Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:22 am GMT
Quebeckers in Guadeloupe? Can you picture the climatic clash? :-)
Dan   Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:33 am GMT
Are there other French speaking majorities outside Quebec? If the province of Quebec separates from Canada would these people:

1) Move to Quebec
2) Demand the French Speaking areas outside Quebec separate as well
3) Loyalist French Speakers to Ottawa live in these parts so there isn't a problem

What industries does Quebec have once the supplyline from Ottawa cuts once separated?

What about the English Speaking minorities deciding to stay in Quebec? - Do they retrain all rights as would a French Speaker have?

For the French Speakers outside Quebec and also the English Speakers inside Quebec who would compensate those who wish to move to and from Quebec? Which Government is responsible? - The Canadian or the Quebec Government?

Would Quebec stay in the Commonweath?

Does Quebec want to be a French terrority once again?

Sorry for the Questions but I'm quite interested in the Quebec/Canada sega.

I would love your opinions and answers on these questions.

Forgive me but if possible may I have your answers in English?
Thankyou - Merci (I hope I spelt that right)
Dan   Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:41 am GMT
Sorry one more question

Would Quebec remain in the North American Free Trade Agreement with The US, Canada and Mexico?
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:11 pm GMT
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:16 pm GMT

If you're sill French then go back to France. Duh!
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:18 pm GMT
""If you're sill French then go back to France. Duh! ""

But Quebec is in France!
greg   Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:22 pm GMT
Je pense que le Québec (Labrador compris) aurait intérêt à quitter le « commonwealth ».

Les francophones canadiens non-québécois (Fransaskois, Francomanitobains, Acadiens etc) ne sont pas québécois : ils peuvent très bien rester là où il sont. Leurs revendications propres sont une question différente de l'indépendance du Québec.

Le Québec est économiquement riche et n'a pas besoin d'Ottawa.

La minorité anglophone est déjà protégée au Québec (voir Loi n° 101).

Aucune compensation pour les anglophones hostiles à ce point à l'indépendance de leur propre pays, le Québec, qu'ils préfèrent émigrer dans un pays étranger (Manitoba, Yukon etc).

Le Québec n'est pas une colonie française. C'est une nation indépendante. Elle n'a pas besoin de la France pour vivre et réussir.

Le Québec peut très bien rester dans l'ALENA, ou en sortir. C'est aux Québécois d'en décider.
Dan   Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:48 pm GMT
Thankyou for your reply Greg. I had a find a wonderful translater to translate your message into English.

Merci pour votre Greg de réponse. J'avais une découverte qu'un translater merveilleux pour traduire votre message dans l'anglais.
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:12 pm GMT

Lets hope you do a better job at it unlike your cousins in the old motherland of France. Invaded by Italians was their lowest point in history. Even the fricking Serbians kick the Italians out.
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:11 pm GMT
Would Quebec stay in the Commonweath? *********

No way. We want to leave Commonwealth as soon as possible. It reminds the conquer of Québec at British hands.
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:19 pm GMT
Would Quebec remain in the North American Free Trade Agreement with The US, Canada and Mexico? ***********

Yes. And by the way the independence of Québec is based in the democracy, we don't want to use violent meanings. After Québec independence it will be an example of non violent resistence for other nations who want to achieve independence also.

Does Quebec want to be a French terrority once again? ****

We want to be an independant french speaking country in north america just like the united states is an english speaking country and mexico is an spanish speaking country, both of them have a especial relation with their motherland (england and spain) but they still remain as independant nations.
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:44 pm GMT
(All the Quebeckers should move to Guadeloupe where they can speak French and enjoy a similar standard of living to their own. Then Quebec can reunite properly with the rest of Canada and Canada won't have to worry about appeasing a francophone minority. )

That's absolutely ridiculous why don't you Anglos leave Canada. Canada was a French creation remember? England stole Canada from France.
Sander   Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:17 pm GMT
=>Canada was a French creation remember?<=

The French created Canada? Out of thin air?
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:23 pm GMT
If this referendum for separation takes place in 2008, what are the odds that enough people will vote "yes"? I assume only folks in Quebec get to vote? Does the rest of Canada have any say in the matter?

(A long time ago, certain states decided to leave the US, without the agreement of the other states. Things didn't work out quite as they exepected.)
Guest   Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:25 pm GMT
Lets hope you do a better job at it unlike your cousins in the old motherland of France. Invaded by Italians was their lowest point in history. Even the fricking Serbians kick the Italians out

There's in fact a lot, not only the italians but the germans, the english, the russians, the americans, the russians, the mexicans and many other nations kicked france ass.