some languages more beautiful than others?

Dhuiran   Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:53 pm GMT
Good that you pointed that out. Anglo=reasonable just sounds ludicrous. Never met Adam.
Sander   Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:47 pm GMT
Tiffany sums it up quite nicely, but there is more;

=>How many languages do you speak Dhuiran? You'll realize that if you find a language besides a Romance language beautiful, some of the Latin posters will try to make fun of you. In particular if you like anything Germanic, they will try to state how "cold", "vulger" and "barbaric" it is. They might go so far as to tell you how all Anglos are "evil". You'll get it soon enough, they don't vary their credo. <=

If you're a speaker of a Germanic language:

- You're a "Germanic" , a modern barbarian.

- "Germanic culture" (supposed combined culture of all countries with a Germanic language) is the most inferior of the world: Beethoven?Bach?Mozart?Spinoza?Rembrand? Dürer? Van Gogh? They all were 'Latin' somehow...

If you like/speak English:
- You must be an uncultured fat ignorant American, excuse me, 'united statisian'.

- You're called an 'Anglo-Saxon' , even if you're a black trilingual american, excuse me, 'united statisian' you're still 'Anglo-Saxon'.

Some historical, geographical, and linguistic 'facts':

- The Allies only liberated France from the Nazis to prevent them from becoming Comunists.

- All 'Latin countries' were innocent. Mussolini, didn't exist not did fascist Italy or Vichy France.

- 'Latin countries' represent democracy, eventhough all of them have had dictators since the French revolution.

- On this forum, Quebec is an independant country.

- Romance (latin) languages, are FAR superior than any other languages.

- German ows it's case system to Latin.

And much much more,

Dhuiran, welcome to an unmoderated language forum full of nationalistic psychopaths!
Dhuiran   Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:03 pm GMT
sweet heavens! what did I get myself into?!
francesco ct   Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:04 pm GMT
i'm italian an my favorite language is spanish
Sander   Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:06 pm GMT
=>sweet heavens! what did I get myself into?! <=

It's not all bad, you just have to look through all the crap.

or try this forum;
fran   Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:09 pm GMT
i think american accent is better than the british accent
Fredrik from Norway   Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:13 am GMT
Actually, I have never heard any language i would classify as ugly!
Il troubador Flordamor   Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:05 am GMT
Il Occitan est la lengua plus bona et beate de la munda!
zoli the hun   Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:58 am GMT
tetszik a magyar nyelv? csodalatos..ritka van meg olyan nyelv mind ezen a vilagon:)
the hungarian language is amazing...but just those ppls will understand that, who speaks it. i personally speak 4 languages. it has so many words, that u can write 3 books, with different words in each. and is very hard to learn. but italian and spanish, are also nice.
Zero   Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:43 am GMT
Let's face it.. Finnish is nice. Chinese is Choppy, French nasely. German is Happy while Japanese is fast.

I prefer vowels.. i hate the sound of arabic... KKKKKTTTTTTTKKKK. sounds like their coughing up hair balls... jkkkkk kkkk i bit like Klingon perhaps? to alien for my English Speach centres to understand.

Chinese is beautifuly simplistic.. Women xiao Zhengua hua, hao bu hao?
lit ( We speak chinese speach, good not good?) I kinda love the logic behind it. (We will speak in chinese, if that ok?)

Japanese is Beautifully logical. its more about the way the words interact with each other and work on one another... I dont see it in english like I do Japanese. The Verb at the end is a nice quirk too!
Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen! nihongo de haneshimasho ka?
I like that!! Japanese (go) by means of let's speak (question)
meaning.. Shall we speak japanese?

French is Germanic so easy for me. I pick it up rapidly and vocab sinks in easier. It is nasaly but think it sound nicer than that of its other indo--european romance language counterparts.
Zero   Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:51 am GMT
Sorry, French is Indo european and a little Germanic....
tiffany the hypocrite   Sat Jan 28, 2006 6:44 am GMT
tiffany the hypocrite >

<<You'll realize that if you find a language besides a Romance language beautiful, some of the Latin posters will try to make fun of you>>

then how come the only foreign language you speak is ITALIAN a Latin language ? Why dont you learn Dutch or German ? Are they too ugly ? LOL
Tiffany   Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:05 am GMT
No, I've just never had the opportunity. I grew up in Miami, FL and because of the high conentration of Cubans, Spanish was the natural choice. Then I met my husband, who is Italian, and it was then natural to learn Italian so I could speak to his family. I love the sounds of many languages, but sadly speak few. I simply don't have the time to devote to all of them. It's just my luck that I have time for Italian as I have built in native resources :)

What does finding a language pretty have to do with speaking it though? I doubt the posters here speak all the languages they find beautiful.

I do find Romance languages beautiful, but I also love the sounds of languages in other families. I don't discriminate.

You have a very odd way of thinking, but you find that sort of thing here. If you're looking for a hypocrite, you might do well to look elsewhere. I'm not sure you really understand the criteria though.
greg   Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:22 am GMT
Zero : le français actuel est une variante moderne de la langue latine avec beaucoup d'influences grecques (récentes & anciennes) au niveau lexical.
Karinka   Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:23 pm GMT
Yeap, but I love russian, english and german languages :)