Please, tell me where.
Please, tell me where.
Vive Le Quebec libre
"Yes, but you forgot to mention the english let the corsicans without any help. "
Are you really stupid?
It was about the fact, someone wrote the french and i don't know what country else (Spain, Italy...) have been bad with Corsica or in their history. I just add the historical fact the english promised to P Paoli to help him and did not. End of the story, you are annoying me, and there is nothing worst than someone who is borring. end of the story, thank you.
=>End of the story, you are annoying me, and there is nothing worst than someone who is borring.
end of the story, thank you. <= This showes again that democraty isn't a Latin invention ):-)
Viva El Québec Libre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No mas opresión Anglo-Sajona al Québec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A majority of Quebec anglophones speak French with a Quebecois accent. They learn from their surroundings. That version of French is more useful to them.
Outside Quebec, in Canada and elsewhere, people prefer to try to learn the French of France. It is more useful, more prestigious throughout the world, and to most people sounds more attractive and more elegant. Even Francophone Quebecois "intellectuals" often prefer to speak more like they do in France. Probably fewer than 20% of anglophone Canadians are "anglo-sajones" and they are not oppressing the francophones in Quebec. if anything it is the other way around. It is the majority francophones in Quebec who restrict the freedom of their large anglohpone minority, who want to deny that they have been there for over 200 years, who try to deny the bilingual nature of Montreal and have been carrying out a sort of cultural ethnic cleansing for the last 25 years.
No mas opresión Anglo-Sajona al Québec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>
<Sigh> And El C asks me if I'm paranoid....
Well, dammit, Candy, if you would quit oppressing him, you Anglo-Saxon hussy, you!
I just found out (shock of shocks!) that I am now Anglo-Saxon, too -- and I'm WAY behind on my stamping-on-the-little-people duties (sorry! sorry! I didn't know I was supposed to!).
Uriel, you are being most remiss in your oppressive duties!! Go out in (New Mexico?) and spread the word of the superiority of us Anglo-Saxons! Not 'Anglo-Saxon'?? Hey, you're a native English speaker, aren't you??! One Anglo-Saxon hussy waves at another across the pond....
They try to learn french outside Québec?
Last time I was in Vancouver, I went to a post office (Canada Post) in which the employees are expected to be bilingual. The federal law was not respected since the employee didn't understand me as I spoke french. The women behind their counter were absolutely unable to speak french. Oh, of course, I could I have switched to english but I just wanted to ensure that my right to be served in one of the two official languages of our wonderful Canada was respected. Well, after maybe 10 or 15 minutes they found at last an employee who spoke a bit french. «It is the majority francophones in Quebec who restrict the freedom of their large anglohpone minority, who want to deny that they have been there for over 200 years, who try to deny the bilingual nature of Montreal and have been carrying out a sort of cultural ethnic cleansing for the last 25 years.» As far as I know, the English-speaking community has access to all services in its own language in Québec. The BIG franco-ontarian community has also been in Ontario for over 200 years, often for a longer time than many english-speakers have, and yet their linguistic rights are not really the preoccupation of the english-speaking ontarians.
I think picking Vancouver to prove your point is unfair. With only 1.5% Francophones and 6% Bilinguals, it has the smallest number of French speakers in Canada. Try Manitoba, Ontario or New Brunswick if you a result more representative of the majority of Canada. And if you want see just how generous Francophones are to their Linguistic Minorities, take a look a Belgium. See how their system encourages Bi-Lingualism. See how much positive concern the Walleroons have for Flemish speakers. Ontario Apathy is a blessing by comparison. Regards, Paul V. P.S. Perhaps this thread is ready to be closed?
About Belgium, Bilinguism is wrong, i have never meet a walloon able to speak flemmish and a flemmish able to speak french. They ignore each others, they have complete ignorance about the culture of each others. |