Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:13 pm GMT
Jamais de ta vie. Vive le Canada libre et réunis ! *****

Dear Anglo Canadians, if you are going to use translators to say something in French at least make sure it works in a decent way.
Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:16 pm GMT
Charles de Gaulle

Discours prononcé à Montréal (Québec)
24 juillet 1967

C'est une immense émotion qui remplit mon cœur en voyant devant moi la ville de Montréal française. Au nom du vieux pays, au nom de la France, je vous salue de tout mon cœur. Je vais vous confier un secret que vous ne répéterez pas. Ce soir ici, et tout le long de ma route, je me trouvais dans une atmosphère du même genre que celle de la Libération. Et tout le long de ma route, outre cela, j'ai constaté quel immense effort de progrès, de développement, et par conséquent d'affranchissement, vous accomplissez ici et c'est à Montréal qu'il faut que je le dise, parce que, s'il y a au monde une ville exemplaire par ses réussites modernes, c'est la vôtre. Je dis c'est la vôtre et je me permets d'ajouter c'est la nôtre.

Si vous saviez quelle confiance la France, réveillée après d'immenses épreuves, porte maintenant vers vous, si vous saviez quelle affection elle recommence à ressentir pour les Français du Canada et si vous saviez à quel point elle se sent obligée de concourir à votre marche en avant, à votre progrès ! C'est pourquoi elle a conclu avec le gouvernement du Québec, avec celui de mon ami Johnson, des accords, pour que les Français de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique travaillent ensemble à une même œuvre française. Et, d'ailleurs, le concours que la France va, tous les jours un peu plus, prêter ici, elle sait bien que vous le lui rendrez, parce que vous êtes en train de vous constituer des élites, des usines, des entreprises, des laboratoires, qui feront l'étonnement de tous et qui, un jour, j'en suis sûr, vous permettront d'aider la France.

Voilà ce que je suis venu vous dire ce soir en ajoutant que j'emporte de cette réunion inouïe de Montréal un souvenir inoubliable. la France entière sait, voit, entend, ce qui se passe ici et je puis vous dire qu'elle en vaudra mieux.

Vive Montréal ! Vive le Québec !
Vive le Québec libre !
Vive le Canada français ! et vive la France !

(You can wacht also the Discours in:
Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:23 pm GMT
It's always the same story. Quebecois trying to explain to Canadians what it is to be a people without a country. Are they stupid or what? It doesn't take 200 years to understand simple facts like that. I give up.

Vous êtes pas tannés? Soit qu'ils sont sourds soit qu'ils veulent pas entendre.
Comme peuple on l'a gagné le dernier référendum. On a pas besoin de leur permission. Let's go on se sépare drette là. Qui mangent d'la marde.
Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:28 pm GMT
Remember that half Québec nation think that Québec can be a country of its own.

Fine... Canada is able to keep Québec at all price inside Canada. Fine... I will still use that canadian passport but don't ever ask me to cheer that Canada.

Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:37 pm GMT
It must be terrible for all the Quebecois.Living in the Canadian ghettos, being raped, abused and abused just for being Francophone ... no country of your own, having one of the lowest standards of living, the people of Quebec have terrible lives....

Try and think about people with real problems and those are not Quebecois.
Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:44 pm GMT
<Try and think about people with real problems>
Why? It's a free country. To each his own. If people want to support the independence of such and such province, more power to them!
Guest   Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:21 pm GMT
ThankGod when you get your independence God Speed and good luck.

And finally we 'the remaining Canadians' could finally down this show of goodwill and drop the French language.

We should have a language police patrolling the streets ensuring all the signs are predominantly in English only.

You might call that racism or narrowmindedness. Look across the border(Quebec) and see their 'Language police'.

I'm so sick of the PC here in Canada.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 2:04 am GMT
"Dear Anglo Canadians, if you are going to use translators to say something in French at least make sure it works in a decent way."

It is correct French. You're the one using a translator.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:22 pm GMT
They say they are not Americans, (Same language, same junk food, same culture, same musak, same T.V.), but they cannot conceive that we are not Canadians, (different everything).
Can't you see what is so obvious ?

Pourquoi perdez - vous votre temps avec ces barbares présomptueux? Ces colonialistes de pères en fils.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:26 pm GMT
Canadians are Americans anyway. They don't even know what the word 'people' feels like. It's an idea, a concept for them.
We will make a country of Québec, and the first thing they will do, they will become a state of U.S. (What they already are)
Sander   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:32 pm GMT
You know, I'm begining to believe these people live in another world... Quebec is an independent country whereas the rest of Canada is an American , no United Statsian, state.

Some people here are really, fucked up.
Michou   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:33 pm GMT
Don't give up "Canadians". You can do it. Come on. Stand still. We Québécois are very used to it. Come on Canadians stand still. Looks like the canadian identity is turning out to be fighting against separatism... well be it.

Canadians stand still against separatism. We Québécois sovereignists stand still against all this federal polite propaganda in our province. You can do the same. Come on "Canadians".. don't give up that soon !!!

CAnadians want to be defined as a people that protect the canadian unity against Québec sovereignists, be it... stand still like those Québécois that we are since 4 centuries.

The name Canadiens was ours firt... don't forget about it. CAnada took its name from the first Québec... took us the national hymn... took a lot national emblèmes... be it. We only ask you to leave us ! We don't even claim that CAnadian identity... geeee. We are not asking for much.

Stand still Canadians. You can do it Canada ! Stand still in the storm. You want to fight separatism... get the canadian army in Montréal and Québec so that the world sees how peaceful Canadians are !!! Pathetic is it ! Canadian paradox... let Québec go for c. sake !

I will be here until you do some political pressure to let go Québec. Count on me ! I am tired of that constitutional mess. AND NOTHING COMES FROM THE FEDERAL FOR A RENEWAL OF THE CONFEDERATION. NOTHING SINCE 1995...

You TAKE US FOR GRANTED MY FRIENDS... CIAO ! You are stuck Canadians... to listen to us... and the Bloc at Ottawa... until you get out of Québec. You want peace, get out of Québec. You think that Québécois sovereignists will get tired of complaining and claiming their country. Not a chance. Sorry... Be it !

Read that book "Sortir le Canada du Québec". Get Canada out of Québec NOW !
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:34 pm GMT
Vive la propagande quebecoise !
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:45 pm GMT
Look as an Anglo-Canadian I support your idea of a separate country. I really do.

But one thing I ask of you please - never call us Canadians - Americans. Why don't I call you French instead of Quebecois?
greg   Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:50 am GMT
À l'origine le terme « Canadien » servait à désigner les Québécois par opposition aux « British Americans ».