some languages more beautiful than others?
Christian, I think you've over-reacted. Hulsey didn't say anything about 'evil Nazi pigs', only that s/he finds German and Chinese 'abrasive'. I also have to admit that German is not my favourite-sounding language, and I live in Germany and hear it all day, so I can hardly be accused of anti-German sentiment. I'm sure there are many millions of people who find German a beautiful and fascinating language, and I would never say that they're 'wrong'. It's completely and entirely subjective. I'm sure millions of people dislike the English language - that's their right!
It is true that the German language doesn't have the best image in some countries - either because of how it sounds, or because of negative associations with a certain period of history. However, you're not going to help your cause by describing the US as "a cultural third world country". I would say that the real reason most Americans don't learn German is not because of its image, but because they simply don't need it.
Wow. Christian, for someone who purports to be so "learned" you are freakishly judgemental. As far as Wagner goes, I liked Tristan and Isolde better than some Italian operas. I am also a big fan of Neitzsche-- I believe it was you who went on a rant about Fascism, not me. I also think it is only you who lives in an intellectual third world. The rest of us, including the Germans, the Chinese (those "little yellow commie bastards"), and Americans, left such childish sentiments behind a long time ago. Perhaps you should, too.
As somebody said in the beginning of this endless-theme thread : ALL THIS IS MERELY A PERSONAL OPINION.
You must consider that the way that a language sounds depends in the way the person talks or the geographic zone where he/she lives so it's unfair to judge the whole language. A person could make heard "ugly" a language because he/she has a rough voice or make the same language heard "sweet" because has a nice voice.
If you grew up listening a language it's normal to hear any other "odd" or "ugly" BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR LANGUAGE !!! that simple, that normal! But language it's not only sounds, much important: it's meanings as well. I think one without the other is an incomplete matter to give a judgement.
Things can be really relative.
>>For that reason, I think that Spanish (the kind spoken in Spain, not Latin America) is extremely beautiful. Escpecially those that have the lisp when they pronounce soft "s" words like "hacer".<<
As a native Spanish speaker, I disagree. Frankly, I find European Spanish dreadful to listen to! The Spaniards speak so incredibly fast, it's sometimes difficult to make out what they're saying. And my god, the lisp drives me nuts! I also hate their weird pronounciation of "j", as in "MeJico." The original speakers of the Spanish language among its worst butcherers (ironic indeed!), but if it makes you feel any better, I think the Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Dominican Republic accents are the worst. The Argentine, Mexican, and Colombian accents are the most pleasant to listen to, in my opinion. You don't have to decipher what's being said.
But as has been oft-repeated, all is subjective. But hey, if you want, I can send you some songs by famed Spanish singer Camilo Sesto! Just shoot me an email at hispanicpatriot@gmail.com
Hopeful "I also think Russian is a very beautiful language" i agree with u lol Russian is a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry beautiful language! russkiy samiy krasiviy yazik v mire!
>>For that reason, I think that Spanish (the kind spoken in Spain, not Latin America) is extremely beautiful. Escpecially those that have the lisp when they pronounce soft "s" words like "hacer".<<
>>As a native Spanish speaker, I disagree. Frankly, I find European Spanish dreadful to listen to! The Spaniards speak so incredibly fast, it's sometimes difficult to make out what they're saying. And my god, the lisp drives me nuts! I also hate their weird pronounciation of "j", as in "MeJico." The original speakers of the Spanish language among its worst butcherers (ironic indeed!), but if it makes you feel any better, I think the Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Dominican Republic accents are the worst. The Argentine, Mexican, and Colombian accents are the most pleasant to listen to, in my opinion. You don't have to decipher what's being said.
But as has been oft-repeated, all is subjective. But hey, if you want, I can send you some songs by famed Spanish singer Camilo Sesto! Just shoot me an email at hispanicpatriot@gmail.com <<<<
My behalf on this,
Castilian spanish (castellano) is the traditionally and authentic spanish.
and it possess pulchritude sounds. The "thi-the-tha" ci/ce/za aren't that hard to distinguish if you know mexican spanish or argentinian spanish or
any type of spanish that is pronounced cleary. Castilian is not dreafull to listen, it's actually sexy in the ladies and fearforceful in the guys, I guess you had a bad experience.
Also to add, don't be so ignorant to the truth THE ONLY REASON WHY CASTILIAN PRONOUNCES THE "J" IN MEXICO is for the reason that castilian spanish USE to say it with the "X" but time changed and the "X" in mexico is considered archaic;example
Mexico-mejico(both spelled correctly) but BOTH pronounced the same as
ME-HEE-CO (MEHICO) if it's written like mexico how come it's not pronounced as "ME-XICO" with the latin intonation phonetic. Go figure!
Mexican spanish; rather neutral and melodic at times. It is the standard
based spanish taught among america and it known thru out america.
Not to consider "Mexico" has the most spanish speakers and catholic followers in the world. Thus the mexican spanish is great overall if studied to the furthest extent, and not just basic; as mexicans tend to do. No offense.
Argentinian Spanish; Should be CONSIDERED the closes to latin, because it contains a vast majority of "classcial latin" like in my post. And as a fellow friend said to me Italian and argentinian sound much alike, just without the "llo-lla-lle-llu etc." sho/sha/she/shu. Despiting this who knows perhaps vulgar latin or classical latin sounded like argentinian spanish but with some stress on verbs and some characteristic of castilian spanish on the "R" twirls etc. etc. etc. It's a very beautiful
language especially without the sho/sha/she/shu sounds...but still is with them or without them.
I gave and wrote the message above^^^^
>>Castilian spanish (castellano) is the traditionally and authentic spanish.<<
Of course... just like British English is the traditional and authentic "English." Personally, though, I like the American accent better. The British accent drives me insane...
>>Castilian is not dreafull to listen, it's actually sexy in the ladies and fearforceful in the guys, I guess you had a bad experience.<<
We disagree.
Argentine Spanish is beautiful, and certainly easier to understand and follow. I just like Mexican and Colombian Spanish better... it's smooth, easy to understand... no weird sounds like "shhhhhhh" or "jjjjjjjj" (I couldn't put it better... [grin]).
>>Castilian spanish (castellano) is the traditionally and authentic spanish.<<
Of course... just like British English is the traditional and authentic "English." Personally, though, I like the American accent better. The British accent drives me insane...
>>Castilian is not dreafull to listen, it's actually sexy in the ladies and fearforceful in the guys, I guess you had a bad experience.<<
We disagree.
Argentine Spanish is beautiful, and certainly easier to understand and follow. I just like Mexican and Colombian Spanish better... it's smooth, easy to understand... no weird sounds like "shhhhhhh" or "jjjjjjjj" (I couldn't put it better... [grin]).
Everybody has their different set of norms in their mind and how they perceive things. Back to this, Where did you get jjjjjj? from?
the shhh obviously from argentinian spanish.
Mexican spanish is easier, because they slack on 'ce/ci/za' one theory
sugguests or that it's true. That the spaniards of spain that came to mexico came from "ANDULUCIA" where the lisp sound is dis enabled.
I personally love the british accent and american....and their differenciated pronounciations of certain words like "necessary" and
british english refers to french in how the word looks and is written, while AMERCIAN english differs it and changes it to it's original latin form.
One set of rule you people SHOULD if not known already; which is that the word "Mexico" is a archaic form of spanish. And Mejico is the MODERNIZED way of spelling it. BUT! there both PRONOUNCED the
Old spanish use to pronounce "Mexico" in this manner Me-SHEE-co
New spanish weather it's spelled in the archaic form or not; it's
pronounced "ME-HEE-CO"
If spanish would have kept it Latinized it would've been pronounced as
"ME-XI-CO" like (exito) :) for that reason, some americans misinterpret this, which is not their fault, but the motive being that n the spelling.
keep in mind some names of states of mexico, still possess the old
archaic form and pronounciation.
And yes spanish women have the sexiest accent....my opinion..yours is overruled.
>=And yes spanish women have the sexiest accent....my opinion..yours is overruled. >=
No se es por que yo soy hispanoparlante, pero no estoy de acuerdo, en mi opinión el mejor acento que he escuchado en una mujer es el de la mujer francesa. Sin embargo seria interesante saber que piensan los hablantes no nativos del Español.
El acento tradicional de la mujer española, me parece normal, no me parece feo, pero tampoco me parece bonito. Simplemente lo escucho de una manera normal y natural.
Me parece habeís pillado una mania por discutir todos vosotros.
>>And yes spanish women have the sexiest accent....my opinion..yours is overruled.<<
Not so fast. I'm appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court. ;-)
>>No se es por que yo soy hispanoparlante, pero no estoy de acuerdo, en mi opinión el mejor acento que he escuchado en una mujer es el de la mujer francesa. Sin embargo seria interesante saber que piensan los hablantes no nativos del Español.<<
Para mi el acento mejor es el de la mujer Mexicana. Pero bueno, cada quien su opinion. No te gustan las cantantes Marisela, Beatriz Adriana, Angelica Maria, y Yolanda del Rio, entre otras? Entre cantantes Mexicanos, me gustan Marco Antonio Solis, Joan Sebastian, Roberto Carlos, y Jose Jose.
http://www2.odn.ne.jp/km-osaka/audio/soft/img/0099_03.jpg Que bella es Marisela!
>>And yes spanish women have the sexiest accent....my opinion..yours is overruled.<<
Not so fast. I'm appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court. ;-)
>>No se es por que yo soy hispanoparlante, pero no estoy de acuerdo, en mi opinión el mejor acento que he escuchado en una mujer es el de la mujer francesa. Sin embargo seria interesante saber que piensan los hablantes no nativos del Español.<<
Para mi el acento mejor es el de la mujer Mexicana. Pero bueno, cada quien su opinion. No te gustan las cantantes Marisela, Beatriz Adriana, Angelica Maria, y Yolanda del Rio, entre otras? Entre cantantes Mexicanos, me gustan Marco Antonio Solis, Joan Sebastian, Roberto Carlos, y Jose Jose.
http://www2.odn.ne.jp/km-osaka/audio/soft/img/0099_03.jpg Que bella es Marisela!
MY RESPONSE=----------------->>>
Yes, you are appealing my vote in question. lmao..good joke, sounded kind of cool, though.:)
El acento frances para las mujeres es gracioso y sexy tambien. Pero porque yo se espanol con soltura, me encanta el castellano de las mujeres. Se oye muy erotico; Mi opinion.
El acento mexicano que hablan las mujeres tambien se escucha genial.
Pero, porque muchos lo hablan vulgarmente casi todo el tiempo. Otra cosa que demostrar que los mexicanos casi todos "solamente" le gustan
hablar en el sentido "PASADO Y PRESENTE" Casi nunca los escuchas decir cosas en tenso futurico.
Siempre dicen
Ya fui- (pasado)
ya voy ir- (presente)
ya voy ir- (futuro, los mexicanos asi lo utlizan.) especialmente los americanos y mexicanos asi lo usan.)
Lo correcto seria (yo ire)
Podemos decir que aquel espanol se clama "Espanol vulgar de mexico", que una gran multitud de gentio MEXICANA lo usan. Sin embargo el espanol es genial si consideremos lo "general" que tambien usan. Pero ellos solamente lo usan para leerlo/televison/internet etc...asi como era el latin (clasico) contra el latin vulgar.
Gracias por sus repuestas.
Tiene usted razon. Creo que asi tambien se sienten los Britanicos asi a los Americanos... piensan que su Ingles es corriente y vulgar. Porque los Europeos si sienten superiores a todos? *enojado*
BTW, I'm Mexican-American. :-)