Vive Le Quebec libre

El C   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:12 pm GMT
We have speacial laws for americans. If you are american and want to be established in France, it is very difficult. You need valid work papers which are very difficult to get. About the english people, they realized, they were too many to come in France (also Spain and Italy). So they have decided to (maybe it is a project) to restrict it. About the australians and new zealanders, i don't n know because they aren't so many. About jamaicans, i guess they come in englsih speaker countries, like someone from Senegal prefer to come in a french speaking country.

But fore sure Americans encounter a lot of difficulties, the same in Spain and Italy. About british, it is different because they are europeans, but they planify to restrict their number, the reason is simple, more and more of them want to leave in one of these 3 countries, but a small % of people from France, Spain or Italy want to leave in England. In fact, that planification has been establish with the british government which does not know how to react against that "desertification".
El C   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:16 pm GMT
I am not kidding Sébastien, i am perfectly serious. I ahd a friend of mine who married an american. He couldn't stay in France, they had to go in US. Actually they are in Dallas. I had a friend at university who was amrican and never obtained the papers to to stay in France.

About the british, you can believe me. De plus en plus d'anglais viennent vivre en France et en Espagne et aussi l'Italie. Ce qui inquiète de plus en plus la France, qui a peur de rencontrer des difficultés par la suite. Il y a un réel projet de restreindre leur nombre.

Bien ou mal, je m'en fous mais c'est vrai.
candyapple   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:23 pm GMT
De plus en plus d'anglais viennent vivre en France et en Espagne et aussi l'Italie. Ce qui inquiète de plus en plus la France, qui a peur de rencontrer des difficultés par la suite. Il y a un réel projet de restreindre leur nombre. >>

So why aren't you pleased about that? Doesn't it demonstrate the superiority of 'Latin' countries, that so many 'Anglo-Saxons' want to live there??!
Seriously, what's the problem? The proportion of English speakers in these countries is always going to be tiny. It's not going to affect the language or culture in any way, is it?
I should think that's one of the least things the French etc have to worry about.
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:24 pm GMT
That's me above, using my alternative name! :-)
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:30 pm GMT
El C:

"There is now a large population of French people in Britain (the largest outside France) and this is put down to Britain’s comparatively friendly tax regime and the abundant work opportunities in the UK - compared to France."
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:31 pm GMT
I'm starting to think: "These people are only fueled by the attencion we give to them and to their insane theories and they deserve that?!
Sébastien   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:32 pm GMT

I studied at "Sciences-Po" (Institute of political studies) in Paris last year.
To me, Paris is the most beautiful city in the world :) but everything is so expensive there and finding a flat is close to impossible :))

El C

Oui, j'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait énormément de britanniques (pricipalement des retraités) qui rachetaient de vieilles bâtisses à la campagne et que certains villages étaient devenus, en l'espace de quelques années, de vraies bourgades anglaises; et je crois qu'il y a eu quelques manifestations en Bretagne dernièrement et dans les Alpes aussi.

Enfin, je ne sais pas, tu as peut-être raison, mais je vois mal comment ils pourraient interdire à des habitants d'un pays membre de l'UE de s'installer en France.
Candy   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:35 pm GMT
I'm starting to think: "These people are only fueled by the attencion we give to them and to their insane theories and they deserve that?! >>
Good point - let's just leave them to their insanities!! At least we're normal....! :-)
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:39 pm GMT
LOL, It must be a terrible experience being the only ones to know of the "Anglo-Saxon World Domination" plans ... ;-)
French   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:42 pm GMT
At least we're normal....! >

What is normal?
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:45 pm GMT
=>What is normal? <=

The opposite of what you are.
French   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:46 pm GMT
Those lovely Saxons, as funny as always.
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:48 pm GMT
=>Those lovely Saxons, as funny as always.<=

I'm not a saxon.
Sander   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:50 pm GMT
But if you want to use such terms as Saxon and Anglo-Saxons,I'll give you a hint. 'The ones that gave France it's name'.
French   Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:50 pm GMT
You are Germanic.

Ahhh nothing more cute than a Dutchman trying to be ironic.
Isn't the cutest thing in the world?