what are the practical steps to speak english fluently
Check your spelling first. If you only have a few errors it will be easier to read and easier to correct. It will show that you have made some effort.
Use punctuation. I've been known to use it occasionally...
Use SIMPLE language if you are a beginner. Don't use higher level words just to sound better. Any employer will see through this tactic.
Use "Could" and "Would" to soften your requests.
The first two suggestions are for writing, of course. The last two suggestions can be used in speaking or writing. Remember, unless you have a special skill, writing a letter with many mistakes won't help you get into the office for that interview to show your fluency in English.
Oh, are you Ukrainian? Please join the language forum (also on this website) too!
could you plz send me a material for learning English
hi i m swati garg. working as a interior designer .......... i m good in speaking english but nt fluent in it and even my pronountition is nt that g8t and my big problem is that my friends also nt speak with me ...........becoze of my english is nt that g8t i really scare to go for interview.s........ i start thinking i will nt select so i dont try also..............plz suggest me good books which can help me out in improving my english.and prounountition thank for reading me
My advice to swati garg (and other English learners):
Please refrain from text messaging style until you're really, really fluent. It's bad enough when native speakers do it, unless you want to pass for an impatient teenager. Non-natives using incorrect writing (g8t instead of gr8t, becoze, etc.) look ridiculous. (And by the time you're really fluent, you can skip the text messaging and pass for an adult.)
As for pronunciation, I suggest getting a recording or an audio download with an English voice you really like, preferably with text that you can follow. (A scene from a movie with subtitles will also work.) Listen over and over until you understand everything--by that time you'll probably have it memorized. Then start speaking over the recording, as many times as you need, trying to match the pronunciation, intonation, etc. If need be, you can then record yourself, and compare to the original, to improve the fine points.
If you do this with enough material, the quantity and quality of your speech will improve.
Hi everyone. I want to speak fluent English just like all of my friends do. I been in this country for almost ten years. My writing I can say It's pretty good but my accent is killing me. I need to get rid of this accent as soon as possible. If there are any suggestions please let me know. This is frustrating me and I feel embarrassed.
what is the factors contributing to pronunciation fluency
Hello there,
i am Abraham from India.I want to speak english fluently but my problem is that while speaking english i start to stammer and have a loss of words.My reading is excellent and when i read my pronunciation is perfect.Only when it comes to speaking and making presentations in my company i face this peculiar problem.My spellings are also good and i have no problem in writing lengthy english essays.
It is only in speaking that i am not good at.
Kindly help me to overcome this problem.
Thank you,
Hi i am giri from india. since my young age to till college i studied only in my mother tongue but i had a paper in english but there was no use of that,that's why i could not learn english well but after i my college days i came to know that english is must for my career so that as i tried to improve my english knowledge, i went to lots of english training centres but there was no use they did not teach me correctly that's why yet now i am struggling to speak in english fluently. It is big barrier of my career, If i had a good communication skill aswellas written skill i would have achieved lot in my life. please assist me to improve my english knowledge.
My suggestion to Abraham is to practice speaking BEFORE you are faced with making presentations. Write out what you want to say and practice, practice, practice. It's like stage fright in your case, I think.
To Giri: First, put away your thoughts about your negative experiences at the English training centres. If you have residual resentment, it won't help you and you will just waste time thinking about it. Get some good recordings of books you like in English (with text)...Read along silently mouthing the words, then say the words at the same time as the speakers the next time. Pay close attention to the speaker. Where is the stress? Where does the pitch change? Note these things in a way you can understand.
Don't be afraid of repetition. This is for both of you. When you are in a difficult situation and you have to speak, the words you put in your mental storehouse will be there for you.
Best wishes,
K. T.
Thanks for your suggestion K.T