Do you like Brazilian Portuguese?

Naldo   Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:13 pm GMT
Quanta besteira. Quando os aliados do Pt tentaram extrair umas mensalões do PT Portugal, falavam que lingua? Aquela que tão bem se entende do dois lados do atlantica.

Such bullshit, When the allieds of the Popular Workers party tried to get some under the table payments from Portugal Telecom, they
both spoke a language so well understood at both sides of the atlantic.
Ed   Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:14 pm GMT
the more vowels we have, the more pleasent one language is: pleasent languages include Hawaiian, italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese

consonant-languages are considered harsh: Continental Portuguese, Arabic and most Slavic Languages (including Rusian) and some German Languages. >>

That is such a stupid argument. Whether a language is pleasant or not is a very subjective thing. Every person has their own opinion. I find that Arabic sounds beautiful. Brasilian Portuguese sounds to me like Haitian Creole; they sound like African languages, which doesn't sound pleasant to me.
Vitella   Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:30 pm GMT
Consonantal languages are perceived as harsh, vocalic languages are perceived as pleasant. That's why operas are sung in Italian and not Continental Portuguese.
Guest   Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:02 am GMT
<<Consonantal languages are perceived as harsh, vocalic languages are perceived as pleasant. That's why operas are sung in Italian and not Continental Portuguese. >>

Most are sung in Italian because were written by Italian composers, but there are many in French, German, Russian, etc. I don't know of any famous opera sung in Brazilian Portuguese.
Sigma   Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:18 am GMT
To Someone:

Québec is not a third world country and it's part of Latin America due their French heritage.

But yes the rest of Latin America (even my country Mexico) is in the third world... some other countries are "fifth world" due the lack of services, money and education.
Naldo   Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:27 pm GMT
«When Brazil gained its independece, the illiteracy rate was 90%.»

Most probably the illiteracy rate in Portugal itself was also 90% at that time.
Someone   Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:38 pm GMT
Portugal is a great country!!! Such a small country colonised almost half of latin America ! Don’t forget that !

They imposed their language to other colonies in different part of the world. Brazil was formed mostly by slaves, that’s why the Brazilian population is only half white, and that because of the Italians, Polish, Germans and others immigrants. Otherwise it could be completely black .

The point of having slaves is to put them to work and not educate them !!! That’s why the population lives still in misery with a huge illiteracy rates .And the official 15 % of illiterates is a friendly make up by the Corrupted Brazilian Government.

The REAL estimates are 25-30 % ILLITERACY rate. Just think of those VAVELAS (ghettos) from big cities . Officially only half of the population over 60 years of age are LITERATE !! The rest are virtually BLIND !

There is a big population of illegal immigrants from Brazil in the UK. When they are deported to Brazil, most of them are not able to complete a basic form in Portuguese. They are illiterate !

On the other hand the legal illiterate Brazilians in the UK, can’t open a Bank account because they don’t have a signature on the passport or on their ID cards !!! The British Government opened special schools for the illiterate adults. Half of the students are from Brazil !

I have seen with my own eyes a Brazilian ID card, a Passport and a driving licence . On each of them there is a blank space (just like a photo ) for a fingerprint in case you are an illiterate . Otherwise you live that space blank. In many cases the police officers (in UK) who checked their driving licence and noticed that blank space, they believed that the driver removed the photo ! Because the old driving licence have no photos but there is that blank space for the fingerprint confusing the EU police. (obviously the driving licence is monolingual)

And by the way my dear Brazilian supporters ! There is a WAR Battle for a PORTUGUESE PASSPORT in Brazil. As you already know a EU Passport gives you the right to stay and live in 25 European Countries ! Where the illiteracy rate is at most 2 % on average.

Brazil is the country of FOOTBALL not Culture ! But I wish them to read and write as good as they play football !!
eito(jpn)   Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:55 pm GMT
>>Portugal is a great country!!! Such a small country colonised almost half of latin America ! Don’t forget that !<<

I will not forget this arrogant way of saying things! And I want to beleeve this "someone" is not from Portugal.
Edwilsson   Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:01 am GMT
Of course, there is no war for Portuguese passport is Brazil since 15 % Brazilians can apply for an Italian passport, much more fancy than the Portuguese one. Italian government is giving Italian passports automatically to any Brazilian of italian origin (15% according to census, compare with 18 % Brazilians who feel/consider themselves ''Portuguese'', 11 % Brazilians who feel/consider themselves ''Spanish'', or 8 % Brazilians who feel/consider themselves '"German'' :) ).

It is believe that 50 % of people living in São Paulo city have both Brazilian and Italian citizenship/passport. Italian culture is predominant in this city and this is reflected in São Paulo accent of Brazilian Portuguese which is melodic and italian-sounding. The most famous Italo-Brazilian is F1 driver Rubens Barrichello. We have also actors (Reynaldo Gianicchelli, A. Paula Arossio) and singers (Zizi Possi).

Mick Jagger ex-girlfriend is Arab-Brazilian (Luciana Gimenez Morad), and worlds #1 top model (Gisele Bündchen) and tennis player Gustavo Kuerten are German-Brazilian.

So, you will find, across Brazil, people who have no Portuguese blood at all. They don't believe in Brazil and Portugal coming close. We are Brazilians and don't like Portugal. That's it.

Not every American needs to love UK or have UK roots.
Not every Brazilian needs to love Portugal or have Portuguese roots.

the USA and Brazil are melting pots.
British culture in USA is normally not seen as ''domestic'' but ''foreign'', just like Portuguese culture in Brazil.

Still, Madrid influence is considered fancy in Mexico, London is considered fancy in the USA, but Lisbon is not admired in Brazil (unless you belong to that 18% of Brazilians with Portuguese ties)... these 18% brazilians protested when Brazilian tvs decided to dub and subtitle Portuguese programs. But the majority of Brazilians that don't like Portugal win.

Why should an Italo-Brazilian or African-Brazilian or Indian-Brazilian respect Portugal at all? It makes no sense. Portugal never invested in Brazil. They sucked the essence of it, and the only thing they gave us is foreign debt with England. (Portuguese gave Brazil independance but they also transferred Portuguese foreign dept which Portuguese had with England to Brazil, that is how Brazlian foreign debt emerged, in 19 century and this made Brazil the most idepted country in the world).
Naldo   Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:26 pm GMT
«Portugal never invested in Brazil. They sucked the essence of it.»

Perhaps all the Brazilian leaders are still Portuguese? Since Brazil's independence they have been sucking it dry as well. O Lula and his friends from the workers' party have been doing a great job and sofar have beaten all other previous parties as far as outraguous and shameless rampant corruption is concerned.
Someone not Portuguese   Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:20 pm GMT
Brazil and education ! Don’t you understand that before the massive European emigration to New World, Brazil was just a country of slaves or ex-slaves ?

What is the point to invest education in slaves ? Are you crazy ? I know the history was cruel and it’s a shame what happened there, but Brazil was just a Huge Portuguese Plantation with slaves !

Brazil was not meant to live in ! It was simply just a Portuguese Plantation ! Education for slaves ? What the hell are you talking about ?

White Brazilian can’t blame Portugal for anything ! Brazilians exist and speak Portuguese because of Portugal.

ONLY THE NATIVE and BLACK LATIN AMERICANS can blame the European Conquerors!!! And I agree with them !

Not the white Brazilians. They just immigrated there .(And someone said that 50% are white) But it’s easier to blame someone for the mess you live in ! It’s a Latin thing !
Naldo   Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:57 pm GMT
After some 150 years of independence it is about time to stop blaming the Portuguese for all that is wrong in Brazil. The Portuguese sucked it blind? Once independant the sucking was taken over by those that wanted the Portuguese out , so they could do it a lot better. They have done and do so until today.
If only 18% descend from the Portuguese, surely the other 82%, so different, could have made a country, tão abençoado por Deus, so blessed by God, into a better place by now?
What went wrong, Wilkinson?
Wanessa   Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:33 pm GMT
I am Brazilian and I hate Portugal.
500 years of Portuguese ''discovery'' of Brazil was practically ignored here.
We will continue dubbing Portuguese movies and sitcoms into Brazilian language.
Naldo   Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:01 pm GMT
«I think the reasons why European Portuguese is not admired in Brazil could make for an interesting discussion MJD*»

I think it is not admired because our Brazilian friends need to
offload their guilt for not having been able, once independant, to turn one of the most promising countries in the world into a place of opportunity and well-being for all.
When you fail, it is convenient to blame, or in Wanessa's words , to hate others for it.
Antonella   Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:51 pm GMT
here in Italy we have separated university courses for Brazilian Portuguese (you get a degree in Brasilianistics) and Continental Portuguese (you get a degree in Lusitanistics). Brasilianist is a professor of Brazilian literature and language and Lusitanist is a professor of Portuguese language and literature. These 4year courses have separate lecturers (Brazilians and Italians for brazilian studies, and Portuguese and Italians for portuguese studies). I think it is the best way too do. The same thing is done in many French, German, Dutch, British and American Universities.