What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?

Guest   Fri May 05, 2006 7:04 pm GMT
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usa   Sat May 06, 2006 6:53 pm GMT
im american and if u dont like my accent jump off a cliff and die
:) usa!!!!!!!
Guest   Sat May 06, 2006 10:19 pm GMT
I don't think that is an American. It seems to juvenile.
Seayuan   Sun May 07, 2006 8:47 am GMT
I don't like Indian-English accent, it's hard to understand.
londoner   Mon May 08, 2006 3:58 pm GMT
james brittle you prick id shut that scottsh mouth of yours up chatting about our accents listen to urs ya sweaty sock noone in the world can hear the shit coming from your mouths not that we wanna hear the bollocks we shulda invaded you a long time ago and send you somewhere deserted
londoner   Mon May 08, 2006 4:17 pm GMT
I hate wiggers.I hate the I wanna be black mentality.YOU ARE WHITE...GET OVER YOURSELF and stop using that stupid lame ass gangsta talk just to prove you are somebody when in reality the black community laughs at you behind your back.

Funny how you never see a black man trying to be white,with the exception of michael jackson,but yet everywhere I look there are young white kids and teenagers emulating black rappers and that whole THUG LIFE mentality.If you are white and you grew up around black people in the ghetto and you grew up listening to them talk the way they talk,gangsta talk,then I can understand that.But if you are a rich white kid,or a white kid who grew up in a white community and you try to be something you are obviously not[genetics ain't it a bitch :-)] then please stop trying to be black.Be yourself.

Having said all that,I like the following accents,american,english,Irish,scottish,austalian.

i agree with this apart from black people never think there white what about the posh speaking blacks that sound just like a white bloke you chat shit
Damian in Edinburgh   Mon May 08, 2006 7:06 pm GMT
That is SO much a London thing! One of the hairiest moments of my life was travelling on a Victoria line tube train from Victoria to Stockwell quite late(ish) at night last year even though I was with two mates. It wasn't a question of 'trying to be black"....more a matter of just 'being white...the only ones in the carriage and subjected to black abuse' by these other lads. Threatening man. If you like rap it's just because it is rap and what's wrong with that? It doesn't mean you're trying to be black.

Anyway, what about that black guy on Big Bro last year or the year before? He sounded more posh than the Queen.
Jim C, York   Mon May 08, 2006 7:21 pm GMT
Its not a case of speaking "Black" or "White" or owt like that. I knew a guy called Trev in my old village, he wasn't trying to be "white" or owt, he just spoke, and acted the way he was brought up. So that guy from Big Brother (who I have a lot of respect for, despite the fact he is a conservative and a fox hunter) is simply being English and British. This whole rap culture way of speaking is just youth expressing them selves, and trying to be more American or what ever. It has nothing to do with where, or how they have been brought up. I saw a documentry with Romeo from the "So Solid Crew", his mam spoke like any other southener, yet he spoke in the typical style of a rapper.

I agree this whole "Thug Life" thing is bloody anoying. It doesn't matter what colour you are, you're as fake as each other. Your not "straight out of Compton", your from Brighton, get over your self.
zoe   Thu May 11, 2006 3:14 am GMT
I hate my accent. It's a "general" American accent, and I'm self-conscious about it when traveling abroad. I'd change it, but that seems incredibly affected and pretentious.
Travis   Thu May 11, 2006 6:22 am GMT
>>I hate my accent. It's a "general" American accent, and I'm self-conscious about it when traveling abroad. I'd change it, but that seems incredibly affected and pretentious.<<

I thought the words "affected" and "pretentious" were associated in the popular mind with Received Pronunciation, not General American, which, if associated with anything, seems to be just associated with things American, period.
Damian in Edinburgh   Thu May 11, 2006 7:36 am GMT
***I thought the words "affected" and "pretentious" were associated in the popular mind with Received Pronunciation***

Aye, but it depends how "affected and pretentious" the brand of RP actually is. Nothing can be more "a & p" than "posh English English" which can still be heard from older English English people.....a good (or rather a painful) example is that of a guy called Brian Sewell, an English English art critic. He talks so far back with his strangulated vowels he almost disappears up his own English English rear end.

Thankfully, "a&p" English English RP is hardly ever heard even in the heart of Southern English England, and if it is it's a bit more like Estuary, innit?
Guest   Thu May 11, 2006 8:16 am GMT
>>I hate my accent. It's a "general" American accent, and I'm self-conscious about it when traveling abroad. I'd change it, but that seems incredibly affected and pretentious.<<

I took this to mean that the writer meant that for her to adopt an accent other than her general American accent would be taken as pretentious and affected. Obviously, if she did it well, no one other than people who already knew her would know it was not her native accent.

She didn't mention which accent she would use if she could change the one she has anyway, so why pick on RP? You can sound affected and pretentious in any accent or dialect, and there is no better example of that than Bostonian (that's the Boston in America, not the Mk I version).
Jim C, Eofforwic   Thu May 11, 2006 12:43 pm GMT
Brian Sewell isn't posh at all, he's common as muck, he learnt his accent sitting in his room, in a council flat... strange eh?
Damian in Dun Eidann   Thu May 11, 2006 5:19 pm GMT
However or wherever Mr Sewell "learned" to speak the way he does it gave me a pain in the lugholes listening to him at a meeting I had to attend to a wee while back and it made it hard trying to concentrate on his artistic subject matter. I had to attend as part of my course work. His 'Mega posh learned in a council flat sitting room in North London or wherever accent' does not go down too well in Scotland and that's for sure. Just imagine him with all his mates - all speaking the same way and supping Bollingers at the same time!
Jim C, York   Thu May 11, 2006 5:27 pm GMT
Ive never actualy heard him like anything, anything at all, he is constantly pissed off with everything! and now he is doing reviews of films on channel 5! So you can imagine how anoying it is to hear him deriding my favourite directors...