Vive Le Quebec libre

Sigma   Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:04 am GMT
Yes, there is certainly enough room to split France into 4 countries, as well. One for each of the following:

Este es exactamente el orgullo y la soberbía anglo-sajona que ya me tiene harto.

Para reconcer la indendencia de Texas, que no tenía NINGUNA legitimidad histórica, que los anglo tejanos eran muy pocos pobladores, que Texas era un estado legal de México y formaba parte de la Nueva España, no tuvieron ninguna demora en reconocerlo como Pais independiente y luego como Estado de USA.

Pero claro como Québec es una nación francófona, que se opone a la hegemonia cultural anglo sajona, le ponen mil obstáculos para que se consolide como país, a pesar de tener legitimidad histórica, viabilidad como estado, y aceptación de parte de otras naciones (en este caso naciones no anglo sajonas por supuesto)

Hipócritas, todos y cada uno de ustedes anglos, que solo manejan los conceptos de libertad y democracia para satisfacer sus ambiciones.

Guest   Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:52 am GMT
And that's precisely the doltish part of your orgulous Hispanic mentatility! Hell, let's split up every Central and South American country and do away with the Hispanic hegemony! Every single one of you Sigmas are hypocritcs and back-stabbers!

Long re-live the nations of native peoples of South and Central America!

Sigma   Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:51 pm GMT
Every single one of you Sigmas are hypocritcs and back-stabbers!

¿Ah si? ¿Quiénes fueron los cínicos sinvergüenzas que nos apuñaleron por la espalda cuando Texas era territorio mexicano?
El gobierno mexicano les dio a los anglo-sajones facilidades de entrada a texas, les dio tierras, y les dio numerosas concesiones y beneficios tanto a los anglos como a sus esclavos. Resultado, llegan los anglos a texas, s multiplican ¿y como nos dan las gracias? robándonos texas por la fuerza, y no conformes con llevarse solo texas, se llevan todos los estados norteños mexicanos, dígased la mitad del país.

Entonces ¿Quiénes son los "back-stabbers" aquí?
Ustedes anglos solo manipulan los conceptos de libertad y democracía de acuerdo a sus interéses.
Kenna D   Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:23 pm GMT
You cannot survive in Montreal if you don't speak English. Montreal is DE FACTO a bilingual city, although DE JURE it is a French speaking city. Virtually all trade is done in English, and many singers sing in English (remember Céline Dion). And there is also a huge minority of native speakers of English within Montreal city. What happens to them if Quebec gain independence? Will it function like some kind of West Berlin?!

Splitting Belgium and Canada into several parts is not possible.
Why to split when we can join?
Long live globalization!

My Heart will go on
(Celine Dion - an English singing Canadian)
Guest   Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:13 pm GMT
The anglophones in Quebec have ALL of English speaking North America to make their home. Why do they insist on forcing their language down the throats of the 7 million Quebecois who are trying to protect their unique culture and identity from being swamped?
Maria Fernanda NYC   Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:48 am GMT
Isolated Quebec = Non-existing Quebec
trace it or face it
Celine Dijon   Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:40 am GMT
Mort au Quebec !!!
Guest   Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:14 am GMT
Isolated Quebec = Non-existing Quebec >=

Keep Dreaming.... Québec will be free of the Anglo-Saxon rule.... soon or later...............

Guest   Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:25 am GMT
<The anglophones in Quebec have ALL of English speaking North America to make their home. Why do they insist on forcing their language down the throats of the 7 million Quebecois>

Ok tell us how is English is 'forced' down you thoat huh?

Why don't we continue on the fact that other provinces who ain't French speaking feel like French is forced down their thoat to please one province and they don't complain?

I have nothing against our French speakers but this needs to end. If you guys so hate Canada leave us and get your freedom. I'm starting to get pissed off that people who has the excuse of 'Protect our culture and langauge' as its not up to the rest of Canada.

The fact is that its not up to us but to yourselves if the people of Quebec are keen to upheld the culture.
Guest   Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:47 am GMT
<Keep Dreaming.... Québec will be free of the Anglo-Saxon rule.... soon or later............... >

what a laugh WTF Anglo-Saxon rule?????????? What the hell are you implying????????
Guest   Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:48 pm GMT

New push for separate Quebec

Tuesday, November 1, 2005; Posted: 8:16 p.m. EST (01:16 GMT)

OTTAWA, Ontario (Reuters) -- One of Quebec's top politicians said Tuesday that separatists in the French-speaking province would launch a new referendum on independence from Canada after the next provincial election.

The leader of the Bloc Quebecois, the separatist party in the federal Parliament, which fields candidates only in Quebec, was speaking after an inquiry reported that senior members of the Quebec branch of the ruling federal Liberal Party had engaged in kickbacks and illegal campaign financing.

Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe told reporters the best argument the federalists seemed to have for keeping Quebec in Canada was to buy their votes.

Asked if Tuesday's report would hasten the next referendum, Duceppe said: "I'm pretty sure we'll win the next federal election, the Parti Quebecois will win ... the election in Quebec, and then we'll go for a referendum."

The next federal election, where the Bloc will try to maintain its two-thirds share of Quebec seats, has been promised for early 2006.

The Parti Quebecois is the Bloc's provincial cousin. Only when it is in power in Quebec City can it call a referendum. A provincial election does not have to be called until 2008 but is widely expected in 2007.

Quebec's current Liberal government, under Premier Jean Charest, who opposes separation, is far behind in the polls.

The separatists lost a referendum in 1980 by 20 percentage points but came within one point of winning a similar poll in 1995.

Tuesday's official report found Canada's former prime minister, Jean Chretien, shared the blame for a government scandal laced by greed, incompetence, carelessness and venality. (Chretien returns fire)

But Prime Minister Paul Martin, a fellow Liberal, was off the hook, the inquiry said.

The report into a deeply flawed government advertising program to promote Canadian unity also said senior Liberal officials in French-speaking Quebec had engaged in an elaborate kickback scheme and in illegal campaign financing.

In all, about C$100 million ($85 million) was funneled from the program to pro-Liberal advertising firms.

Opposition politicians responded to the report with outrage, and Martin, whose government has only a minority in Parliament, immediately asked police to investigate.

Martin could face a confidence vote in Parliament as early as November 14, but opposition parties expressed some reluctance about the idea, saying that if they win the vote it would trigger an election campaign during the December holiday season.

Immediate threat
Even if Martin does survive the immediate threat, he still faces an election next year in which he will find it hard to win back enough Liberal seats in Quebec to give him a majority government. The party's fortunes in the province plummeted last year after the scandal broke.

Stephen Harper, leader of the official opposition Conservatives, said Martin -- who was finance minister at the time of the scandal -- had no option but to resign.

"I can't think of any other parliamentary democracy where a scandal of this magnitude and of this nature ... could pass without the fall of the government," he said.

The inquiry head, Judge John Gomery, found that advertising firms in Quebec had received lucrative federal contracts and then knowingly kicked some of the money back to the Liberal Party's Quebec wing, enabling it to sidestep electoral financing laws.

The scandal has dominated Canadian politics for the past 18 months and public anger cost the Liberals their majority in a June 2004 election.

Martin has promised to call an election within 30 days of Gomery's second and final report, due on February 1.

The wrongdoing centers on a sponsorship program set up in 1996 after the referendum on sovereignty for Quebec failed narrowly. The program paid for Canadian flags and posters at Quebec events and aimed to boost the cause of federalism.

But Gomery, who has spent the last year investigating the affair, said the program had backfired amid "a blatant abuse of public funds" and he lashed out at "carelessness and incompetence ... (and) greed and venality".

Praise for scrapping program
He apportioned some blame to Chretien, who ordered the program to be established and ran it from his office. Gomery also fingered former Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano, several senior aides and bureaucrats and the heads of the advertising agencies involved.

"Since Mr. Chretien chose to run the program from his own office, and to have his staff take charge of its direction, he is accountable for the defective manner in which the sponsorship program and initiatives were implemented," he said.

Chretien's lawyers said they were considering whether to launch a court case in a bid to restore his reputation.

Gomery spared Martin on the grounds that he had not known what was going on.

"Mr. Martin ... is entitled, like other ministers in the Quebec caucus, to be exonerated from any blame for carelessness or misconduct," Gomery concluded.

Gomery praised Martin's government for scrapping the program once Martin took over from Chretien in December 2003, and said the original goal of keeping Canada together was no excuse for the wrongdoings.

The two largest opposition parties, the Conservatives and the Bloc Quebecois, failed in May to topple the Liberals after Martin reached a deal with the left-leaning New Democratic Party.

Martin is being kept in power by the minority New Democrats, whose leader Jack Layton said he would decide soon whether to join with other parties to try to defeat Martin.
Tiffany   Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:08 pm GMT
Good news. I hope Canada and Quebec part ways very soon.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:49 am GMT
It won't happen because they will never get enough votes, so the Bloc Quebecois will never leave us alone. = Perpetual bickering. :-(
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:54 am GMT
Keep dreaming "Guest" the next time we will have our contry..... the lie of a bilingual country of Canada is over.... just don't came again in another rally saying: we love Québec.......

Finally after 300 years we will be free........

Just watch how your anglo pride is broken to pieces in the next referendum my dear "Guest"
Tiffany   Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:57 am GMT
Isn't that the way it has always gone? They start picketing on the internet and then they can't get it together for the referendums.

I really think Canada should separate from Quebec, no matter how many Quebecois want to be part of Canada. Despite what this post reflects, there are a good number of people in Quebec who do NOT want to separate. They just don't happen to be as vocal as the folks who do.

Sigma and the like, would you support them in their endeavors? They are, after all, your Latin brothers too. They speak French, love Quebec, but don't want to secede from Canada. Or is that seen as some sort of betrayal to Latin values to want to stay?