward to a female American President - it may well happen with Hillary Clinton after next year's US elections. Let's see how she copes with being the world's most powerful politician.
You surely know the reasons why males don't go in for teaching in kindergartens or any kind of primary education? - nothing much to do with "equality" as such - it's more to do with men's reluctance to be associated with young children, of either gender, for reasons of unwarranted and totally misguided social paranoia about sexual abuse in society generally. However well intentioned a male is, there are far too many people out there who will assume he has some kind of ulterior motive if he shows any kind of interest in children, unfortunately. How sad is that?
Someone told me Fred Thompson is more popular than Hillary but I've never heard of him.
<<How sad is that?>>
Very sad. Much more sad than that not many women want to be politicians.
At least women CAN become politicians if they want, but men have no choice even if they want to be kindergarten teachers.
<<<<<At least women CAN become politicians if they want, but men have no choice even if they want to be kindergarten teachers.>>>>>
You make it sound like men have it HORRIBLY compared with what women have had to deal with for the last few millenia--and while some countries do have equal rights for both sexes in modern day, many do not, and their women are still going through male-dominance. Tell me, Franco--has there ever been a society where MEN are oppressed by WOMEN? Where the males were slapped around like they were no more than a pile of shit? |