Vive Le Quebec libre
OUAIS c'est un pays de merde. J'ai brulé mon passeport comme tous mes frères!!! Je suis quebecois et pas canadien et je vous emmerde! Personne ne me dis qui je suis car je suis bien placé pour le savoir. Le Canada est un peys de merde!!!!!!!!!! Y'a rien au Canada, à part le Quebec tout y est triste et mort!!!
This ridiculous thread ought to be deleted.Anyway, I'm not going to pay anymore attencion to this retards.
Espero que el Parti Québecois gane las elecciones en noviembre próximo, de esta forma habrá un referendum en el año 2008. Y entonces el Québec será reconocido como la nación que es.
Charles de Gaulle was a blind retard, as are you fascist nationalists with your pathetic "mission". The French speaking Quebeckers who are mostly of Anglo-Celtic stock, don't care what the French think; they were left betrayed by the double-faced French.
Quebec won't get independence because the majority don't want it. It's lowbrows like you that make a commotation over nothing; you make the nightly news (so I congratulate you for that) but it stops there.
Quebec won't get independence because the majority don't want it. It's lowbrows like you that make a commotation over nothing; you make the nightly news (so I congratulate you for that) but it stops there.
That's what you think. Keep dreaming.
Charles de Gaulle was a blind retard, as are you fascist nationalists with your pathetic "mission". The French speaking Quebeckers who are mostly of Anglo-Celtic stock, don't care what the French think; they were left betrayed by the double-faced French.
Oh yeah? Should I remember you that England was very happy in seizing land (Canada) that didn't belonged to her.
Canada was a French creation not an English creation.
England took Canada from France by force in the war of the seven years.
All the mess in Canada right now is England's fault for taking Canada by force from France.
<<Le français n'est peut être pas pertinent, mais commence par l'apprendre au lieu e faire des fautes, débile mental. >>
Alors pourquoi faire si c'est inutile comme langue sauf pour parler aux animaux. MDR !
<<au fait, c'est cucu et non pas cul cul, pauvre taré.>>
Je t'encucule ma petite salope !
Sander : c'est un peu facile de jouer les Ponce Pilate après avoir fait le Tartuffe en dénigrant la viabilité du Québec en tant que nation. Je te rappelle que le Québec c'est le Canada et vice-versa.
Greg, this thread didn't need 68 pages of nationalistic and idiotic comments just to find out something we knew from the start.
We agree to disagree.
Close the thread.
Sander : « Fin de discussion ».
C'est ton opinion. Elle est respectable mais peut-être pas partagée par tout le monde. Quand tu déclarais que le Québec ne serait pas viable s'il accédait à l'indépendance, crois-tu qu'il s'agissait d'un propos raisonnable ?
I told you before, I don't care if Quebec gets whatever.And of course my opinion isn't shared by everyone.But, may I remind you, neither is yours.