Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:45 pm GMT
The French raped natives in America?
Guest   Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:52 pm GMT
<The French raped natives in America? >

Well the Europeans started in search of new colonies this was at first a 'Male only' play field. When they did they would of been at sea for months on end and thus their 'needs needing to be taken care of'.

In most cases native women would rounded up and raped by them unknown to their wives or girlfriends back in Europe.

This wasn't only committed by the French but by most Colonists.
Guest   Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:53 pm GMT
*playing field
Guest   Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:57 pm GMT
A while back, someone from Quebec complained about having the British Queen's likeness on (some?) Canadian coins. Question: Does the Canadian governement have the authority to use some other design, if they choose to, or are they legally bound to keep the monarch's portrait on these coins?
latoya renaqs   Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:17 pm GMT
i think that .....iraq shud stop fighting:)
Guest   Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:49 pm GMT
Guest   Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:14 pm GMT
Pardon the metadiscussion, but it looks like this thread's finally running out of gas. At this rate, it looks like we're not going to set the new length record for Antimoon threads (which is 1629+).
Guest   Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:54 pm GMT
please close this stupid thread.
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:02 am GMT
No way don't close it.

By closing this tread is an attack to the liberty of expression itself.
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:04 am GMT
Keep dreaming Anglo Canadians, you can close this, but you cannot close the spirit of the Québecois.

You coldn't close it for centuries, what makes you think you can close it now?
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:14 am GMT
Why did Quebec pass the language laws The language laws were a result of the English Canadians and Businesses setting up shop in a direct attempt to undermine Quebec. Quebec’s rigorous enforcement of these language laws opens Quebec to constant assault and insults by the media, and opinion sections across Canada. Look at how Quebec was treated throughout the sponsorship scandal!

Assimilation (

The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.

Assimilation, genocide call it whatever you want, it is the same thing!

Because this forum attempts to reduce this to a language difference exemplifies this site tows the view of the Canadian Federation. The Canadian Federation has always refused to acknowledge the existence of ethnic Quebeckers/Nouvelle France people.

This report touches on a lot of what Quebec is about.

What must be realized, Quebec is the result of a colony (Nouvelle France) captured by the British Monarch. Quebec made a deal with this monarch for language rights (section 133 of BNA act is testament to that fact) and the right to manage their own affairs. Who made that deal with the British Monarch? Ethnic Quebeckers, Ethnic Nouvelle France ancestors It is the heritage of anyone with last names such as Bouchard, Champlain, Parizeau, Duceppe, Lapierre. Genealogy records could easily be searched to establish Quebec Heritage. Like the First Nations people, Canada has refused to acknowledge the existence of Ethnic Quebeckers.

Because of the arrangements made with the British Monarch, Quebec has established

1/ A distinct form of Government of ethnic Quebeckers / Nouvelle France creation.
2/ Has established Quebec to use the Native Language of Ethnic Quebeckers/Nouvelle France ancestors: French!
3/ Has created a culture that is unique to Quebec and based on French.
4/ Quebec exists because of the efforts of ancestors of Ethnic Quebeckers / Nouvelle France.

Quebec has a distinct political system, language, culture, and ethnic origin, than the rest of Canada, hence distinct society.

Any move by the Canadian government or English Canadians to assimilate Quebec to the rest of Canada is Genocide Any effort to hijack Quebec with the influx of immigrants to Quebec and assimilate those immigrants into the English Communities and in turn use these immigrants down the road to undermine Quebec’s distinct society is genocide! Hence the results in the 1995 referendum


The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

Of course there are those who have betrayed Quebec and who have decided to become the Negro Kings of the white niggers of America. They have sold the Quebec people out long ago.


Anyone who is an ethnic Quebecker and speaks against Quebec, has joined the ranks of the Negro Kings! Rather than get on side and push Canada into acknowledging the people of Quebec and Quebec’s distinct society; they have prostituted themselves to the Canadian Federation at the expense of the struggles of the Quebec people. Shame on you These Negro Kings look the other way while English Canadians and the Canadian Government carries out their genocidal policies towards Quebec. If you insist! Assimilation policies.

Genocide is Genocide.

To reconcile Quebec to Canada, the only solution is to approach Queen Elizabeth and have her amend the constitution to reflect

1/ Quebec’s distinct form of Government
2/ Quebec’s official language
3/ Quebec’s right to oversee all institutions in Quebec
4/ The Acknowledgement of Ethnic Quebeckers/ Nouvelle France ancestors
5/ Any matters affecting Quebec’s Heritage, Culture, Language, and Political structures must get Quebec Government approval.

Given the influx of people and the hate that exists towards Quebec there is no way the constitution would be amended by the people of Canada to reflect these changes. Canada’s only option is for Queen Elizabeth to make those changes. Good luck with that!

On the other hand, the Canadian Government and the People of Canada can continue their genocidal / Assimilation actions towards Quebec and these actions can and will be documented and will be used against you in the court of law.

For anyone who is interested, this is the link to the international court of justice

It appears I was wrong. If Quebec were to secede, a military force from one of the United Nation members would need to come into Canada and grab Canada by the Scruff of the neck and haul its ass before this International Court of Justice Oh, by the way all you Quebec Haters, French Haters, and Negro Kings, the International Court of Justice has two official languages: French, and English

All laws, all policies, all media will be scrutinized from 1949 on, to build a case of genocide against Canada

Who is going to grab Canada by the scruff of the neck
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:17 am GMT
There's plenty of "gas" left for this thread even you like it or not dear Anglo Canadians and company.
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:24 am GMT
International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

March 9, 2005

Dear Sir/Madam

And to the 181 other members of the United Nations; This is to inform you that the Canadian Federation is in violation of Resolution 260 (III) of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.

The Canadian Federation has been on a campaign to assimilate ethnic Quebeckers and the Nation of Quebec to a single language, single culture society: the English society. Through arrangements with the British Monarch, and the efforts of Ethnic Quebeckers , Quebec embodies

1/ A distinct form of Government of ethnic Quebeckers / Nouvelle France creation.
2/ Has established Quebec to use the Native Language of Ethnic Quebeckers/Nouvelle France ancestors: French!
3/ Has created a culture that is unique to Quebec and based on French.
4/ Quebec exists because of the efforts of ancestors of Ethnic Quebeckers / Nouvelle France.

Because Quebec has a distinct political system, language, culture, and ethnic origin, than the rest of Canada, hence distinct society.

The Canadian Federation has attempted to use the weight of nine provinces to impose a new constitution on the people of Quebec in 1982. Quebec was not a part of the process and this constitution ignored the distinct society of Quebec. There are elements of this 1982 constitution that are in breach of this UN Resolution. Quebec tried at lengths for the Canadian People to bring Quebec into the constitution but the people of Canada maintained its position of the majority imposing itself on the minority: the ethnic Quebecker and the Nation of Quebec.

If you read through a report Intellectuals for the Sovereignty of Quebec

“As for the opposition by new Quebecers and those whose first language is neither English nor French, several other factors come into play. They are most often integrated into the English-speaking community, and the federalist policies of bilingualism and multiculturalism support them in this choice. Indeed, the bilin-gualism policy allows them to integrate into the English-speaking community anywhere in Canada, and this includes Quebec, while the multiculralism policy conceils the existence of a welcoming community in which French is a common language. Their primary loyalty is to the country that welcomed them, Canada, a country which incidentally still makes its new immigrants swear allegiance to the Queen when they become citizens.”

Canada’s immigration policies is an act of Genocide as outlined by Resolution 260 (III) of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.

Article 2

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Ethnic Quebeckers are often stereotyped as Conquered, Abandoned, and I apologize in advance white niggers. The history of North America is what it is, and people have built up biases to elevate their perception/version of history. This puts the Quebecker/Ethnic Quebecker at a disadvantage. One would only have to look at the Statue of Liberty and wonder how that came about to unravel North America. If you scrutinize the various media and opinion sections across Canada you will find content in violation of

Article 2

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.


The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide

All policies, all legislation, and actions from 1949 on will be gauged and scrutinized against this UN Resolution to build a case of Genocide against the Canadian Federation.

I ask the United Nations and the 180 other members to halt Canada’s genocidal polices that undermine Quebec’s distinct society. I ask the United Nations or one of the other 180 other members to act as a depository for evidence to be used in a case of Genocide against The Canadian Federation. I ask the United Nations to monitor Canada’s future policies towards Quebec to maintain the integrity of Quebec’s Distinct Society. I ask should Canada’s future policies intrude upon Quebec’s Distinct Society that the United Nations or one of the other 180 members of the United Nations step in and ensure Resolution 260 (III) of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 is maintained. I ask the United Nations that once sufficient evidence has been acquired, that the United Nations or one of the 180 other members of the United Nations bring the Canadian Federation before the International Court of Justice!

Should the United Nations or one of its 180 other members choose to act as a depository for evidence I ask you to forward this address to the Québécois block 3750 Cremazie Is, Office 307, Montreal, (Quebec) HÀ 1B6 Telephone: (514) 526-3000 Telecopier: (514) 526-2868 and Parti québécois 1200, avenue PapineauBureau 150 Montréal (Québec) H2K 4R5. They in turn can announce on their websites respectively, that they will act as intermediary to the depository for such evidence.


Ethnic Quebecker/Nouvelle France
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:31 am GMT
=please close this stupid thread.=

Are you calling the right of freedoom stupid???
Geeeeeeee how hypocrite you are.
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:49 am GMT
Le gouvernement fédéral devrait au moins promouvoir l'unité canadienne dans le respect de nos lois. C'est scandaleux, même si ils sont loin d'être les seuls à violer cette loi, je trouve encore plus inacceptable que le gouvernement fasse de même.