Italian & Portugese Lexical Similarities

Guest   Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:04 pm GMT
Well said, another thing that I would like to let clear is that Spain didn't receive those funds for free from the European Union. Prior to 1986, when Spain joined in the EU, paradoxically this country was more industralized than nowadays. Now Spain has higher GDP per capita in absolute and relative terms, but appart from tourism and construction the productive activity is somewhat weak. Before 1986 regions like Asturias had a thriving ironwork industry which was dismantled to meet the European requisites (according to Brussels it was not competitive, but the truth is that they didn't want that it competed against Germany's or France's ironwork sectors). Also SEAT , which was the national automobile company, was bought by the Germans in exange of the received funds. Now it's part of the Volkswagen group and one of the most profitable branches. Spain won many things joining the EU and lost others, it wasn't 100% benefical as some say only because Spain received funds from Europe. Instead, Germany and France did receive free funds from USA. The Marshall plan was really an awesome deal for the European countries and not the Eurofunds that Spain received.
greg   Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:08 pm GMT
'Guest' : « 2. The United Kingdom of the 1970's was not as backward and underdeveloped as Spain was before joining the EU. »

Tu plaisantes ?! Tu crois que Thatcher est arrivée par hasard ? D'ailleurs les Britanniques continuent toujours à se faire soigner en France pour éviter de s'arracher leurs dents gâtées avec une clef... anglaise !

'Guest' : « 3. When will that "strong" spanish economy help finance other poorer EU members, e.g. the new members of East Europe? Thus far, Spain has only held the hand open to receive disproportionately large financial support from the EU, thus disfavouring the development of the other smaller and poorer EU members. »

Idem pour le Royaume-Uni qui ne sait que mendier son petit rabais.
guest   Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:38 pm GMT
and Portugal receives lots of Spanish migrants as well - not to mention the scores of Ukrainians, Brazilians and people from all over Portuguese Africa. How such a small country does so much is beyond me. Portugal has always achieved and accomplished much, much more than anyone ever thought possible - and they are only getting started. The world's best kept secret is a secret no longer - - the Swedes, French, Spanish, Germas, Dutch etc., have all assured this fact. The Italians are finding this out too, and they always thought Portugal was nothing. Now thousands of Italians vacation in Portugal every year - and many are repeat tourists! Imagine that.
Carla B.   Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:12 pm GMT
"and Portugal receives lots of Spanish migrants as well"

Y los burros vuelan. Badajoz which isn't the richest city in Spain is infested with Portuguese people. Many Portuguese women go to the hospitals of Badajoz to give birth because they are cleaner and safer.

"not to mention the scores of Ukrainians, Brazilians and people from all over Portuguese Africa. How such a small country does so much is beyond me."

That is nothing compared to the situation in Spain:
"El 70 por ciento de los inmigrantes que viene a España se queda de forma definitiva, y las previsiones para el año 2025 es que en nuestro país se asienten más de 8 millones de nuevos residentes, según el II Anuario de la Comunicación del Inmigrante en España. Además, el anuario destaca que el 9,9 por ciento de las personas que viven en nuestro país es extranjera, por encima de naciones como Francia (9,6%), Alemania (8,9%) o Reino unido (8,1%). “España se ha convertido en el país más multiétnico de la Unión Europea, ya que es el primer receptor de inmigrantes del mundo, sólo por detrás de Estados Unidos”

Anyway I don't consider to receive so many migrants as something to be proud of. Some of them are honest workers but there is a lot of scum that is entering Spain as well. Countries should stimulate native fertility rather than relying on inmigration exclusively like Spain does,IMO.
guest   Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:44 am GMT
Yeah, well the United States for example was built by immigrants. The problem is that instead of spending billions of dollars on military upkeep, the American government should divert some of that money to underdeveloped countries to build up their infrastructures i.e., schools, hospitals, argriculture, industry, etc. In other words, if you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day, but if you teach that person to fish, you feed them for a lifetime! But the U.S.A. doesn't want that, because only of the surest ways to safeguard power is to keep others disenfranchised - the Americans are great at that.

Carla B. no one likes being poor...human beings are not 'scum' as you so ignorantly put it. No one human being is above another, I don't care where you're from, your social standing, or how much money you have. God forbid you are ever in the unfortunate position of poverty.
guest   Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:47 am GMT
So...if Spain is so great, and invest so much money here and there for economic prosperity...why doesn't it do something tangible to help humanity??
PARISIEN   Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:53 pm GMT
<< When the very first part of Portugal was freed form Moorish control, the ruler that was chosen was Henry of Burgundy(now part of France. As what happened to other countries, his peculiar pronounciation of Portugal was imitated by his subjects that's why Portuguese phonology now coincides with that of French especially the nasal sounds of 'n' and 'm' at the end of the word which are nowhwere present in other Iberian speeches >>
-- Les conneries qu'on peut trouver sur Antimoon...
Seulement ici, nulle part ailleurs.
Guest   Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:02 pm GMT
So...if Spain is so great, and invest so much money here and there for economic prosperity...why doesn't it do something tangible to help humanity??

Spain should sterilize you. That would be good for the humanity.
guest   Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:42 pm GMT
Que puto!! Te quiero cortar esa lengua sucia cabron!
Papito   Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:48 pm GMT
Gente, soy Cubano...ustedes no tienen la menor idea el odio que nosotros Cubanos tenemos a los malditos espanoles.
mamita   Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:51 pm GMT
Asi sois de pobres en Cuba. Encima con tanto odiar los aguijones del hambre deben ser peores.
To Carla B   Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:10 am GMT
God may have kept you away from material poverty. Unfortunately he did not protect you from intellectual poverty.
You may not be infesting other rich countries, but you are infesting this forum with your chauvinistic and fascistic crap.
To Greg   Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:42 am GMT
"..D'ailleurs les Britanniques continuent toujours à se faire soigner en France pour éviter de s'arracher leurs dents gâtées avec une clef... anglaise !
Idem pour le Royaume-Uni qui ne sait que mendier son petit rabais."

May be your opinion about the role of the UK within the EU is correct. I don't know. But you could have spared the thing with the bad teeth.
cynthia   Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:25 pm GMT
The person who said Italians are not White is wrong. On an American birth certificate it is listed caucasian for Italians and Sicilian if they are Sicilian and state that is the way they want it listed. Only the Italians and the Sicilians make that distinction at birth otherwise they are listed as caucasian.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:27 pm GMT
I agree that French and Italian are mutually intelligible languages while Italian and Spanish are not.


Parles encore!
Parla ancora!
Habla otro!

Je veux manger.
Io vogio mangiare.
Yo quiero comer.

See how Spanish becomes so different from the 2. Spanish is closer to Portuguese.