Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:12 pm GMT
I repeat...
For the sake of Canada and Québec.
Help your country by telling your politicians to let go Québec in peace.
Stop grabing on Québec.
Yes you love your country from coast to coast.
But it's not working.

Let's negociate a peaceful separation.
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:53 pm GMT
Fine, two languages in Canada.
Great, consider the forces on the field... come on.
300 millions anglophones... 7 millions francophones in America.

Why make an effort to learn french in Québec ???
Hey... it's a bilingual country no ???
Yeah, yeah... freedom and all that stuff...
No one understands why we want to protect our language anyway... anyhow... I don't ask you to understand.
We want to share it our language with newcomers that's all... le français c'est la langue de l'amour.
I don't want to be alone to talk with myself.
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:00 pm GMT
I don't consider myself sovereignist, you do.
I am Québécois that's all.
Not Canadian anymore.
Sorry... deeply sorry.
We want Canada out of Québec.
Out... out... out...
You understand...
There's petitions running here
We want Canada Day no more
Enough of canadian propaganda in Québec
It cost us millions of dollars, remember ???
Cost us you and I...
For god's sake... wake up... wake up... wake up

Canada is dead in Québec
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:01 pm GMT
Come on Canada you can do better to scare the Québécois!
Come on...
I love debating.
Where are you ???

You are all invited for another love-in in Montreal at the next referendum. I will make you discover my beautiful country Québec. And french. And Montréal. And Québécoises...

Sorry guys... I know it's probably hard times for you right now... maybe I break a certain vision you have of Canada... but isn't a question of time...

The sovereignists are there to stay... don't you think ???
Remember... the Liberals put millions of dollars in canadian flags in Montréal and Québec... has Québécois love Canada better... believe me not really much

We are still stuck... aren't we ???
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:03 pm GMT
Oh... by the way... yes I do play the sympathy card as someone notice, like Canada in Montreal in 1995, for that fuckin' crazy love-in.

Were you there ???
We still laugh about it when we think about it.
Canadians from all over the country that arrive suddenly in Montréal to tell all the Québécois... "we love you".

You Canada love Québec ???
Really ???
What about Québec bashing ???
Love is big word, I do respect Canadians... but I want Canada out of Québec... do you understant Canadians
Please... get the fuckin' out of QUébec
Now... out...
Wake up... geeee
Petitions are running, thousands of citizen don't want the festivities (money spend on that) of Canada day here
You understand that...
Wake up

To the more polite Canadian friends
Put pressure on your politicians
To separe in peace
Please... I beg you for the love of Canada and my country Québec
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:05 pm GMT
Next referendum will pass.
Don't you see the politics going on these days ???
On what planet do you live
We are heading probably for another referendum.

You want the army in Québec ???
It would be a great thing to kill all those sovereignists isn't it... all Québécois ???
But that would destroy also your vision of a peaceful Canada. Me too.

Hmmm... I stop talking, I take a lot of your time, do you want me out of this thread ??? I can leave if you want
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:14 pm GMT
It has evolve differently.
Let's not blame it.
But get Canada out of Québec
Or will get it out anyway.

I don't suggest you enter with the Canadian Army.
It will only alert the international opinion about the problem and will probably arrange anyway the division between Québec and Canada.
Like in Oriental Timor.
Independance in 2002.
We are next.
Québec celebrate its 400 years in 2008.
I'm deeply sorry... History is on his way.
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:18 pm GMT
" Federalists aren't shaking there just angry about what happened. "

You don't know what people in Québec think right now.
People are angry against the Liberals.
But federalists in Québec didn't appreciate the Canadian Flags "to save the country" that costs millions from our pockets.

Québécois stand more together than you think.
That's the problem you have in the perception in Canada.
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:19 pm GMT
I repeat...
Québécois federalists didn't appreciate more than the sovereignists here the millions of dollars spent of Canadian flags. In the first place. So as long as we hear talking about the Scandal it remind us about that thing CAnada did to flod Québec of canadian flags.

Sovereignists will only get stronger...
Don't you get it ???
It's over.
We will still hear about the Scandal for weeks and months no ???
Do you get it geeee ???

The polls say 55% for independant Québec. Stable right now. And no one talks about it in the media. Imagine when we'll start. When the Bloc will won more seats, when PQ will enter in 2 years.

It's over.
Admit it.
You can fight.
But it just won't help Canada and Québec.

Peace for all of us.
Tell your politicians to stop convincing Québécois to stay in Canada.

" The best way to stop referendums is to let Quebec go on the next one. After it is gone, you don't have to worry about another referendum any more. " - Delenda Carthago
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:24 pm GMT
Le vent tourne "Guest"...
Le sens-tu ???
Ce très beau texte est destiné à convaincre nos amis Anglo-Québécois, néo-Québécois et Amérindiens du territoire.

T'as bien compris, j'en suis sûr...
À diffuser partout à Montréal.
J'ai déjà commencé.

Tu me reverras mon nom dans des quotidiens prochainement. Oui, "Guest"...
Le temps est venu.
Nos morts Québécois seront enterrés dignement.
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:25 pm GMT
En passant, le poème est passé dans le Devoir en 2004...
Sur le web, cela faisait partie d'un texte à propos de Parizeau.

Les Souverainistes sont partout sur le web !!!
J'en suis bouleversé !
Où sont les Fédéralistes Québécois dans les forums pour discuter ?
Les Coureurs des Bois et Filles du Roy ont pris la voie virtuelle...

Nous sommes plus forts qu'on pense... hehe
Qu'ils veulent bien le croire, n'est-ce pas ?
Relisons notre Histoire Québécoise.
C'est ce que j'ai fait en partie sur tous les sites québécois souverainistes.
Canadian realist   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:26 pm GMT
" Independence of Quebeck "

Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:28 pm GMT
Amis Québécois... la question importante selon moi est : comment leur faire comprendre de mettre de la pression sur les politiciens Canadian afin qu'ils laissent partir sans trouble le Québec lors du prochain référendum.

Sans menace, sans loi, sans love-in, sans tentative d'extorsion lors de négociations de séparation future...

Vos idées ???

Comment leur faire comprendre qu'ils nous auront toujours dans leurs pattes peu importe encore l'issue du prochain référendum ?

Ils aiment faire du Québec bashing au fond hein ???
C'est ce que je me rend compte...
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:30 pm GMT
Nouvelle stratégie proposée : constamment reprendre nos amis Canadiens quand ils nous appellent "séparatistes".

Ils doivent comprendre que ce mot n'a plus de signification maintenant. Ils doivent utiliser le mot Québécois pour les 7,5 Millions de Québécois vivant au Québec n'est-ce-pas ?
Guest   Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:32 pm GMT
Thanks again and again...
The more you talk the more you prove it isn't working.

"Canadian realist" you are a genius.
"Embarassing moment to be Canadian"
What are you waiting for Canadian realist...
Get those f" Québébois out of your country

You want to see me as a separatists
As the "bad guy in your country"
I don'T care
My country is Québec anyway
Like for another 3 millions Québécois
Get us out of Canada
We embarass you no ???

How long will it take you to understand geee
Geee Canadians...
Wake up.. and smell the coffee