What do you know about Bahasa Indonesia ?
What do you know about my language Bahasa Indonesia ?
Why people Using the word "Bahasa", when they are refferring to a language that is used as an official language in Indonesia, rather than using the term "Indonesian" or Indonesian language ?
In English, Bahasa is language...right ?
It's based on the Indonesian spoken on the island Java but it is closely related to the Indonesian dialects spoken on other islands in the region and even to Malayan. The language is Malayo-Polynesian but contains numerous loan words from Dutch, English, and even Arabic since most of its speakers are Muslims.
La seule chose que je sache dire c'est « terima kasi» . (J'espère que c'est correct...)
Hmm, Kabayan, I honestly don't know why.
"Bahasa" isn't an English word; that's for sure. Weird... I always thought "Bahasa Indonesia" was how the Indonesians called their own language, and the phrase got into English somehow...
I never know whether Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia are identical, or just very similar variants of the same language (like British and American English, or Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian). At any rate, I once read the same text in both languages in a TV user manual, and they looked pretty much the same to me.
Thanks for replying !
Youre absolutely right ! How do you know so much about my language ? :)
It's Terimakasih, means mercy or Thank you. :)
I don't speak French, eventhough French sounds very nice to my ear.
I think Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa malaysia are very similar variants of the same language, The Malay. However it is political need that we see them as different languages.
No one cares about Bahasa you know...
Indonesia and most of the other Southeast asian countries have been influenced by the Indian Subcontinent. That's why the old indonesian script(now they use roman), burmese script, cambodian script,etc are all based off the ancient brahmi script of which all other subcontinental languages are based off. This is the reason why Indonesia/Malaysia are muslim countries having been influenced by the Moghuls of pre-colonial India and less by arab seafarers. Naturally many loan words found in Southeast asian languages are derived from Sanskrit(even some languages of the phillipines have words like guru) and Bahasa is one of these. Bhasha in Bengali and Sanskrit in general means language.
>>No one cares about Bahasa you know...<<
No one cares about Dutch, you know...
>>No one cares about Bahasa you know...Sander<<
I think you posted somewhere you are interested in languages.
Bahasa is spoken by hundreds of millions and you, the most ignorant of all, says no one cares?
Has it ever crossed your minds that I didn't write that?Sure it has, but this is better for you isn't it?
>>..Indonesia and most of the other Southeast asian countries have been influenced by the Indian Subcontinent. That's why the old indonesian script(now they use roman), burmese script, cambodian script,etc are all based off the ancient brahmi script of which all other subcontinental languages are based off. This is the reason why Indonesia/Malaysia are muslim countries having been influenced by the Moghuls of pre-colonial India and less by arab seafarers. Naturally many loan words found in Southeast asian languages are derived from Sanskrit(even some languages of the phillipines have words like guru) and Bahasa is one of these. Bhasha in Bengali and Sanskrit in general means language. ..<<
Well said guess !!! Thanks for the info.
I believe that 18 0f 20 Bahasa Indonesia's words are loan words. It is the second biggest loan words in number. English is no 1 in loan words.
:) :)
I wnat to learn bhasa of indonesia.
pl. help me.