Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:58 am GMT

Chretien returns fire over inquiry

OTTAWA, Canada (Reuters) -- Former Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien, bristling with defiance, emerged from the political twilight on Tuesday to attack the head of an inquiry who blamed him for a government kickback scandal.

Chretien, who has kept largely to himself since stepping down in December 2003, said judge John Gomery had given too much credence to testimony from unreliable witnesses.

In a report released on Tuesday, Gomery said Chretien bore some responsibility for allowing a government sponsorship program to spin out of control to such an extent that C$100 million ($85 million) was directed to Liberal-friendly advertising firms.

"Gomery has reached conclusions that are in no way based on the evidence before him. In order to reach his conclusions he chose to ignore or misrepresent the clear evidence of all of the senior public servants ... who testified before him," the scrappy, 71-year-old Chretien told a nationally televised news conference.

The former prime minister defended the sponsorship program, which was designed to boost the image of Canadian federalism in Quebec after a 1995 referendum on independence for the French-speaking province was only narrowly defeated.

"Ten years ago, in the aftermath of the referendum in Quebec, the very existence of Canada was on the line... I had a responsibility to ensure that Canada never again came close to the precipice," Chretien said.

"Any mistakes that were made were in that context and in the best of good faith," he added, saying Prime Minister Paul Martin -- finance minister at the time of the scandal -- had approved the money for the sponsorship program.

"He assured me there was no problem and he would have had to assure himself (of that) as well," Chretien said. (Full story)

He also seemed irritated that public and media interest in what he called a "small program in a very large government" was overshadowing what he had done in a decade of power, citing decisions such as signing the Kyoto accord on global warming and spurning the U.S.-led war in Iraq, a decision that angered U.S. President George W. Bush.

"If I had decided to go to war with Mr Bush, today we would not be talking about the Gomery report. We would be dealing with the body bags coming back to Canada, of fit young Canadians who had been killed in Iraq," he said testily.

Chretien said some members of Martin's current cabinet had resisted his efforts to reform laws on the financing of political parties.

"You have to make decisions that are not popular. If there was one thing with me, I was always happy to make a decision," he said to laughter.

Martin is often criticized by the media and his opponents for being chronically indecisive.

Copyright 2005 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:27 am GMT
Did you know that Endemol, the Anglo-Dutch reality show producer was bought by Telefonica?

Telefonica is a Spanish telephone company.
AB   Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:03 am GMT
<<Keep dreaming "Guest" the next time we will have our contry..... the lie of a bilingual country of Canada is over.... just don't came again in another rally saying: we love Québec.......

Finally after 300 years we will be free........ >>

Quebec is free now like the rest of Canada. I'm not dreaming -- the trend is that the chances for an independent Quebec continues to decline. Citizens want security, not national or linguistic independence for the sake of arrogant pride.

<<Just watch how your anglo pride is broken to pieces in the next referendum my dear "Guest">>

It's a matter of pragmatism, not pride. I know that it would be bad for both sides.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:50 am GMT
That's right AB we want the security of solving our issues on our own, the security of controlling our own money without the intervention of Ottawa.

Remember World War I and World War II? The federal goverment decided that Québecois must go first in the front, they were killed just for the the decision of the Anglo Canadian goverment, Anglo-Canadians were eager to go to war in support of England The Quebecois were in opposition to this. They had no desire to go to fight a war that they felt they had no stake in.

The Québecois are becoming less and less so then their representation in the goverment will be insignificant, the same goverment that made decisions without the consentiment of Québec such as sending Québecois to fight and die for England (the very same England who is responsible for the genocide of thousands of Francophones when she took the New France by force) or the amputation of Labrador. It really bothers me to have your English queen in my money.

Why don't you accept that you huge Anglo pride blinds you?

Québec didn't join the confederation by choice.

Now is over. Your Canadian dream is over. Québec will be recognized as a nation. Please don't come in another rally saying: we love québec, stay in canada. Have at least some dignity.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:54 am GMT
Your Canadian evil illusion is now over.

Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:23 am GMT
No, the business of pride belongs exclusively to the Quebeckers because it's only Quebec that has had a voice in the whole matter. And they have ultimately chosen not to separate.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:08 am GMT
No, the business of pride belongs exclusively to the Quebeckers because it's only Quebec that has had a voice in the whole matter. And they have ultimately chosen not to separate. (Guest)

Oh yeah? Check the ultimate will of Québec in the next referendum. The next time we will have our freedom at last.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:03 am GMT
Yeah, that's what they said the last two times and they're still free.
Guest   Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:06 pm GMT
You can't deny "Guest" that the % of Québecois who wants to separate grow up in a considerable way from the first referendum to the last one in 1995.

This time will be the final.
Now or never......

Canada better off without Québec
Who cares?!   Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:15 pm GMT
Go bother other people with your little problems. People are dieing all across the world especially in 3rd world countries, like my country (MEXICO), quit whining about some piece of snowed under land!
Sigma   Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:48 pm GMT
Who cares:

Cerrad el pico.... si realmente eres mexicano como yo, entonces habla en español. Si hay mucha gente en el mundo muriendo, pero no por eso vamos a cerrar los ojos ante una injusticia como la cual esta siendo víctima el Québec, ¿o es que acaso yo olvidaste cuando USA mutiló el país, quitandonos la mitad de nuestro territorio?

Aldebarán   Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:11 pm GMT
Who cares:

Yo realmente dudo que seas mexicano, pienso que eres un anglo-sajon impostor tratando de usurpar la nacionalidad mexicana, para confundir a todos los foristas. Debes saber que Québec esta en lucha contra el imperialismo Anglo-Sajón, mismo imperialismo que mucho ha contribuido a estropear y tener mi pais MEXICO en las condiciones actuales en las que esta, imperialismo cuyas garras se extiende a toda latinoamerica, tu deberías saber si te dices mexicano como esta el país, los anglos vienen y explotan lo mejor de la nación, y lo que queda los funcionarios corruptos se los reparten.
Una región latina como el Québec por su ascendencia francesa esta en una constante lucha de preservar su cultura y sus valores ante el imperialismo anglo-sajón, y ¿te muestras indiferente ante la situación?, ¿aún asi te dices mexicano? No eres mas que un impostor que intenta usurpar la nacionalidad mexicana.


Guest   Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:00 am GMT
You know what Québecois???

You are fucking lucky you ain't in the US union as for today you WOULDN'T have the fucking RIGHT to LEAVE the union WITHOUT the permisssion of SUPREME COURT, PRESIDENT and the VOTES of the other states in the union to accept Québec REQUEST to leave the union.

You want EXAMPLES???? Look at the US Civil War during 1861-1865.. How the SOUTHERN STATES wanted to seceed from the Union.. and look what happened???
Guest   Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:03 am GMT
Its fucking funny if majority of the Québecois fought for the republicans (USA) instead of the British you would been a state of the US back in the War of 1812. Who knows there could be the US national guard placed in Québec to prevent the Anti-American (or Anti-Anglo Saxons you guys like to call it) stance the Québecois are taking lol.
Guest   Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:52 am GMT
The separatism movement is just doing it out of principle and ideology. It has little regard for what is practical.