What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?

Janet   Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:29 pm GMT
Heres a question.what the hell does celt or celtic have to do with What accent do you really hate? and which one you love????Or this whole England v The celts thing for that matter?Jim C you do know you sound like that little schoolboy that hangs out in the corner on his own just because the other boys won't play with him.What does it matter if a group/s want to exclude the English from their little club does it really effect you or your life?-prob not.Oh and Mick while were down that whole an english person said something to me with a certain tone so he must hate me -well ive been to ireland before and i had bad experiences with the locals.Shocking I know but i dont b*tch about it.I guess if a group of terrorists IRA came to my homeland and started bombing innocent men,women and children Id prob have the same feelings towards the irish.

anyway i suppose i like the english,scottish accent the most,not too fond of the french accent.
An fear Fiosrach   Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:35 pm GMT
What were those bad experiences you had in Ireland? c'mon, spill the beans.
Jim C, Eofforwic   Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:36 am GMT
I don't hate the Irish, if my comments were really that contraversial, ill take them back, after all they were just my drunken expression of my need for Historical and cultural accuracy.

"Jim C you do know you sound like that little schoolboy that hangs out in the corner on his own just because the other boys won't play with him."

Your probably right.
Janet   Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:05 am GMT
I never said you hated the Irish Jim,celtic applies to scotland,wales,england and some parts of europe so it isnt just an irish thing.And one only needs to pick up a book from their local library to know that england has a history,some of it mythological,but for the most part its real.

An fear Fiosrach,I am chinese american,I stayed in sligo last year and was the victim of racial slurs,I'm not going to get into the whole scenario because over all the people there were nice,but that minority were not.
carter   Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:32 am GMT
Janet you're misguided,the IRA does not act on behalf of the Irish people,they are a group of men and women acting on their own,I'm pretty sure every Irish man and woman would like to see a united Ireland in our lifetime,most of us would rather do it politically than resorting to violence,it probably won't happen for a very long time or may never happen at all.If I were to say to you the triads represent the chinese community you wouldnt feel too happy would you.
Travis   Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:50 am GMT
In this kind of case, I myself am sympathetic towards efforts to preserve (or in the case of Cornish and Manx, revive) the Celtic languages, as well as protect the Celtic cultures as such, not out of any particular specific support for Celtic ethnic groups in particular, unlike some, but rather out of supporting minority languages and minority groups in general, no matter what the particular ethnicities in question may be. Due to such support I myself do tend to be generally tolerant of associated nationalisms, such as Welsh nationalism and Scottish nationalism, whereas I normally tend to be strongly opposed to nationalism of any sort, in particular that of majority cultural and linguistic groups.
BNP   Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:04 am GMT
Piss off chink.
Travis   Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:21 am GMT
>>Piss off chink.<<

Die fascist.
Damian in Edinburgh   Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:56 pm GMT
Such pleasantries knocking back and forth.....och! hardly likely to be candidates for the diplomatic service are we guys? LOL ;-)

It's good to see that there is widespread interest in the preservation of minority Languages, not only in these windswept, rainswept, Blairswept islands, but everywhere else in the world. Languages have actually died out over time and that's one major tragedy. A Language dying literally means people dying, and that's nae sae guid is it? Valiant attempts and concerted efforts to keep Languages (and regional dialects) alive and kicking is not necessarily synonymous with rampant nationalism....there is a sharp diving line between the nationalism of keeping alive a Language, culture, customs, character and way of life of a country or region, and the nationalism of jingoistic imperialism which imposes an attitude of superiority over all others.

As far as the former is concerned......my Scottish heritage and culture...then I am a nationalist of the highest order. That does not mean I will vote Scottish Nationalist Party (I didn't in last year's national Election and probably won't in the next) as my form of nationalism is not linked with politics or a perverted conviction that Scotland is "superior" to any other country in any way. That's stupid - it simply isn't, but it IS my home country and I love its history, love its culture, love its environment - its magnificent countryside, love my really cool city - love its life, energy and vibrancy, love what I do here, love most things - even the grotty weather when it's grotty....more times than you will ever believe our weather can be really great!!.....I just love Scotland, warts and all, and it has its fair share of those and that's for sure. I've never maintained that Scotland is "better than England" in the Adam sense.......it's just....different, and that's jist wunnerfae!

OK...England has treated us like shit over the centuries...and in minor ways still does, unintentionally - let's not be mean spirited here.......like making Scotland look small and slanted on national TV weather maps......but this is the 21st century and time moves on. We may cheer on England's opposing teams in the World Cup, and love to beat the crap out of the Sassenachs at Murrayfield, but we must'nae be too hard on them. We know we're not superior to the English...we just like to give them the impressoin that we are.

When I was in Wales over Easter, I had the impression that a veiled current of anti-English sentiment was a wee bit more marked than it is here in Scotland....that may be due in part to concerted English efforts right up to the mid 20th century to eradicate the Welsh Language, using bizzare methods, such as English teachers (supported by English imposed forcing officials) forcing schoolkids heard speaking Welsh at any time to carry placards round their necks bearing insults. That's what I was told, but I haven't found any substantiation of it yet.
Jim C, Eofforwic   Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:28 pm GMT
Im not a fan of nationalism at all, but I would say that the Welsh and Scotish versions are more acceptable for their leftwing approach, but still the concept of nationalism (as showns by the disgusting comment a bit furtherup) goes against everything I believe in.

I have heard there is alot more anti-English sentiment in north Wales, alot of my family are from west Wales and even they say that they are a bit mad with it up in the north. Infact my cousin's north Welsh mother in-law used to burn houses/holiday cottages owned by English people, appaerently she still has photos framed on her walls.
My sister is becoming a teacher, and is training in west Wales, she has had to learn Welsh, and is currently learning Irish to teach in Ireland possibly. I should say that west Wales has more Welsh speakers I believe.
My mam was a teacher in Cardiff, south Wales in the 70's/80's, South Wales doesn't have a large Welsh speaking population, then and now. She tought in a school in tiger bay (its spelt wrong probably, plus its called something else now) very rough, but she had the best time of her life, apparently. They didn't have to speak Welsh, appart from the Lords Prayre.

There was alot of stupid laws trying to wipe out the Welsh language, now though it has gone the otherway, my cousin used to get bollocked if she spoke English on school grounds, bit harsh, but I see their point.

I thought it was piss funny when your lot started complaing about Scotland looking smaller on the weather map, you know it made the north look smaller aswell? we wern't fussed, they always skip past us so its no different.

No one is supperior to any one, were all different, and it should be celebrated.
Adam   Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:00 pm GMT
Apparently, the Scots don't like the Irish, either, and vice versa, so it's not just a "Celtic VS Anglo-Saxon" thing.
Adam   Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:05 pm GMT
"Due to such support I myself do tend to be generally tolerant of associated nationalisms, such as Welsh nationalism and Scottish nationalism, whereas I normally tend to be strongly opposed to nationalism of any sort, in particular that of majority cultural and linguistic groups. "

So, according to you, if Scotland ruled England (which it does), then it's not alright for the English to want independence from Scotland? But it would be alright if was the opposite way around?

How does that work? By that reckoning, it'll be alright for England to rule the United States, and the Americans wouldn't be able to feel nationalistic about is as there are more of them than us.
Adam   Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:14 pm GMT
"England has treated us like shit over the centuries...and in minor ways still does, unintentionally - let's not be mean spirited here"

No, no. Let's get a few things straight here.

It's not England that treats SCOTLAND like shit. It's Scotland that treats ENGLAND like shit.

Britain's government is dominated by Scots. Scotland has more MP's in the Labour Government, per capita, than England has. Therefore, the Labour government spends more money, per capita, on health and public services in Scotland than it does in England.

There's also the matter of Scottish MPs completely ruining England by being able to vote on matters that concern ONLY England, and not Scotland or anyone else, although English MPs can't vote on matters that concern only Scotland. So we had the terrible affair of Scottish-only MPs, in Scotland's parliament, voting AGAINST having tuition fees in Scotland, because they thought that they would be bad for Scotland's students but then, a few months later in England, Scottish MPs voted FOR having tuition fees in England even though they voted AGAINST having them for Scotland and even though English MPs voted AGAINST having them in England and were NOT allowed to vote on the same matter in Scotland. Now, thanks to Scotland, England HAS tuition fees. We had them FORCED upon us by the Scots, whereas the Scots also decided NOT to introduce them to England.

And that's not the only case of Scotland's undemocratic oppression against England.

Remember, England is being oppressed by Scotland. Scotland is getting a better deal than England, so saying that England treats Scotland like shit is just wrong.
Adam   Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:17 pm GMT
"We had them FORCED upon us by the Scots, whereas the Scots also decided NOT to introduce them to England. "

That should have read: "We had them FORCED upon us by the Scots, whereas the Scots also decided NOT to introduce them to Scotland."
An Fear Fiosrach   Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:50 pm GMT
"Apparently, the Scots don't like the Irish, either, and vice versa, so it's not just a "Celtic VS Anglo-Saxon" thing."

I wasn't aware of that but thanks for letting me know. I'll put together a mob as soon as possible.