some languages more beautiful than others?
" El acento frances para las mujeres es gracioso y sexy tambien. Pero porque yo se espanol con soltura, me encanta el castellano de las mujeres. "
Cuando dices que el accento frances es gracioso, a que acceto te refieres ? Porque hay muchos accentos differentes en Francia, que suonan totalmente differente: el parisino (norteno), o el meridional (del sur). Hay tambien los accentos de Belgica, suiza o Quebec que no tienen nada que ver tambien.
A mi me gusta el accento castellano "standard" de una mujer cuando ella habla en Frances, haciendo algunas errores de gramatica o vocabulario...
Tiene usted razon. Creo que asi tambien se sienten los Britanicos asi a los Americanos... piensan que su Ingles es corriente y vulgar. Porque los Europeos si sienten superiores a todos? *enojado*
Es cierto, en el tema "Do you like brazilian portuguese"? hubo una fuerte pelea al respecto entre portugueses y brasileños. Normalmente la queja de los europeos es que los americanos no hablan correctamente la versión continental del idioma (sea Inglés, Portugues, Español). ¿Vosotros los Franceses pensáis que los Québecois hablan mal el Francés?
A mi me gusta el accento castellano "standard" de una mujer cuando ella habla en Frances, haciendo algunas errores de gramatica o vocabulario
A mi me paso lo mismo, no hay nada mas lindo (cute) que escuchar a una mujer francófona hablando Español cuando hace pequeños errores de pronunciación o gramática. Podría pasar horas y horas escuchando como habla, tiene un aire hipnotizante.
"Porque hay muchos accentos differentes en Francia, que suonan totalmente differente: el parisino (norteno), o el meridional (del sur). Hay tambien los accentos de Belgica, suiza o Quebec que no tienen nada que ver tambien"
That brings to my point about both American and French nasality. I have been in Paris, and I find the northern accent to be a little cramped and brusque. As a french speaker (and a moderate spanish speaker) I was tought with a western accent, which is actually English-influenced (Normandy, Brittany, etc.). The accents from the south are (of course) Spanish influenced, which can give them some nasality. Sometimes they are difficult to distinguish between, but the the forceful, rising/falling nasal pitch of Parisioners made me nervous. Maybe its just because the French hate Americans. Hahah. Canadiens have a nice, clear, tinny accent but they also speak a lot of slang, which the Language Academy in France would have a heart attack over.
And I have a (muy bonita) Castillian Spanish woman teaching me Spanish...I don't learn very much from staring at her but she is very nice to listen to! :)
I love American English (their accents are so nice!) I like British English, Spanish (a lot), Italian and French!
I think the best sounding language in the world is Gaelic: either Irish or Scots-they sound like bells ringing when spoken. I prefer the Germanic languages over Romance-not a big fan of the trilled "r" in most Romance languages (I like French tho, since it's r-less). I actually like the harshness of German and Dutch-they sound so crisp and dark, powerful and mechanical. I love Japanese and Korean, which are like the Asian versions of multisyllabic languages but much more crisp than many other multisyllabic languages-I dunno, I kind of like the consonant/vowel thing, it's so mechanical, and I like mechanical languages. I love Cantonese spoken in Hong Kong with the Gen Y accent--which sounds similar to Korean, whereas the baby boomer accent for some reason is less crisp and ends up sounding similar to Thai or Vietnamese-languages I don't really like, sounds muddled. Mandarin from Beijing (when the r's are used less) is the best-sounding Chinese out there. Anyways, nothing IMHO beats the sound of Gaelic!
Dhuiran !
German and Dutch.=mechanical Gaelic: either Irish or Scots
-you just discribed the most unwanted and ugly languages !
mechanical ? why mecanical ? (non spiritual / non emotional ) ?
that is why ?
Gaelic is ugly?! noway! Do you listen to Enya or Secret Garden? It sounds so beautiful when sung.
You might not agree with me on German or Chinese but what about Japanese? It's sounds nice IMHO. oh by mechanical I don't mean nonspiritual. It's just that Japanese have a very rigid phonetical system: each syllable is composed of strictly one consonant followed by a vowel. This is not the case for Germanic languages but they're "mechanical" in the sense they sound more monotoned-I do tend to prefer languages that sound less flowery or less "emotional." Anyways jsut expressing my personal taste.
oh and I love Elvish, both Sindarin and Quenya.
Hulsey : je comprends pas vraiment le sens de tes propos. Si tu voulais dire que les accents normand et breton sont influencés par l'anglais, c'est faux. Si tu penses que les accents méridionaux — car il y en a beaucoup — sont influencés par l'espagnol, c'est faux aussi.
Mais, je te le répètes, j'ai pas vraiment compris le sens de ce que tu disais. Pourrais-tu préciser stp ?
L'accent de la Bretagne est influencé par les langues Celtique "Brythonic," comme "Welsh," "Breton," et "Cornish," n'est-ce pas?
Nederlands is een mooie taal...
Ik akkoord. (Kreeg ik dat correct?)
How many languages do you speak Dhuiran? You'll realize that if you find a language besides a Romance language beautiful, some of the Latin posters will try to make fun of you. In particular if you like anything Germanic, they will try to state how "cold", "vulger" and "barbaric" it is. They might go so far as to tell you how all Anglos are "evil". You'll get it soon enough, they don't vary their credo.
Not that many languages, I'm afraid. I'm sure there are more reasonable Latin people out there in this board. Seems like you aren't one of the credo ones ;-) which is great and I'm guessing you're Anglo?
Anglo does not equate reasonable, ever encountered Adam? Nationalistic british man if I ever saw one. I am "Anglo" in their sense, though I certainly don't feel it.