about costa rica nicaraguan also have been coming to the country and there are now tones of nicaraguan
about the indians they do consider spanish but not as a race aspect
about the indians they do consider spanish but not as a race aspect
Spanish should be the second official language of USA
about costa rica nicaraguan also have been coming to the country and there are now tones of nicaraguan
about the indians they do consider spanish but not as a race aspect
argentinians are also white and uruguayans they speak a very different spanish and they consider themselves europeans
there soccer team has no black. costa ricans can be white but they don't consider themselves europeans it's weird the difference. also racism in costa rica is non-existent and violence. all violence in costa rica is due to the high immigration of nicaraguan people coming to the country. so they say that descrimination is more present now than a few years back
Perhaps they don't have black players on their temas because they haven't overcome their nastalgia, eitehr that or they're racist.
You know... either/or
ok, I did not have time to read all your comments, but
lets get over the racism and such. people really are pissed and sergio, some people begin to hate all spanish-speaking people out of irrational behavior. Unfortunately a significant percentage of Hispanics are beligerant on America and they have no right to behave with such rudeness. You see, Sergio, when a few people screw up, the others get blamed. take the slavery problem. most white people were just as poor as slaves in the south and worked on farms. It was the Northern hatred of slavery that changed the world, yet we americans are constantly reminded by the rest of the world as being slave owners. totally incorrect. IN reality it was the Jewish Dutch and Arab Muslims who traded 90% of the slaves. Ripley's believe it or NOT! Now they are cutting up each other in Lebanon. Guess there arent any slaves to trade these days...hm...m most americans are not greedy capitalists either, but we all get blamed for it. we are a consumer society, and our wealth has made us lazy. that is why we import immigrant labor, because the local 18-25 year old men in america are either drunk, stoned, or sleeping around 10 am each morning, after a Mexican laborer has already put in 4 hours of work. Fork you you slobs who brought this upon yourselves. It is not the Mexican's fault. The Mexican laborers are mostly the salt of the earth, nice people! ANy piece of shit American who cant pass a drug test to get a job ought to be sent to Siberia and put away for ten years. PERIOD< END OF STMT most russians are kind people who like america, but a few bolshevics changed your mind. a few french gave up, but remember france paid for the US War of Independence. So stop bashing the French. We do however, have a right to declare war on Mexico today, because their govt is orchestrating a massive invasion of over 2 million persons per year into the US, undermining our security, our jobs, our culture. Now the current situation: there are over 10 million of Spanish - speakers in the US today who refuse to learn English: this is a real problem, not a racist problem. If Ted Kennedy and LBJ and the Liberal twisted Democrats could make a law in 1967 to limit European immigration to 15% of the total (if it aint brown, it dont get in here). Now is the time to limit all Hispanic immigration to 1%. You all had your chance to learn English, to assimilate, but chose instead to become 30% of our Federal Prison population, cost 100 billion per year in benefits, and lowered all of our wages, which is already destroying the Middle Class. So from this standpoint Sergio, you have to see that we have been invaded by a particular group, the first group in history, that came hear to change our language our culture, and even a large percentage of them want to sent the SW US into Mexican hands. As a native of the US, I get angry every time I use the ATM machine or call a company. We have to push buttons for people who refuse to learn English. THis is the biggest trajedy: the formation of the Balkanization of America, being split into groups that hate each other, dont speak to each other, and therefore no dialog occurs, the recipe for destroying a country. The stores are full of spanish, the labels on boxes, etc. this bilingual crap is slowing down our productivity rate and forming subcultures who hate Anglos and other non-Hispanic immigrants. The AM radio is now almost half Spanish, things are changing fast towards Balkanization. There is no excuse for not speaking English. Absolutely zero. My Russian, Italian and Chinese friends all speak English. So apparently Hispanics are too stupid to learn English, and we are accomodating their stupidity. By the way, ever heard any intelligent research or inventions in spanish? Ha Ha Ha. spanish is the DUMBEST language on Earth. I see no point in advocating an inferior culture or language. I dont disrespect the Hispanic culture or language: I just see a downward slant in the culture if it is implemented. Most Spanish countries ( Spain, Costa Rica excluded) are run by dictators, police arrange murders and rapes, and people are poor and scared to death. That is why they all want to come to America Sergio, to get away from THEIR CULTURE!!! YES, this is true, just ask any of them. NOw they want to come hear for the advanced society, but want to retain their 3rd world leftist or right-wing military police states. We Americans are apalled at such ideas. Truth hurts, its not meant to be mean, I just want you to see the truth. If Brazil was invaded by 3 millions Chinese each year, eventually, Brazil will become a split country with two cultures. This always results in the end of the culture, the country and the prosperity. Oh, and yes we almost had a native american language in 1823. i think our native americans deserve a lot more than these Hispanics who refuse to assimilate. Lets take care of our locals first. Like Blacks and Natives. Whoop_PC whoopnow.blogspot.com
Oh dear; a new spreader of sunshine and joy: Whooping crane.
Apparently we were having a shortage. <<ok, I did not have time to read all your comments, but >> ...you felt the need to butt in anyway. <<IN reality it was the Jewish Dutch and Arab Muslims who traded 90% of the slaves. Ripley's believe it or NOT! Now they are cutting up each other in Lebanon.>> Luckily, we don't all have to believe what Ripley does. I'm 99% sure that the Dutch are not involved in anything going on in Lebanon.... <<The stores are full of spanish, the labels on boxes, etc. this bilingual crap is slowing down our productivity rate>> But the fact that most labels are also in FRENCH doesn't bother you, eh? Trilingual labelling actually RAISES productivity, because it allows the same products to be marketed all over the entire hemisphere (with the exception of Brazil, I know) instead of in just one or two countries, without having to go through the expenditure of printing up new labels for each market. Next.... <<but want to retain their 3rd world leftist or right-wing military police states. We Americans are apalled at such ideas.>> ???? Whatever.... <<We do however, have a right to declare war on Mexico today, because their govt is orchestrating a massive invasion of over 2 million persons per year into the US, undermining our security, our jobs, our culture. >> No, we don't; no, they're not; and when did you want to sell fruit onthe highway? <<Now is the time to limit all Hispanic immigration to 1%.>> That's just amusing. <<Whoop_PC whoopnow.blogspot.com>> Feel free to keep your comments to your blog, and keep your blog to yourself. ;)
Whooping crane...
1. News flash, this just in -- US culture is BUILT on "invasions" like this. Call it melting pot, salad bowl, whatever, guess what, that's what our culture IS. There were people like you in 1906 whining about the Irish and the Italians. 2. Did you ever notice that ALL 2nd generation hispanics in the US speak English? Sometimes the first generation may be too busy working 3 jobs that you don't want to do -- picking fruit in 105 degrees, or cleaning toilets -- to spend very much time learing English. 3. As you point out, Mexicans come here because there is work. We let them in (legally or otherwise) because there is work. Not much different from the Chinese in the 1800's who came over and worked on the railroads. 4. The fact that the cereal boxes in the stores have Spanish on them means that the hispanic invaders are spending money here in the US. They are earning and spending -- they are part of the economy. 5. "spanish is the DUMBEST language on Earth" <-- you actually said this
"Now is the time to limit all Hispanic immigration to 1%. You all had your chance to learn English, to assimilate, but chose instead to become 30% of our Federal Prison population, cost 100 billion per year in benefits, and lowered all of our wages, which is already destroying the Middle Class. "
Being that political economy is one of my fortes, I warn you not to debate me on this. I am a Mexican-American. I test in the top 2% of the nation on my SAT scores. My first language is English and I speak it better than many of my teachers. I work and consume, and thus contribute to the domestic economy. Zero percent of my income goes to Mexico. I am not on welfare. I use much of my money for investing in a stock fund, thus doing my part toward raising America's obismly low capital formation rate, which boosts corporate and business investment and creates jobs. I am involved in school clubs, and I volunteer in the community. I donate my meager wages to American charities, which are impartial toward race. I am not an unusual in this regard among my family. Oh, and I forgot to mention. My grandfather landed on Iwo Jima. Two of my uncles fought in the jungles of Vietnam. And my cousin is now in Iraq. So, how are we ruining America? Because we make good food and speak in Spanish sometimes, and there are signs in Spanish in our neighborhoods? Did you not know that this was mandated by the constitutions of the states of the southwest U.S.? As for SPANISH and ENGLISH speaking persons of immigrant background in the U.S., please read this article, which pertains to the languages of the South west U.S. http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/immigration/2006/05/myths_v_facts_o.html
"Yes, but a bit different; The equivalent of "Anglos-saxon" would be hispanic, but not "Spanish". As hispanic is a broad term to speak about Spanish-based countries, "Anglo-saxon" is a broad term to include all english-based societies, but it is used to describe only what is common between all these anglophone countries. It is different to use the word "spanish" to describes things (caribean dances and musics or Mexican foods) which are things absolutely not related with Spain, but with African or Amerindian origins. Calling Salsa "Spanish music" or tacos "spanish food" is as a nonsence as calling jazz "English music". "
I agree totally Fab. "Hispanic" and "Anglo-Saxon" transcend the meanings of simply, "English" and "Spanish". Spanish speaking Latin-America is of "Hispanic" culture, and they are "Hispanic" nations, but not "Spanish" nations, just as the U.S. is an "Anglo-Saxon" nation, but not "English". No self-respecting American will walk around calling himself an Englishmen, or his food as being, "English" food. My family and I in particular, strongly object to being labled as "Spanish". We're "Hispanic" or "Latino", but we are Mexican, not Spanish (and I'm not referring to my ethnic background). I can't stand when people talk about going to that "Spanish" restraunt, and enjoying Spanish food and Spanish rice. I commonly ask them in a mocking way, how they liked their white rice flavored and colored with octopus ink. lol There are certain cultural attributes such as our cuisine, and the burying of the embilical cord, or the story of the "weeping woman" which we inherited from the native peoples. This is what seperates us from Spain. Not to mention the Atlantic Ocean, lol!
So from this standpoint Sergio, you have to see that we have been invaded by a particular group, the first group in history, that came hear to change our language our culture, and even a large percentage of them want to sent the SW US into Mexican hands.
Esa es su culpa por habernos robado el 55 % de nuestro pais. U.S. Theft of Mexican Territory Did you know that until 1848 California, New Mexico and other portions of the Southwest were internationally recognized provinces of free Mexico, until the U.S. decided it wanted those provinces, declared war on Mexico, and stole them? Read on for the chronology of these events, and then ask yourself : "Who are the real illegal in California?" Prior to 1822 What is today Mexico, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California are all Spanish colonies. 1822 Mexican colonists, following the American revolution, rebel against Spain and win their own revolutionary war, making Mexico a free nation just like America. 1844 James Polk campaigns for the U.S. presidency, supporting expansion of U.S. territories into Mexico. February, 1845 James Polk, on his inagauguration night, confides to his Secretary of the Navy that a principal objective of his presidency is the acquisition of California, which Mexico had been refusing to sell to the U.S. at any price. Early 1845 The Washington Union, expressing the position of James Polk, writes: "...who can arrest the torrent that will pour onward to the West? The road to California will be open to us. Who will stay the march...?" "A corps of properly organized volunteers...would invade, overrun, and occupy Mexico. They would enable us not only to take California, but to keep it." Early 1845 John O'Sullivan, editor of the Democratic review writes it is "Our manifest destiny to overspread the continent ...for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." Early 1845 James Polk promises Texas he will support moving the historical Texas/Mexico border at the Nueces river 150 miles south to the Rio Grande provided Texas agrees to join the union. "The traditional border between Texas and Mexico had been the Nueces River...and both the United States and Mexico had recognized that as the border." (Zinn, p. 148) June 30, 1845 James Polk orders troops to march south of the traditional Texas/Mexico border into Mexican inhabited territory, causing Mexicans to flee their villages and abandon their crops in terror. "Ordering troops to the Rio Grande, into territory inhabited by Mexicans, was clearly a provocation." (Zinn, p. 148) "President Polk had incited war by sending American soldiers into what was disputed territory, historically controlled and inhabited by Mexicans." (John Schroeder , "Mr. Polk's War") Early 1846 Colonel Hitchcock, commander of the 3rd Infantry regiment, writes in his diary: "...the United States are the aggressors....We have not one particle of right to be here....It looks as if the government sent a small force on purpose to bring on a war, so as to have a pretext for taking California and as much of this country as it chooses....My heart is not in this business." May 9, 1846 President Polk tells his cabinet: "...up to this time...we have heard of no open aggression by the Mexican Army." May 10, 1846 Violence erupts between Mexican and American troops south of the Nueces River. Of course Polk claims Mexicans had fired the first shot, but in his famous "spot resolutions" congressman Abraham Lincoln repeatedly challenges president Polk to name the exact "spot" where Mexicans first attacked American troops. Polk never met the challenge. May 11, 1846 President Polk urges congress to declare war on Mexico. May 12, 1846 : Horace Greeley writes in the New York Tribune: "We can easily defeat the armies of Mexico, slaughter them by thousands, and pursue them perhaps to their capital; we can conquer and "annex" their territory; but what then? Who believes that a score of victories over Mexico, the "annexation" of half of her provinces, will give us more Liberty, a purer Morality, a more prosperous Industry...? 1846 Congressman Abraham Lincoln, speaking in a session of congress "...the president unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced a war with Mexico....The marching an army into the midst of a peaceful Mexican settlement, frightening the inhabitants away, leaving their growing crops and other property to destruction, to you may appear a perfectly amiable, peaceful, un- provoking procedure; but it does not appear so to us." after war is underway, the American press comments: February 11, 1847. The "Congressional Globe" reports: "...We must march from ocean to ocean....We must march from Texas straight to the Pacific ocean....It is the destiny of the white race, it is the destiny of the Anglo-Saxon Race." The New York Herald: "The universal Yankee Nation can regenerate and disenthrall the people of Mexico in a few years; and we believe it is a part of our destiny to civilize that beautiful country." American Review writes of Mexicans "yielding to a superior population, insensibly oozing into her territories, changing her customs, and out-living, exterminating her weaker blood." 1846-1848 U.S. Army battles Mexico, not just enforcing the new Texas border at the Rio Grande but capturing Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, and California (as well as marching as far south as Mexico City). 1848 Mexico surrenders on U.S. terms (U.S. takes over ownership of New Mexico, California, an expanded Texas, and more, for a token payment of $15 million, which leads the Whig Intelligencer to report: "We take nothing by conquest....Thank God"). (date unknown) General Ulysses S. Grant calls the Mexican War "the most unjust war ever undertaken by a stronger nation against a weaker one." Primary Source: "We take nothing by conquest, Thank God", in A People's History Of the United States, 1492-Present, Howard Zinn, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. (This book is available on the shelf at virtually every bookstore in America. The New York Times Book Review says it "...should be required reading for a new generation of students...." ) http://academic.udayton.edu/race/02rights/guadalu3.htm
''In French Guiana people speak portuguese too''
I've heard many Brazilians go to French Guiana to ''work'' as beggars. They can earn much more than during the whole year in Brazil.
''No Spanish in the USA. If you don't like it, go back to the third world rat hole you came from. ''
CancĂșn is hardly a rat hole.
''most Norte Americanos de Estados Unidos (lol) can't imagine a Mexican looking any different than a mestizo or Indian''
think Cameron Diaz think Christina Aguillera think Mariah Carey all 3 are Latinas
Hi everybody,
Once again, and Brennus, please don't erase this one. There are two Sergios in this thread. sergio, the one which made a despective comment on the rest of Spanish speakers. Sergio (with "S"), regular visitor. So please, address to the other sergio as he wrote his name!!!!
Sigma, thanks for the link and the information. It was always part of my family lore that we were somehow directly related to President Polk (I don't think anyone ever checked it, though), but I don't think I want to claim him as an ancestor (if he ever was one)!
Another thought about the information Sigma posted is that it's always gratifying to be reminded that when the US engages in imperialistic action, there's still an anti-imperialist contingent in the government.