Studied Foreign Languages in the U.S.
>>Here's the life cycle of hispanic dung beetle...<<
And here is the frog life cycle:
>>Anyway, Spanish rhymes with shit!<<
No, it doesn't. Either you are ignorant or maybe you are too stupid to understand what a rhyme is (which wouln'd surprise me, since you are a French and your low level IQ is well proven). See here:
"2. a word agreeing with another in terminal sound: Find is a rhyme for mind and womankind."
Do you see the pattern? But I will explain slowly for you to understand as I know you French have trouble to comprehend even the simplest concepts.
In above example you see
find = f + ind
mind = m + ind
Both end in "ind" therefore they rhyme.
french = fr + ench
stench = st + ench
Both end in "ench" therefore I was right (i.e. french rhymes with stench).
>>I searche in the youtube for hispanic dung beetle and i found multiple entries but here's one...<<
Another exemplum of French ignorantia. An AFRICAN dung beetle can't be hispanic but French for in Africa is the strength of francophonic culture.
>>Gay Latino Immigrants in Dallas <<
That prove nothing. In fact French are the most gay. And if a French is straight he prefers women to shit on him... if you don't believe me search "french" on youtube and see THE FIRST vid.
Here's the life cycle of hispanic dung beetle
<< >>Anyway, Spanish rhymes with shit!<<
No, it doesn't. Either you are ignorant or maybe you are too stupid to understand what a rhyme is (which wouln'd surprise me, since you are a French and your low level IQ is well proven). See here: >>
You're a bobo hispanic dung beetle wih a very low IQ. I just tgrew back what that hispanic dung beetle posted when he wrote that the word shit rhymes with French and rgyme here does bot necessarily means sounfs like but synonyme BOBO.
<< Another exemplum of French ignorantia. An AFRICAN dung beetle can't be hispanic but French for in Africa is the strength of francophonic culture. >>
So the hispanics are frogs too because there's a species of frog from Colombia to Argentina known as Horned(Pacman) Frog with wide mouth. This species of frog is notorious for devouring anything including those whose size many times larger than itself even if it would cause suffocation. There were even reports that i would bite a grazing horse.
The instinct of these frogs matches the instinct of the hispanics because hispanics are greedy not just for money but in honor too.
In this forum, the greediness of the hispanic shows up just to gloorify their language and culture. Yes even o the point of grabbing the facts that belong to other languages like French, German, Russian and Italian.
So, hispanics here in his forum are no just dunng neetles but pacman frog too.
>> << Why don't you make a ball of shit and bring it to your nest to be devoured like you usually do, hispanic dung beetle? >>
<< Because it has always been your task frog dung beetle. You love shit so much. This is because you are so filthy >> <<
No, hispanics are progammed to build balls of shit. It's part of your instinct beacuse you love the look, smell, odor, and especially the tastte of shit that's why you salivate everytime you see one.
Don't worry hispanic dung beetle nobody would compete with you when it comes in possessing those shit that you really love and you are longing for. THEY'RE ALL YOURS.
Here's the life cycle of hispanic dung beetle
<< >>Anyway, Spanish rhymes with shit!<<
No, it doesn't. Either you are ignorant or maybe you are too stupid to understand what a rhyme is (which wouln'd surprise me, since you are a French and your low level IQ is well proven). See here: >>
You're a bobo hispanic dung beetle wih a very low IQ. I just tgrew back what that hispanic dung beetle posted when he wrote that the word shit rhymes with French and rgyme here does bot necessarily means sounfs like but synonyme BOBO.
<< Another exemplum of French ignorantia. An AFRICAN dung beetle can't be hispanic but French for in Africa is the strength of francophonic culture. >>
So the hispanics are frogs too because there's a species of frog from Colombia to Argentina known as Horned(Pacman) Frog with wide mouth. This species of frog is notorious for devouring anything including those whose size many times larger than itself even if it would cause suffocation. There were even reports that it would bite a grazing horse.
The instinct of these frogs matches the instinct of the hispanics because hispanics are greedy not just for money but in honor too.
In this forum, the greediness of the hispanic shows up just to gloorify their language and culture. Yes even to the point of grabbing the facts that belong to other languages like French, German, Russian and Italian.
So, hispanics here in his forum are no just dung beetles but pacman frog too.
Su tabaco , gracias. Your tobacco, thanks.
Son tabac, merci. Your tobacco, thanks.
<<So, hispanics here in his forum are no just dung beetles but pacman frog too. >>
Es bueno mantener el decoro
y no es malo mucha disputa
pero creo que en este foro
hay mucho hijo de puta
Wow,it rhymes in spanish . Do you understand it?
It's interesting hiow threads like this deteriorate over time. It must be that hurling insults is a lot more more fun than engaging in scholarly discussions on topics concerning languages. :)
<<It must be that hurling insults is a lot more more fun than engaging in scholarly discussions on topics concerning languages.>>
I agree with you but some comments here are very offensive. That is why i highlighted that there is no problem in discussing controversial issues but insulting against race,nations ,etc is intolerable.
Occupation of Hawaii is intolerable!
<<I agree with you but some comments here are very offensive.>>
Offensive comments from Westerners may actually be a good thing. It shows that Political Correctness isn't quite universal yet in Western culture. If we're going to survive in the future, we're going to need whole heck of a lot of political incorrectness.
If push comes to shove, I wonder if it's even possible for us to get back to how we were during WWII (where we could bomb whole cities flat, "without batting an eye"). In these PC days, all the former WWII heroes are now considered War Criminals: Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman, Marshall, Harris, LeMay, etc.
The enemies of the West sure don't subscribe to PC.
I wonder if it's possible for us to get back to the times of the Inquisition. Political correctness only benefits the Islamic enemy .
>>You're a bobo hispanic dung beetle wih a very low IQ.<<
So you are a smart French then? A member of the 44 % French with normal IQ? Remember:
56 % of French PROVED to be dumb! That's certainly far more than any other people !
And if I am "a bobo hispanic dung beetle wih a very low IQ" why do you bother to answer me ? Maybe because in your subconscient you know I'm smarter than you. You know that your people is champion of dumbness and you desperately try to show that other people are dumber. But you need proofs dear froggie and only when I will see those proofs I will change my opinion about your people.
"I just tgrew back what that hispanic dung beetle posted when he wrote that the word shit rhymes with French and rgyme here does bot necessarily means sounfs like but synonyme BOBO."
I see now you are fond on Tibetan language as you use words like "tgrew" and "rgyme". How was your last Tantra session ?
And French rhymes with stench - this is not an insult, not an opinion, but an indubitable FACT. Read carefully the demonstration in my earlier post and try to understand it - if you still can't comprehend it go and suicide yourself as your life is a waste of resources people smarter than you need.
"from Colombia to Argentina"
From Colombia to Argentina lies Brazil. Now you attack brazilians too ? How pathetic you are !
By the way, did you saw the last French porn movie ?
<<Political correctness only benefits the Islamic enemy . >>
There are other enemies of the West that benefit from PC besides Islam:
- China
- Aboriginal movements
- Hostile left wing governments
In fact, there's at least one scenario where an Islamacized West is better able to stand up against China in the distant future, if it becomes necessary.