Vive Le Quebec libre

Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:01 pm GMT
US Americans => Northern Americans to include Canada. I'm sure the French speaking Canadians are familiar with "Latino" as well, in accordance with the above description.

"Guest do not speak for us". We Québecois don't feel the same way as you said.
That's exactly the Anglo attitude that I cannot wait to get rid of it

Check this speech you can see the entire document inside the achives of the official website of the government of Québec.

Former prime minister Bernard Landry said the Québec is a Latin nation in if front of the eyes of all the nations in the Americas.
He said that in Spanish.
He was very clear saying that is possible to be both North American and also Latin American thanks our French culture.

“Ahora digamos unas palabras sobre Quebec. La mayoría de ustedes saben qué es Quebec. Quebec es una nación. Una nación de siete millones y medio de habitantes, de personas. Somos los latinos del norte. La nación de Quebec es una nación latina. En todos los sentidos de la palabra. Y sí, es verdad, vivimos en el norte. Es posible estar en el norte y ser latino al mismo tiempo. Nuestros amigos que viven aquí dicen que, en Quebec, sólo hay dos estaciones: el invierno y la del tren. No es verdad. No es verdad. Y cuando tenemos problemas con el frío, el calor del corazón nos contenta y equilibra”.

Yes, Québec is a nation. Québec is a nation without the complete national status of one, that’s for sure. You know very well our debate.

Allocution du premier ministre du Québec, M. Bernard Landry, à l’occasion d’une réception de bienvenue offerte aux représentants du Sommet des peuples des Amériques

Québec, le lundi 16 avril 2001

There is a difference between the words "Latin" and "Latino" in English. One refers to people of Latin Europe. The other, the other, the people of Latin America. We've gone over this before, and I see no need to revisit the issue. Last time, you all believed what you wanted to believe ("They think Latin means brown people!"). I see no reason why this time would be any different, as you all recycle arguments that have already been discussed.

That's a big damn LIE, Uriel was the one who said the last 2 definitions in order to cover their ignorant Country motivated by her huge "American nationalism".

Latino is a US made definitions which is totally wrong.
Latin is the true european definition.
Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:11 pm GMT
Des Latins du Nord ? L’identité culturelle québécoise dans le contexte panaméricain ”

Nul doute qu’ils sont, plus particulièrement, nord-américains. Mais nous croyons avoir apporté des arguments pour affirmer qu’ils sont aussi des Latins de l’Amérique du Nord. Cet héritage culturel, essentiel pour saisir leur américanité distinctive, reste pourtant à être découvert et approprié par les Québécois eux-mêmes.

L’identité culturelle québécoise dans le contexte panaméricain Auteur Victor Armony Département de sociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:13 pm GMT
I'm sick of the Anglo-Saxon arrogance.
Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:04 pm GMT
From Sébastien post:

Oh, and yes Québec is a latin country since we speak french, a romance language, and most of our ancestors were french. Culturally speaking we are latins even if we are influenced by our english-speaking neighbors, of course. The mentality between the quebecers and the rest of Canada is still different.
Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:05 pm GMT
Québec nationalism is not ethnic but civic. All citizens residing on Québec territory are Quebecers. Québec has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees equality to all citizens. Québec's official language is FRENCH and ALL new immigrants are obligated by law to send their children to French-speaking schools. Québec has fought for more than 3 centuries to protect its own culture in spite of massacres perpetrated by the british troops, their attempts to assimilate or isolate us etc...then I find your remarks about our supposed passivity to protect our culture quite offensive.
Trunks   Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:06 pm GMT
Anglo Canada without Quebec is an identical twin of the United States. It would be great for both countries if Quebec decided to go its separate way to merge and form one country. Ontario would have a land bridge with New Brunswick via New York State, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine
greg   Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:28 pm GMT
Si le Québec-Labrador quitte le "Canada", celui-ci devra se trouver un autre nom.
Guest   Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:02 am GMT
Trunks has had too much to drink and it's affecting his ability to think outside of his provincial sphere. But his provincial arrogance serves his peasant mentality rather well.

If he had a clue he would look up "Latino" and "Latin" in a dictionary -- an ENGLISH dictionary -- and see how wrong he is.
Trunks   Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:06 am GMT
And "Guest" if you had any clue you would look up "Latin" in any FRENCH OR SPANISH dictionary and see how wrong you are.

Plus I found the definition of this link provided in other post very interesting:

You are merely showing your immense Anglo- Saxon arrogance, because you think that the only true definition is the "English" one.
seperatists are stupid!!   Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:10 am GMT
Like the other guy said WHAT WOULD QUEBEC BE WITH NO CANADA.....................NOTHING!!!! u people have to put it in your little minds and start believing it
Trunks   Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:48 am GMT
Anglo Canadians keep dreaming.

The lie of a bilingual Canada is dead since a long ago.

We Québecois are the nation that France leave in America.

We will be free in the next referendum.

Watch how you Anglo pride is crushed the next time in the referendum.

Trunks   Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:52 am GMT


VIVE LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*CarloS*   Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:19 am GMT
>>>There is a difference between the words "Latin" and "Latino" in English. One refers to people of Latin Europe. The other, the other, the people of Latin America. We've gone over this before, and I see no need to revisit the issue. Last time, you all believed what you wanted to believe ("They think Latin means brown people!"). I see no reason why this time would be any different, as you all recycle arguments that have already been discussed.<<<

"Latino" is the Spanish word for "Latin"... This has caused great confussion though...

Like: "He's Latin, he's from Mexico" / "El es latino, el es de Mexico."


Tiffany   Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:04 am GMT
Guest was not me, but

"And "Guest" if you had any clue you would look up "Latin" in any FRENCH OR SPANISH dictionary and see how wrong you are."

The point is that we're speaking English. It doesn't matter what it says in those dictionaries. In English, it only matters what it says in the English dictionary. And that was guest's point.
Tiffany   Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:12 am GMT
By the way, who do you all think started "Latino"?

Given the large population of people who hail from places like Chile, Venezuala, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico etc that came to the USA, I'm pretty sure they started calling themselves "Latino" and it caught on.

I'd ask what the rest of you thought, but I'm sure I'll get answers like, "The damned Anglo-Saxons..." I'd love to hear legitimate responses though.