Llama el domonio como ti para ayudarte en vez! Ole!
Studied Foreign Languages in the U.S.
>>...after all you're a pathetic hispanic faggot! <<
Nice to meet you, pathetic french maggot! ole!
Nice to meet you, pathetic french maggot! ole!
<< Nice to meet you, pathetic french maggot! ole! >>
Nice to meet you too stinking and rotting hispanic shit!
Nice to meet you too stinking and rotting hispanic shit!
Listen, you you can give lessons since you naturally live in the jungle, eat rotten shit and being a super-frog faggot. Who can be better than a gay frog to give lessons of faggotry?!!!
ohhlàà làààààà!! parbleu!! mon Dieu !!!
ohhlàà làààààà!! parbleu!! mon Dieu !!!
<<French speakers in Louisiana are being revived and begin to increase again.>>
No. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is not increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the past.
No. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is not increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the past.
The French sold Louisiana to Spain because they couldn't care less that territory and now they pretend that French is still important there. Hilarious!
<<French IQ (LOL):
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there.
LOL @ France.
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there.
LOL @ France.
Not that bad that just one guy was dumb, but what really is staggering is that 56% of the audience are dumb too!
<<French language video:
BWAHAHAHAAAA! Why don't you open it by yourself! It was removed because it contained hatred messages! Waste of time and effort for you!
BWAHAHAHAAAA! Why don't you open it by yourself! It was removed because it contained hatred messages! Waste of time and effort for you!
Listen, you you can give lessons since you naturally live in the toilet, eat rotten and stinking shit and being a super hispanic dung beetle faggot. Who can be better than a gay hispanic dung beetle to give lessons of faggotry?!!!
Ole! Ole! El Diablo es tu maestro!
Ole! Ole! El Diablo es tu maestro!
>> <<French speakers in Louisiana are being revived and begin to increase again.>>
No. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is not increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the past. >>
Yes. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the future.
No. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is not increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the past. >>
Yes. Sorry.
The numbers of NATIVE french speakers is increasing. French in louisiana is the language of the future.
<<French IQ (LOL):
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there.
LOL @ France. >>
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there. Your stupidity showed up again the video was removed. Oh when are are you gonna learn your lesson hispanic dung beetle.
LOL @ Hispanic Community Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there.
LOL @ France. >>
*GASP* I am seriously ASTOUNDED by this video. That is unprecedented ignorance right there. Your stupidity showed up again the video was removed. Oh when are are you gonna learn your lesson hispanic dung beetle.
LOL @ Hispanic Community Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!