Vive Le Quebec libre

Canadian   Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:39 pm GMT
I prefer the term 'Canadian' not 'Anglo Canadian' thankyou very much
NYC4Eva   Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:40 am GMT
Hello, I'm European, from France...

I'm intested with the topic of the meaning of "latin" in your country since I was chatting on internet with an american-cuban. she asked me if I liked latin culture, I told her "of course, I'm myself a latin" ! She didnt' understand what I was saying, she told me "you cannot be latin, you are european !"

I understood later that the way the word "latin/latino" is used in your country is completly unapropriate meaning.
To describe a race of mixed-blooded people living in central and south america, and who speak spanish...

This meaning is dump !!
"latin/latino", in Europe has always been used to refer to the cultures and peoples of south-west Europe, those who derives their languages from latin and cultures from roman empire : that is to say ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL and ROMANIA !! And later to some of the former colonies of those countries in America. "latin america" have been named this way to describe the parts of america with a cultural influence of the those latin countries. Some of latin american countries are spanish-speaking, but others are portuguese (200 million people in brazil) and also french. All of them are latin-americans, but only a little part of the population with european origins are latins. (argentina or urugay are almost 80% "genitically" latins, but guatemala is only 5% latin. The others are mixed, "latinized" indians, or non-"latinized" indians...

Us, in France consider ourselves as latins and have been considered as it by the other european countries since thousands of years, like the spanish, italians or portuguese. Each one of those countries have its own history and language and culture but share a commun cultural herency about what we are proud. Espacially for the language (i think latin languages are the most beautiful...)

The "new" meaning of "latin" that some dump and ignorant americans have been inventing to describe a "central/south american race" (that even doen't exist) is quikly spreeding all over the world because of the internet... Us, in europe we are shooked with that steal of identity. We are even more shoked to see that for most americans this term is depreciative...

I hope you'll work to learn the real meaning of the words to to your ignorant compatriots and medias
Sigma   Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:55 am GMT
To all the Anglo-Saxons of Canada and United States who are writing here:

Check this link to solve your questions about the Latinicity:
*CarloS*   Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:58 am GMT
>>>Hello, I'm European, from France...

I'm intested with the topic of the meaning of "latin" in your country since I was chatting on internet with an american-cuban. she asked me if I liked latin culture, I told her "of course, I'm myself a latin" ! She didnt' understand what I was saying, she told me "you cannot be latin, you are european !"

I understood later that the way the word "latin/latino" is used in your country is completly unapropriate meaning.
To describe a race of mixed-blooded people living in central and south america, and who speak spanish...<<<

Hey... I've heard this story before...!!! The problem is that if you tell a 'United Statian' that countries like France and Italy are Latin they'll look at you as if you were saying those countries were Hispanic.
Aldebarán   Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:57 am GMT
That because some of the are extremely ignorant Carlos and they call themselves first world. Yeah they have the money and the progress but they have absolutely zero culture.
Guest   Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:13 am GMT
>>The "new" meaning of "latin" that some dump and ignorant americans have been inventing to describe a "central/south american race"<<

That's like the word "Anglo-Saxon" that ignorant Romance speaking peoples have been using erroneously.
greg   Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:08 pm GMT
Le mot « anglo-saxon » s'applique parfaitement pour caractériser les anglophones (dont l'anglais est langue maternelle) vivant dans un pays ou une société où l'anglais est langue officielle ou majoritaire.
Javier   Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:25 pm GMT
Donc on peut utiliser « anglo-saxon » pour caracteriser l'Inde et plusieurs pays de l'Afrique.
Guest   Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:15 pm GMT
Donc on peut utilzer "Latin" pour caracteriser Vietnam et L'Indochine
Paul   Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:32 pm GMT
Sovereigntists argue that although they lost the 1995 referendum by only 1.2 percentage points - 50.6 per cent to 49. 4 per cent - the result was still an improvement on the first referendum in 1980 when they were beaten by 20 percentage points.

At that time, then-premier Rene Levesque told distraught supporters to "wait until next time" - advice sovereigntists have again been faithfully following since 1995.

Back in 1980, the sovereigntist of Quebec were much closer to winning in the Polls than you suggest. Check your figures.

The average Qubecer, although he would certainly prefer to see a Sovereign Quebec Government, is perfectly aware that it reduce the country to the level of the Latino countries in South America, where political rivalry takes precedence over intelligant thought and practical politics.

He also detests Referendums, because it generates so much hatred inside small business and unions and other community and social organizations. And it even creates civil wars inside families.
People have not been allowed to remain neutral on these issues.
The Sovereigntist insist that eveyone stands up to counted.
I prefer not to be forced to choose, myself.

Still, Canada is a democracy, and they are allowed to separate if they can get a clear majority without misleading the voters.
But what is to stop the dis-satisfied voters in smaller communities, (Say the Ile de Montreal from example) from joining back up with Canada at a later date?

Quelle pointe?

Regards, Paul
Tiffany   Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:46 pm GMT
There is a difference between the words "Latin" and "Latino" in English. One refers to people of Latin Europe. The other, the other, the people of Latin America. We've gone over this before, and I see no need to revisit the issue. Last time, you all believed what you wanted to believe ("They think Latin means brown people!"). I see no reason why this time would be any different, as you all recycle arguments that have already been discussed.
greg   Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:22 am GMT
Si An <Latin> est utilisé pour la Romanie d'Europe tandis que An <Latino> s'applique à la Romanie américaine, ça veut dire que les Québécois, les Fransaskois, les Franco-ontariens et autres Franco-manitobains sont des « latinos » ?
Guest   Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:04 am GMT
Southern and Central Americans who migrate to the US prefer to be known as "Latinos", so US Americans refer to them as such. And no, "Québécois, les Fransaskois, les Franco-ontariens et autres Franco-manitobains" do not feel the same way.
Guest   Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:11 am GMT
US Americans => Northern Americans to include Canada. I'm sure the French speaking Canadians are familiar with "Latino" as well, in accordance with the above description.
Guest   Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:55 pm GMT

l'Indochine n'existe plus, le vietnam n'a jamais été une colonie français maus U.S.