That French guy on the video is much smarter than any hispanic living today.
Actually baboons are much smarter than hispanic like you.
Actually baboons are much smarter than hispanic like you.
Studied Foreign Languages in the U.S.
That French guy on the video is much smarter than any hispanic living today.
Actually baboons are much smarter than hispanic like you.
Actually baboons are much smarter than hispanic like you.
Actually everybody is much smarter and less gay than any french. Nice to see Youtube is the main cultural reference for french!! What a culture! oohh làà làààààà
Actually baboons are smarter than Hispanics. I wonder what would Galdikas, Jane Goodal, and the late Dian Fossey give remarks to the poor IQ's of hispanic dung beetles like you.
Orangutans and chimpanzees have cultures but hispanics do not have because they are not problem solvers.
Orangutans and chimpanzees have cultures but hispanics do not have because they are not problem solvers. OLE!
Hey listen, why don't you return the Visa Crad that you have stolen from Catherine Zeta Jones. After all she offered you bunch of bananas for you to enjoy. BTW, return the key of the truck too. Don't blackmail them.
Who taught you how to drive in the other TV commercial?
Goodness, the scientists have taught so many knowledge to these hispanic fanatic monkeys and now they learn how to operate the internet. I hope they will not take over the entire world just like what their cousin did in "Planet of the Apes"
Actually baboons ARE the frogs. You cannot distinguish them from monkeys (cheese-monkeys as Americans said) and they emit the same sounds too.
Entend frog dung beetles?? Leave the baguette away from your ass, maybe you could become a little less pathetic Ohh lààà làààààààà
Keep on posting youtube hate videos that you loaded and you'd find out that they're gone because I reported it. You're so stupid imagine making those videos for many hours and uploading it then they're gone and so as your username bwahahahahahahahaha!
Actually baboons ARE the hispanic dung beetles themselves. You cannot distinguish them from hyenas(cheese-hyenas as Americans said) and they emit the same sounds too.
Entend hispanic dung beetles?? Leave the paella away from your ass, maybe you could become a little less pathetic! Ole Ole!
Listen, you better return to the jungle and learn how to eat live bananas after all you're a pathetic hispanic faggot! Ole!