Vive Le Quebec libre

Sander   Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:51 pm GMT
Please remind me... 14 yo
Riko   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:15 pm GMT
Steve K

The anglophones in Quebec have ALL of English speaking North America to make their home. Why do they insist on forcing their language down the throats of the 7 million Quebecois who are trying to protect their unique culture and identity from being swamped?

In a world where NAFTA is in force I don't think that 'la question dure' would have support because Canada could have a similar relationship that the Canada and the US now have in terms of trade/commercial exchange.

While in Anglophone Canada it might not be a big deal of having Queen Elizabeth on their currency, I know that in Quebec it has always caused unease because it represents the discrimination and invasion of their historical nation.
Candy   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:28 pm GMT
<<The anglophones in Quebec have ALL of English speaking North America to make their home.>>

So you DO think that Anglophones should have to leave Quebec?

<<Why do they insist on forcing their language down the throats of the 7 million Quebecois >>

Riko, please explain, using concrete examples, exactly how Anglophones are doing this.
Steve K   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:30 pm GMT
Anglophones in Quebec do not force their language on anyone. They just like to use it and would like that right respected (which it is often not). Anglophones have been there for over 200 years.
You raised the point about the Queen with reference to English Canadians' sense of identity. I said that it is irrelevant for most people. I have not doubt that many Francophones resent the presence of the Queen. There are people in Perpignan, Rennes, Ajaccio, Martinique, La Reunion and eslewhere who resent the central French state. In the end these things are decided by majority rule. The emotional reptition of nationalist dogma, such as you spout, only works if it persuades a majority of the people. It often does.
Sander   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:34 pm GMT
=>While in Anglophone Canada it might not be a big deal of having Queen Elizabeth on their currency,<=

LOL Would the Quebeqois rather have Chirac on the money LOL
Riko   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:43 pm GMT
Pages 5, 8, 9 and 10 give concrete examples of English being forced on french speakers in Quebec. Anglophones in Quebec have all of Canada and a 300 million strong English speaking country to their south. They have options for mobility. French speakers can't go to another province or state and be able to live and breathe in a french speaking society like they can only can do in Quebec. If they do not want to learn French then yes, I believe that they have no right to live in Quebec.

Those people in remote french territories in ultra mar would probably prefer Jacques Chirac over Queen Elizabeth as their head of state any day of the week.

Vive le Quebec Libre
Sander   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:52 pm GMT
=>Vive le Quebec Libre<=

LBL!!!, no further comment.
greg   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:57 pm GMT
Sander : les Québécois sont aussi nombreux que 50 % des Néerlandais. Je te rappelle que les Néerlandais sont 4 fois nombreux que les Français. Ce qui d'ailleurs ne fait rire personne...
Sander   Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:59 pm GMT
The Netherlands have 17 million inhabitants.

Quebec has 7 million yet it's 3 times as big as France. How do they expect to run the country?
Candy   Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:00 pm GMT
<<Pages 5, 8, 9 and 10 give concrete examples of English being forced on french speakers in Quebec. >>

Uhm, no they don't!! I'm not talking about HISTORICAL injustice, if any. I'm talking about concrete examples of how Anglophones force English 'down the throats' of Francophones, NOW, in the 21st century. I'm getting sick of reading whining posts about how Francophones have suffered in the past. I want to know how and why they're suffering, NOW.
Sigma   Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:12 pm GMT
Sander what is LBL?????????

Ninguna idea
Sander   Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:14 pm GMT
Steve K   Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:15 pm GMT
I have said my piece and withdraw. I should point out to non-Canadians out that the intolerant opinions expressed by Riko are representative of only a small minority of Quebecois. Most consider the presenece of anglophones and the English language to be a considerable asset to Quebec, regardless of whether Quebec goes the route of independence.

Let me add that Quebec essentially governs itself now (and Quebecois govern a lot of the Federal Canadian state). Quebec would have no trouble going it alone. Any separation would probably go smoothly with a lot of cooperation all around. The issue of the national debt, Canadian Pension Fund etc would be thorny, but these are not causes for war.

The Rikos, Gregs and Bernards of this world would not be at the negotiating table.
Uriel   Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:18 am GMT
>>If they do not want to learn French then yes, I believe that they have no right to live in Quebec. <<

My, what a tolerant society you envision as your paradise!

MY great-grandparents lived in the US their entire adult lives without speaking a word of English, and no one ever felt that they needed to be kicked out!
greg   Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:49 am GMT
Steve K : fais-moi le plaisir de ne pas penser à ma place. Dans le doute, abstiens-toi de jeter mon nom en pâture. Merci.